Lin Yi had a very strange dream. In the dream, he was in chaos, not knowing time or space, and all perception was lost.

No matter what he said or did, he couldn't leave that chaos.

He didn't know how much time had passed before his consciousness suddenly became clear.

When Lin Yi regained consciousness, his first feeling was that his head was dizzy and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, he noticed the two people next to him.

The clothes these two people wore were completely different from the clothes worn by the disciples of Yaowang Valley.

He couldn't help but frown and asked: "Who are you? This is the forbidden area of ​​my Medicine King Valley, how did you get in!"

"You know, trespassing into the forbidden area of ​​my Medicine King Valley is a death penalty!"

Zhao Bufan and Zhu Qi looked at each other, Yaowang Valley?

Does Guanshan Mansion have such a sect? No!

Is there such a sect in Zizhou? No!

As for the State of Zhao, well, with the knowledge of the two of them, they are not worthy of the power of the entire State of Zhao.

"This, this young master." Zhao Bufan explained: "This is the medicine field of my Xiaoyao Sect, not the forbidden land of the Medicine King Valley that the young master said."

"As for the Yaowang Valley you mentioned, we in Guanshan Mansion and even the entire Zizhou have never heard of such a sect."

"Two and a half years ago, you suddenly fell into a pool near the medicine field. I rescued you."

"Two, two and a half years ago?" Lin Yi was horrified when he heard this. He had never heard of Xiaoyao Sect, Guanshan Mansion, and Zizhou!

"No, it's been two and a half years and I haven't contacted my family. My parents must be worried, as well as Ling'er."

Lin Yi's mind was very confused now. He only remembered that as a medicinal disciple of Yaowang Valley, he collected the dew grass and discovered the magical effect of the mysterious round beads. He used the credit gained from handing in the dew grass to go to Medicinal materials are grown in a heavily guarded valley in Yaowang Valley.

I don't know anything about the others.

Hearing what this strange young man said, Lin Yi felt that he should first tell his family that he was safe.

However, when Lin Yi stood up, he realized that the clothes he was wearing were no longer the clothes worn by the outer disciples of Yaowang Valley.

I don’t know what the material of the clothes he was wearing at this time was, but they felt of good quality and were extremely comfortable to wear.

And the surrounding environment is not his cabin.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately rushed out of the cabin.

Sure enough, this place was no longer the small valley, but a small hill among the mountains.

"What happened?"

Lin Yi frowned. He felt that he should have experienced a lot of things, but now he didn't remember anything. He only remembered his identity as an outer disciple of Yaowang Valley.

"Here, this young master." Zhao Bufan came to Lin Yi's side: "Are you okay?"

As he said that, he pulled Zhu Qi over: "You just woke up. My friend is a doctor. He was the one who healed you. Why don't you let him take a look at it for you?"

Lin Yi nodded immediately after hearing this.

Although I don't know these two people, being able to take care of him for two and a half years shows that these two people are good people.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Qi immediately came to Lin Yi, helped Lin Yi feel his pulse, and asked about Lin Yi's condition.

After a while, Zhu Qi came to the conclusion: "Sir, you have temporary amnesia due to congestion in the brain."

"Now that the bruises have been shattered by me, after the bruises are absorbed by you, your memory will be completely restored, so don't panic."

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and immediately held up his hands and said: "I won't thank you enough for your kindness. My name is Lin Yi. In the future, wherever you can use me, just say so!"

Although I don’t know what memories I have forgotten, no matter what, with that mysterious ball around, repaying a favor is a piece of cake!

Zhao Bufan and Zhu Qi were immediately excited when they heard this.

Lin Yi seemed to have an extraordinary background at first glance. They expected to receive some huge rewards, but some small requests were also acceptable, right?

As for not giving back at all?

Forget it, it's a life-saving grace after all, and it would be weird if you don't want anything in return.

Especially when Zhu Qi also guessed that Lin Yi was an immortal, he would not give up this only opportunity to contact the immortal.

After the two and Lin Yi got to know each other, Zhu Qi left the medicine field.

As for Lin Yi, he lived in this medicine field.

Speaking of which, Lin Yi also knew where the mysterious ball had gone. Anyway, Lin Yi searched all over his body and couldn't find it.

However, I found a few rings on my body. I don't know why I wore so many rings when I had nothing to do. One was worn on my finger and three were worn around my neck as necklaces. They didn't look very good.

I still have to wait until my memory recovers to know all this.

Lin Yi was sitting in a daze in front of the wooden house. After seeing Zhao Bufan hoeing the grass in the medicinal field, he began to practice knife skills with a wooden knife. Lin Yi became interested.

Relying on instinct, Lin Yi picked up a wooden stick in front of the wooden house: "Feifan, come, let's practice."

"Okay!" Zhao Bufan was immediately delighted. He had been alone in this medicine field for three years and had no one to spar with him.

Now, he finally has a rival.

"Then you have to be careful!"

As Zhao Bufan said this, he immediately waved his wooden knife and struck Lin Yi.

However, Lin Yi didn't move, and the branch hit Zhao Bufan's arm at a tricky angle.

In pain, Zhao Bufan dropped his wooden knife to the ground.

"This..." Zhao Bufan looked at Lin Yi in shock.

He never thought that Lin Yi's strength was so strong.

As a top-level master, he could feel Lin Yi's breath.

Lin Yi did not have internal strength. Although his blood and qi were strong, blood and qi were just blood and qi, which could not be compared with internal strength.

But Lin Yi still knocked down his weapon with one move. Even if he was a master, he could do this, right?

"Brother Yi, you are too powerful!"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded, and he didn't know he was so powerful.

In his only memory, he had never practiced gun skills. It was obviously practiced in the missing memory.

But he looked only in his early twenties. It had only been a few years. He had already reached the point where he could knock down the weapon of a top-level master with one shot?

"Could it be that I am really a genius?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel complacent. He lost his memory, but now he has regained the character of the disciple who first came to the small valley to grow medicine. Vigorous and energetic.

Zhao Bufan's eyes rolled, and he immediately bowed to Lin Yi: "Brother Yi, how about you accept me as your apprentice? I don't want to learn swordsmanship anymore, I want to learn spearmanship from you!"

"This." Lin Yi fell into hesitation.

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