Now that it's clear that it was just Xun Tianxiao's personal behavior, he can put things in order with peace of mind.

In Gray Rock City, the territory of the Shangguan family, a conspiracy is being planned. Shangguan Jinhong does not put his hope of destroying the enemy in Xun Tianxiao. The value of Xun Tianxiao is to solve the risk of good and evil law enforcement. In order to eliminate the strong men who suddenly intervened in Qianzhu Sect, Shangguan Jinhong planned to persuade the other three major families to stand firmly on his side.

To convince them to deal with such a strongman together, words alone are not enough.

The corresponding post-event benefits were promised, as well as the most important guarantee of success probability. For this reason, while he went to see Xun Tianxiao, he sent people early to invite strong reinforcements, which had already arrived.

There were three people in total, two men and one woman.

In the meeting hall, each family took their seats in turn. After the Shangguan exchanged greetings, he pointed at the old man in a robe at the head of the guests and solemnly introduced to everyone: "I believe everyone has heard of this. He is the Kuzhu Taoist who went out to the far west. He is outside. After many years of wandering, I have now advanced to the late stage of Jindan. This time I invited you back and promised to deal with Qianzhu Sect together."

Everyone was greatly surprised and stood up to greet him one by one.

The head of the Huang family complimented: "Huang has heard the name of Taoist Friend Bitter Bamboo more than once. He is an expert in casual cultivation who has only appeared in the far west for thousands of years. He is a wood-based Taoist who is rare in the world. It seems that this time Brother Shangguan is well prepared..."

The other two families also greeted each other politely, but their expressions were still hesitant.

Their desire to take action is not strong. Although they are more inclined to the Shangguan family, it is difficult to make up their mind to take risks if they are not fully sure.

Shangguan Jinhong also knew this. After Kuzhu Taoist smiled and returned the gift, he turned to look at the other two people. These two people were middle-aged and dressed very strangely. One was all black and the other was all white. At the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir, he looked dignified, but extremely arrogant, faintly overpowering the Kuzhu Taoist who came to help him.

Everyone seemed to have guessed their origins, and everyone looked at them waiting for Shangguan to introduce them.

However, the woman took the initiative to speak: "Fellow fellow Taoists, I am as white as frost. This is my husband Mo Cheng. Everyone must have told me that we are here to help. You can rest assured."


"It turns out to be Yin Yang Valley. The two Taoist friends known as Black and White Shuangsha seem to be really sure this time!"

"Yes, I heard that the two Taoist friends have inherited the inheritance from the old man Shuang Jue. Even if they fight alone, they can attack and kill ordinary late-stage Jindan monks. They are even better at a Yin and Yang combined attack technique, which is specially used to trap and kill powerful enemies. Once they are attacked, , even if the golden elixir is in the late stage, it will not be able to escape. If we cooperate with Brother Shangguan, fellow Taoist Kuzhu, and our combined efforts, even if that person is an old monster with fake infant cultivation, he will not be able to escape death..."

The head of the Huang family was very excited, and the sound was heard.

Others were also shocked, and subconsciously nodded in approval. It was true that the Black and White Shuangsha's previous record was undeniable. They were considered professional "killers" in the world of immortality, and were specially hired for similar tasks.

Shangguan Xueling, who was allowed to attend the meeting, could not maintain her composure at this time.

When she left Qianzhu Cult, that person told her that if the four families didn't give up, then don't think about persuasion and just try your best to convey information to him. At this time, she couldn't help but be shaken. Facing such a lineup, even if that person was strong Even Gao Qiang might not be able to match him, and if he comes rashly, he is still in danger of death.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Xueling's thoughts changed rapidly.

I thought about conveying the message quickly, telling that person not to come out, and to go as far away as possible.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Jinhong was on guard at this time. When they were discussing setting up a trap, they put Shangguan Xueling under house arrest and watched, and began to arrange formations on the spot to lure the opponent to come.

We didn't let them wash their necks before. As long as they dare to come, there will be no return.

As a result, before they had finished setting up, the Shangguan tribe reported that a tall man who claimed to be Qianzhujiao Keqing fell from the sky. The tribe had already arrived in the city before they had time to activate the formation. They were so frightened by his cultivation that the tribe did not dare to stop them. Now I am afraid, Almost found this place.

"Hmph, you came just in time!"

Black and white, the woman in white had a blush on her eyebrows. She licked her tongue and felt a bloodthirsty greed.

Shangguan Jinhong was a little gloomy, especially when he saw that the formation traps had not been set up yet, and the golden elixirs from other major families had different expressions. He couldn't help but secretly cursed, how could this person come by such a coincidence.

For today's plan, if you are not prepared, you can only fight.

Of the three families, except for the obedient Huang family, the other two families are just helpless people, but as long as they have the upper hand, they will take action.

After thinking about it, he turned to the Black and White Shuangsha, Kuzhu Taoist and other main reinforcements: "Three fellow Taoists, since the other party has arrived in advance, we will not consider traps and ambush. Later, we only need to cooperate with my Shangguan family's disciples to set up an array and directly trap and kill this person." hunt"

Taoist Kuzhu nodded, his face solemn.

The black and white demons smiled, and there was a kind of morbid excitement on the woman's face: "Mo Lang, hehehehe, it's been a long time since I hunted such a master, I feel a little nostalgic..."

The man who seemed to be silent had an even more terrifying evil aura.

He nodded slightly and looked at the woman with soft eyes, which slowly turned into a cold murderous intention. Then he heard a "bang" outside, the ground shook, Shangguan Jinhong's expression changed drastically, there were restrictions reinforced by the family over the generations. Even if you take action personally, you can't break it.


As he spoke, the man in black held a black blade and turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

It was so fast that even Xu Qingyang couldn't help but say "Hey". He didn't expect to meet a murderous assassin who practiced the branch of evil spirit. He immediately cheered up and swept through thousands of troops with a stick. There was a muffled "pop" sound and flesh and blood flew everywhere. .

Play melee assassin and treat me as a squishy one!

As Xu Qingyang thought about this, the woman in white had collapsed, looking at the blood and flesh on the ground in disbelief.

The others were even more frightened. They were the famous black and white evil spirits, known for their fastest killing speed, like poisonous snakes, appearing and disappearing, making it hard to guard against. The black evil spirits, who were extremely feared, didn't even make it through a round, and died directly as if they were sending themselves to death. They didn't even see clearly what happened.

After a short silence, the woman in white let out a series of shrill screams.

"Mo Lang, ah ah ah ah, I want you to pay with your life!!"

As she said this, she released the magic weapon, and turned into a white light and shadow on the spot. Several flashes were everywhere, real and fake, rushing towards Xu Qingyang from all directions. Others also reacted, but most of them did not move.

Shangguan Jinhong pinched his hands and shot out two small copper snakes.

The Kuzhu Taoist turned and ran. He was not a killer like the Black and White Demons who cultivated evil spirits and had a murderous heart. As a casual cultivator, the most important thing for him to get to where he is today is to judge the situation. Not to mention the cultivation of the person who came, his strength has exceeded his expectations. The best choice is to withdraw in time, anyway, there will be no loss.

It’s a pity that he shouldn’t have come today. It’s not easy to leave after coming here.

“Silver Moon!”

He shouted softly, and a silver light shot out, turning into a silver giant wolf. After a few jumps, he caught up with the Kuzhu Taoist, opened his mouth and spit out blazing flames at his abdomen and back, forcing the Kuzhu Taoist to turn around and defend.

On the other side, Dayan’s consciousness spread out: “Left!”

As soon as the voice fell, the woman with a white light shield on her body appeared from the left and attacked Xu Qingyang without hesitation.

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