
Xu Qingyang was a little surprised: "You don't want me to take action and kill Xun Tianxiao together!"

Shangguan Xueling raised her head and spoke with a hint of forbearance that is rare among men: "Now is not the time to deal with this person. He didn't come this time. The little girl speculated that the outside world is still unwilling to interfere in the desert, so we should not take the initiative. Attracting attention, the little girl is confident. As long as she can get her senior's approval and take care of her affairs in advance, she will have the opportunity to kill this person by herself and sacrifice my sister's soul in heaven! "

"Haha, it's too late"

"Senior doesn't agree, this pair..." Shangguan Xueling was very surprised.

Xu Qingyang did not explain: "Okay, I agree to your conditions, but the soul still has to be handed over. In the future, the cooperation between the four major families and the Qianzhu Sect will be in your control. If you do well, I will not Stingy, I will do my best to train you to form the elixir. I only need you to practice the exercises given by me after you form the elixir. When the time is right, you can voluntarily cooperate with me once..."

Shangguan Xueling opened her apricot lips and knelt down on the spot: "Slave Xueling, pay your respects to the master!"

Everything she did was to escape her fate, to deny her father's unrealistic ambitions, and to prove herself. Now that the opportunity had come, there was nothing to hesitate about. As for handing herself over to the man in front of her...

The pie in the sky will not come to you in vain, it is worth paying the price. If you leave it to this person, you will at least be a Yuanying concubine in the future.

As soon as the others saw her like this, they knew that the two had negotiated terms.

Except for Shangguan Jinhong, whose face turned red and was sweating profusely, everyone looked relieved. Although he was still somewhat disappointed, after all, he only handed over a part of his soul and it would not affect his cultivation. It was good to keep his life like this. From various sources From the Golden Core cultivators to the ordinary members of the Shangguan family, they were all subjected to the forbidden divine spell by God Lord Dayan.

This kind of Yuan Mysterious Technique is something God Lord Dayan has in his grasp.

After finishing it, I did not forget to remind: "I have improved this technique. I will give you a method for refining the life card magic weapon later. I will refine a batch of soul control life cards for easy management. By then, I will have some bad thoughts. , license holders will know immediately that they can be killed on the spot even though they are thousands of miles away."

"But what can you do with them, kid?"

Why, of course it's business.

The four major families were served in one pot, their lives were held in hand, and they were given a day to adapt. The next day, Shangguan Xueling, with the help of supporters, temporarily took control of the situation. Everyone gathered in the meeting hall again, with Xu Qingyang sitting at the head. , Shangguan Xueling stood respectfully to the side, and the others sat half-assed on both sides.

Shangguan Jinhong stood alone in the corner. He was treated as a standard servant, but his eyes were complicated, but there was a hint of flattery that he was ashamed to express. It had to be said that this person was adaptable to training.

He is not a person who wants to die if he surrenders one-third of his soul to save his life.

But it was impossible to say that he was convinced. It was just Xu Qingyang's next words that made him shaken: "You must be curious whether the evil demon will tolerate the Nascent Soul monks occupying this place..."

The place was silent, but everyone's thoughts were wandering.

For now, their insiders are controlled and the news cannot be spread. Could it be that this person wants to emphasize the threat again. Xu Qingyang looked around and recalled the past: "Nearly ten thousand years ago, the founder of Qianzhu Sect came out of nowhere and dominated the world."

Everyone was surprised to hear him introduce the origins of the Qianzhu Sect and the founder of the sect, but they all listened carefully.

The story is not long, and it briefly tells the cause and effect.

When they heard this kind of story for the first time, everyone was a little skeptical at first. However, combined with the strange situation in the Far West, they gradually came to believe it. It turned out that it was not the good devil who was protecting the Far West and the Qianzhu Sect. It had to be like this. The founder of the Qianzhu Sect years ago was actually a top figure in the human world, and he was really desirable.

Shangguan Jinhong's face became increasingly ugly. If this was true, he had been deceived.

What's more serious than being deceived is that once he really puts his previous plan into action, the Zhengmo monks will probably have to destroy them immediately, especially the virtuous son-in-law.

After this person gets his young daughter, he will betray her as soon as possible.

The Shangguan family said they were once vassals, but in fact they were not disciples of the Qianzhu Sect at all. Replacing the Qianzhu Sect would be equivalent to destroying the Qianzhu Sect. Shangguan Xueling opened her mouth. The matter turned out to be more dangerous than she judged. She just felt that the ban was shaky. Who wanted to trap the lifeblood of the good devil, but this person's cultivation appeared in the far west, as he said in his own words, Aren't you afraid of arousing the fear of evil spirits? After all, he can destroy Qianzhu Sect at any time. Thinking like this, I heard Xu Qingyang change the subject: "I will not do anything to you, and I will not show it to you in the future. The four major families are still the four major families, Qianzhu Sect, and Qianzhu Sect. Everything is still the same. Maintain the original pattern externally"

"What you have to do is cooperate with Qianzhu Sect."

"May I ask, senior, how you cooperated and what you did?" The Wang family stood up and saluted.

"Simple, Qianzhu Sect discovered a large spiritual stone mine that is easy to mine deep in the desert..." Before they finished speaking, several other people looked shocked and couldn't sit still.

Their ears heard it right, a large spiritual stone mine.

What can be called a large-scale spirit stone mine involves huge interests, which cannot be occupied by forces of their level. At this time, they even thought they understood everything. The Qianzhu Sect discovered the spirit stone mine, so they chose to seal themselves off. Then use this temptation to invite this strong support, and then recover them, and then...

The natural next step is to mine, and then convert the spirit stones into various cultivation resources to grow rapidly.

They are all smart people who can understand everything at once.

If this is true, then given the situation of Qianzhu Sect, I can't digest it. If a large number of spirit stones want to be smoothly converted into cultivation resources, it is best to use the channels they operate outside, so that the spirit stones can be spent more smoothly and covertly. In this process, they will naturally benefit as well.

When they thought of this, everyone's mind began to change.

So what if their lives are temporarily controlled? The other party needs me, and it's not easy to show up. This is indeed no different from before. No, even the other way around, they can use this person as their trump card.

If there is no such person, they operate a large spirit mine, which is also extremely dangerous.

"Senior, this matter"

The head of the Wang family and the head of the Bai family wanted to ask, but Xu Qingyang waved his hand and looked at Shangguan Xueling who was standing by the side: "If there is any situation in the future, discuss it with her first, and let her contact Qianzhu Sect and tell me that when I am not here, someone else will make decisions on my behalf. I will not ask too much about external daily affairs..."

The eyes of several people were startled, and each of them looked at Shangguan Xueling.

Letting a junior in the foundation-building stage manage them, at another time, they would not even think about it, but now they have no room to speak, and it seems that they can only curry favor with this girl in the future.

Shangguan Jinhong is really lucky, not only did he save his life, but also relied on his daughter's beauty, the Shangguan family can dominate the four major families.

At this time, Shangguan Jinhong did not speak, and seemed a little at a loss.

Shangguan Xueling looked at her father who had always been tough but now behaved humbly, and sighed secretly. It was impossible for her to say that she did not hate him, but after all, he was her father. The master in front of her could stay and not kill him, not because of her feelings, but more because he valued his father's late Jindan cultivation, and he could come forward to deal with some difficult situations in the future. Keeping him as a dog is not polite at all, just raising him like a vicious dog and letting him out to bite people at any time.

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