Materials below level 7 not only lose their effect on cultivation, but also cause rejection reactions in the body.

This reaction is not the first time. It started as early as the small island in the middle of the lake in Huangfeng Valley before the upgrade to 2.0. Xu Qingyang thought deeply about it in the early days and thought that he was tired of eating it. In the following years, his thinking began to change. Perhaps it was not because he was tired of eating it, but because it was unbalanced. The later it was, the more awkward it was.

What is balance? This depends on what he is doing.

He is moving towards the acquired human ancestor. What did the human ancestor eat to grow up? This is a question that cannot be answered now, but a logical assumption can be made.

It is determined that the innate human ancestor was born in chaos, that is, chaos gave birth to the innate true spirit.

This process, applied to him, he could not enter the chaos and complete this breeding process, that is, in the early days, he thought that he could not take the innate body cultivation path, and could only create a hypothetical goal by himself in the future. After so many years, he began to think about this acquired process, whether the innate and acquired probabilities are different paths to the same destination.

Innate is for "heaven", and what belongs to "heaven" is innate.

But if we look at the higher level of "Tao", in countless classics, Tao is the original, has no beginning, no end, and is constant.

To put it simply, it is when chaos is not yet created.

When chaos is not yet created, there is no concept of order. In this way, when chaos begins to breed life and evolve all things, everything that happens is actually acquired, and all tangible things are also acquired. Only "Tao" itself is innate. Since everything is acquired, its process has traces and examples to follow.

For example, the process of chaos breeding true spirits.

In this process, chaos has evolved from "Tao" to the concrete "Heaven". "Heaven" is like a mother's womb. What nutrients does it use to breed true spirits? Does this kind of nutrients still exist now?

After considering this level, the theoretical foundation is re-established.

"Tao" is untraceable, "Heaven" is traceable. Everything that life perceives is "Heavenly Dao", not the original Dao, which is acquired. It is said that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, and two gives birth to all things. In this way, the innate true spirit in the "mother's womb" "eats" either "one", "two", or "three".

Here we need to understand the "one, two, and three" of the evolution of "Tao" and materialize it.

What is "one", the innate qi? Or the qi of Hongmeng? What is "two", the original yin and yang qi, or the upper green and lower turbidity, and what is "three", is it the qi of the five elements?

Xu Qingyang cannot directly touch the above high-end substances now.

But no matter what high-end things they are, when they are concretely materialized, it is simple to deduce them further. Assuming that the true spirit is bred by one of the stages of matter, then it can be assumed that the materials of different stages of "Heavenly Dao" breed different levels of innate life, that is, the further forward, the closer to the origin of "Tao", the higher the level of life.

Then what about Xu Qingyang? Can he use these substances to breed himself?

Obviously, he can't touch them and can't bear them, but it doesn't mean that he is not in this process. Obviously, he has to go through this process to become a true spirit.

Since he is not blessed with one, two, and three, what about going on?

Three gives birth to all things. If three is the five elements of qi, then it is at the edge of the range that he can understand, observe, and touch. In today's world, the infrastructure is the five elements of qi. The "qi" here does not refer to aura. Xu Qingyang believes that any tangible or intangible object with the attributes of the five elements is the evolution of the five elements of qi.

Speaking of this level, his previous thinking was biased, or he was influenced by the thinking of immortal cultivators.

For a long time, he believed that the five elements of aura were the source of the evolution of all things. Refining the five elements of aura was equivalent to refining all things, but in fact it was not the case.

The five elements of aura do not represent the five elements of qi.

The five elements of spiritual energy that the immortal cultivators breathe in and out to cultivate is just a lower-level energy form after the evolution of the five elements of energy. Therefore, all living spiritual cultivators are "immortals", which are part of the fourth stage of the evolution of the Great Dao, or a more important part. To become a so-called true spirit, he needs more than just a part of the "terminal branch" material. He needs more comprehensive. Spiritual energy can never breed a true spirit. Even if it is immortal energy, he guesses that it is just an advanced version of spiritual energy. Therefore, at the very least, it must be the five elements of energy.

For example, the human ancestor was bred by the five elements of energy. The resources he needs to reverse this process must at least use the real five elements of energy.

The five elements of energy evolve all things, so his nutrients can be all things in the world.

In layman's terms, his later diet can no longer be limited to some of the things in the world, only applicable to the "human body", or the energy digested by conventional organisms. He should eat everything to maintain a balanced nutrition.

Nutritional balance is a joke. To be more precise, it is to simulate and restore the five elements of energy.

Since the five elements gave birth to all things, he directly devoured all the things evolved from the five elements. In a sense, it was equivalent to obtaining a very high-level five elements, simulating the process of heaven and earth nurturing the innate true spirit.

This is the basis of a theoretical framework, followed by technical issues.

First of all, in his current situation, he cannot digest most things. For example, he has never considered "eating soil" or gnawing stones before. How can he digest these things? How can he ensure that what he digests can finally "integrate" into a high-level five elements to nurture himself.

The first difficulty of this problem is actually how to ensure that everything is swallowed up without omission.

Since all things are nurtured by the five elements, if we trace back to the five elements, even if we lack a tiny substance, as small as a speck of dust, it will not work in the end.

The five elements are all things, but all things are not the five elements. Only when all things return to one can they be the true five elements.

On this basis, the second step is to consider the technical problem of how to digest, and the third step is how to re-melt the swallowed things into the complete five elements.

This is the whole process, and now he has to do it separately.

First of all, make sure to swallow all things. This cannot be done in one go. What can be done now is to upgrade and transform the food transformation skill and his own digestive system. He has to change from simply swallowing blood, flesh and spiritual energy to gradually expanding the diet, that is, trying to swallow all visible and invisible things, and then complete the digestion.

To be more specific, how to turn them into digestible nutrients, he does not swallow for the sake of swallowing.

This can be started from two cores. One is to transform and upgrade the food transformation skill of his own body with a strong ability to digest substances to swallow tangible substances, such as plants, soil, stones, blood and flesh life.

The body is like a furnace, refining all things.

Come little by little, swallow these things and successfully refine them, turning them into your own nutrition.

The second core is the immortal cultivation. The immortal system is complex and has the convenience of refining energy without specific images, such as ghosts, demons, souls, evil spirits, messy, and even very abstract things. Fundamentally, it is to upgrade and strengthen the "Five Elements Jue" so that he is no longer limited to breathing in spiritual energy.

To achieve this goal, then he swallowed the immortal cultivation in the end, which is equivalent to swallowing these complex components of all things refined by the immortal.

In this way, it is infinitely close to swallowing all things.

Infinitely close to swallowing all things is equivalent to infinitely close to swallowing the five elements of qi, and the five elements of qi above all things, assuming that they are qualified to breed innate true spirits, then his entire road framework will be further improved.

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