Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 1: Uncle Luo was also a respectable man when he was alive


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly exploded. Under the powerful force of the catapult, the huge stone was first thrown high up, rolled in the air, and then smashed down on the castle wall under the double superposition of gravity acceleration, knocking out a not-so-small gap.

The soldiers under the city wall surged like a tide. They braved the rain of arrows, crossbows, javelins and flying axes, roared and raised two iron ladders, rushed up and hung them firmly at the gap in the city wall. Once a siege ladder like this is hung, it is almost impossible to remove it in a short time by manpower.

Therefore, the courageous battle between the two sides has just begun.

The siege battle, 2,800 VS 260 people, unfortunately, Rhodes is on the side defending the city.

"As long as this battle is won, I will have a firm foothold on this continent." After spitting at the corner of the wall, Rhode looked down and then immediately retracted his head, because in just a moment, several crossbows and flying axes were nailed on the wall.


A meaningless roar of excitement came from below, and the battle to climb the city began. In the front were warriors holding large shields, followed by Nord royal guards wearing steel armor and holding two-handed weapons, and then archers, with a group of crossbowmen as cover.

Although it is very disadvantageous to look up and shoot under the city wall, it is always better to have some long-range cover than none.

Rhode held a siege crossbow, carried a top-grade two-handed scimitar, and carried two bags of crossbows. The defensive angle he chose was very tricky and insidious, which was the side of the two siege iron ladders on the protruding part of the city wall. In this way, even warriors holding large shields would find it difficult to defend against his attack, unless they turned sideways on the iron ladder and faced him completely, but in that case, their backs would be completely exposed, allowing the city guards behind them to attack the fatal vital points.

After all, the warriors holding large shields were only the vanguards. The Nordic royal guards and other types of warriors who followed, wearing steel armor and holding two-handed weapons, had almost no effective defense against Rhode's parallel shooting from the side. Because Rhode stood in the center of the protruding wall and was not close to the edge of the wall, the enemy's archers under the city had no chance to attack him.

Of course, the so-called safety on the battlefield is always relative. If Rhode can shoot at the enemy standing on the iron ladder, then the enemy standing on the iron ladder can also shoot and throw at him. However, the two siege iron ladders have only so much space for passage and charge. It is not enough for two people to walk side by side, and there is no room for enemy archers to stand on the iron ladder and shoot at Rhode.

"Infantry and cavalry, charge! You must defend the top of the city for me, and don't let them rush up."

His mouth and nose were filled with a strong bloody smell. While ensuring his own safety, he continued to shoot the most valuable enemies within his field of vision.

Especially those Nordic Royal Guards who were wearing heavy armor, holding two-handed heavy axes or carrying javelins. These guys were almost humanoid steel Gundams, and their armor was so hideous that it was daunting. Every time they successfully rushed to the top of the city, they would cause huge defensive pressure on the city defense.

Of course, every time he aimed at their heads with the siege crossbow in his hand and shot them down one by one, he would also feel great joy and sense of accomplishment.

The war lasted for a long time. When Rhodes' hand reached for the arrow bag again, he found that there were only two crossbow arrows left in the arrow bag. Although there were already a thick pile of corpses under the city, the attackers still did not retreat.

At this time, Rhodes moved his eyes to his side, to another mercenary sentry who had just been added, and then he turned around and aimed the siege crossbow in his hand at the mercenary sentry next to him, and shot him in the head with one arrow.

At this moment, a line of text appeared in the lower left corner of his vision:

[You accidentally injured the soldiers you commanded, and the morale of the troops was -1. 】

"According to the rules of the regiment, the last two crossbows are always reserved for teammates." Picking up the 28 crossbow arrows on the ground, Rhodes returned to the battle. Even if the 28 crossbow arrows were counted, they were enough for him to kill more than ten enemy high-level soldiers. In exchange for knocking out a hired sentinel, this deal was definitely a win-win.

The gap between the siege and the defenders was too big, and the proportion of high-level soldiers on the enemy side was also very high. Therefore, although the enemy's elite soldiers were killed in large numbers by relying on the defensive advantage, the city wall defense line was still not able to be defended.

Soldiers poured in like a tide, and the battle entered the street fighting part. The enemy must win the street fighting to truly control the entire city.

Wearing heavy armor and holding a two-handed scimitar, Rhodes was followed by several trusted heroes who were also well-equipped. At this time, the siege crossbow with a low attack frequency was useless. What he could really rely on was the steel armor on his body and the scimitar in his hand!

In infantry combat, without the help of war horses, it is difficult for one-handed weapons to break through heavy armor defense, so it is okay to fight without armor, but under the premise that both sides are elite and armored, the combat effect of wielding a weapon with both hands is far greater than that of using a one-handed weapon. The two-handed scimitar in Rhodes's hand is a high-priced top-grade product.

Rhodes jumped high with iron-studded combat boots stomping heavily on the stone road surface, and jumped directly from the slope to the group of archers behind the enemy.

With a bang, he crouched heavily on the ground, and then while the enemy archers hurriedly switched weapons, he grinned and swung the scimitar in his hand violently, slashing left and right.


Infused with powerful energy, the silver arc-like moon-shaped sword light broke through the air and slashed fiercely in front of the opponent!

The enemy crossbowman was suddenly approached by Rhodes and wanted to switch weapons, but before he could make it in time, blood spurted out.

The enemy infantry soldiers in front wanted to turn back, but they were entangled by Rhodes' cronies launching an attack. When they finally reluctantly returned, all they faced was Rhodes, who had blood soaked in the gaps in his armor. .

In the battle to climb the city, the enemy suffered huge losses. The exchange ratio between the two sides reached an astonishing one to ten. They finally broke into the city and suffered a head-on attack in the street fighting. Although in the end they were still able to take the city by force with their numerical advantage, but the whole city The resistance inside and outside continues. Only by truly attacking the castle and cutting down Rhodes' red flaming lion flag can the battle be truly won.

However, in the final battle, the coalition commander, Lord Magali, was defeated and captured by Rhodes. As a result, the morale of the coalition forces completely collapsed, and they were completely swept out of Zhiva Cheze.

After completing this battle, Rhodes also received a system prompt:

[Hello dear player, you have been logged into the game for 12 consecutive hours. According to the Elderly Rights Protection Act, we will force you to log off after half an hour. 】

In 2088, human science and technology had made a breakthrough to the point of mastering controllable nuclear fusion and strong artificial intelligence. Since then, it has inexhaustible clean energy and endless productivity, and the motherland has become the most powerful country in the world.

Based on this, all aspects of society are also advancing and developing by leaps and bounds.

He took off his virtual helmet because he was forced to pop out of the game. An old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face that could kill a fly came out of the game health store shivering and cursing.

"I have to wait for another 12 hours. Which son doesn't have the "Elderly Rights Protection Act" invented by X eyes? I'm over 90 and can't even play games freely? Greetings to your grandma!" Gamer! Under the service of the robot butler, the old man Rhode brushed his teeth, washed his face, and ate. Then he started to lie on the bed and browsed his mobile phone. Although the egg-like robot butler reminded him that he should go to bed, he turned his back and ignored the robot butler. Dandan covered her face in grievance and left.

"Will you die suddenly if you play black music continuously for 8 hours? Haha, it's a joke. I have already played black music for 7 hours and 59 minutes... Uh-huh."

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