Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 140 Strategic Offense and Defense

After being unexpectedly attacked by humans, the mysterious man was no longer covered in black robes. Either it or he was right.

He has a handsome face, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, fair skin, and if it weren't for the pointed ears, fox hair with the beast emblem on the temples, and a fox tail behind him, this extremely good-looking man might be mistaken for an elf by the world.

Unlike the Hoffmann Empire, which is dominated by green-skinned ancient orcs, the Sims Royal Court is dominated by beast-blooded people, that is, races such as bears, tauren, werewolves, and foxes.

Although humans have always claimed that orcs (orcs) are hybrids of humans and beasts, this is of course a slander.

But the beast-blooded people in the Sims Royal Court also have to accept another fact, that is, the closer the orcs are to humans in appearance, the smarter they are, and they will have greater advantages in the process of growth and learning.

This advantage has penetrated into the social structure, gradually resulting in the fact that most of the top brass of the beast-blood people have human-like appearances. A further social evolution is that in the aesthetics of the Sims Royal Court, it is gradually generally believed that people are similar to humans. The appearance is the representative of noble temperament and aristocratic style. Instead, it bears the head of an animal, which is seen as a symbol of rudeness, stupidity, and low status.

Of course, this situation will not exist in the Hoffmann Empire, which is also an orc force. The ancient orcs have a very strong bloodline genetic advantage. No matter which parent is the parent, as long as they have the blood of the ancient orcs, the final child will often be born. They are all in the form of ancient orcs.

As the race war intensified, the high-level contacts between the Hoffmann Empire and the Sims Royal Court, which also belonged to the orcs, became increasingly close.

Grievous, a nobleman of the Fox clan in the Sims Royal Court, is the product of this kind of political demand. He apprenticed under the Hoffmann Empire's Grand Master Kodar, and is currently undergoing his own training... However, judging from the current situation, This didn't go well.

Walking on the burning ruins of the battlefield, trampling on blood and corpses, smelling the smell of flames roasting human flesh, and hearing the groans of seriously injured but undead soldiers.

This made Grievous's fair cheeks blush, but judging from his almost irrepressible ferocious face, this was not a sign of joy.

At this time, there were strong bear warriors and centaur warriors behind Grievous. They captured a satyr, held it down and knelt down behind the young man, in the middle of the bloody mud.

"Sir, I was wronged!"

"Are you wronged?!"

It was okay that it didn't speak. As soon as it spoke, Grievous suddenly turned around, and the eyes that stared at the satyr leader seemed to be burning with terrible flames.

At this moment, if anyone knew Rodhart and Grievous at the same time, they would feel that their expressions at this moment were very similar, and they had both appeared before.

The only difference is that the flame in Rhodes's eyes was ignited earlier, while the flame in Grievous's eyes was ignited after the defeat of this battle. One entered the state faster, while the other was slightly slower. , which is actually the key to the outcome of this battle.

"You think you are unjust, then do you think the soldiers who fell here were unjust? They sent so many scouts before and after, and I have repeatedly warned them no less than ten times, but in the end this is the result! They can't even fight on such a large scale. The ambush was not noticed in advance!”

"Or maybe they actually noticed it, but you didn't report it to me?" The more you say this, the more eerie and terrifying it becomes.

The goat-man leader kneeling in the blood could almost faintly hear the bear-man warrior behind him drawing his sword.

In this battle, nearly half of the two hundred bear men were lost, and nearly half of the five hundred and a half men and horses were lost. The leaders of these two tribes were so angry that they were looking for the scapegoat... Couldn't it be him!

"Sir, sir! The Edelweiss are really completely loyal to you, but our tribe has never had the scout unit. We have really tried our best."

"Sir, next, please hand over the most difficult task to me. Even if I die in the task, it will still be regarded as having made a contribution to the revival of the orcs, and I will not die in vain!" The goatman leader of the tribe kowtowed, but his words finally aroused the anger of Grievous.

"Since the words have been said to this point, I will spare your life for the time being. But the task of attacking the Ursine tribe that was originally undertaken by the Bear Tribe has fallen on you. If something goes wrong again this time , I guarantee that not only you, but your entire tribe will die!"

"Thank you, sir, for your grace. Thank you, sir."

After listening to Grievous's words, the satyr leader of the Edelweiss Tribe trembled like a wave. He kowtowed again and finally smashed his head into the bloody mud in front of him.


Grievous was born into a noble family. He had seen such a scene many times and didn't think it was anything. Therefore, when Grievous left with the bearman leader and centaur leader, he didn't notice it. , the blood-stained goatman’s head slowly raised behind him.

His eyes were filled with more than just fear...

"Sir, we are not far from the mountain fortress here. Why don't we just ignore this place and go straight to the mountain fortress?"

Standing behind Grievous, the bear leader suggested this.

Although it looks like a big brown bear walking upright, it is the leader of a clan after all. It is not easy for a race like the bear people to develop to the point where they can send out two hundred warriors.

"No, you all saw the battle just now. The most elite human army of the Mountain Fortress is stationed on this mountain. If we cross here directly, we will fall into a strategic loophole where we may be cut off from supply and attacked from both sides at any time."

"Change direction. Even if they stop attacking us, we can't take down the Mountain Fortress with our current military strength. This army can attack you or your tribe's nest instead. Can you accept such a result?"

Griffith said this as his slender fingers swept across the noses of the bear and centaur leaders behind him. In an instant, the leaders of the two tribes were sweating coldly.

Now almost all the elite troops of the tribe have been brought out. If they are attacked by the elite human troops, the consequences are almost inevitable.

"However, although the human side's surprise attack was ruthless, it also exposed their own weaknesses. It would have been difficult for us to capture the Mountain Fortress. But now, if we can defeat the elite human troops on this mountain, the morale of the troops in the Mountain Fortress will inevitably collapse!" Grievous, a young fox noble, said this with greed flashing in his eyes.

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