Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 385 Legendary Characteristics, Dragon Swordsman

The moment when the demon dragon, which represented the pinnacle of extraordinary power in this world, fell from the sky above Gushan Castle.

The eyes that are watching it are not just the forces of one or two parties.

This world is very big, but at the same time, this world is also very small. There are all kinds of things happening in this world all the time, but the killing of a legendary peak demon dragon from the lower plane is still absolutely nothing. one little thing.

"Damn it, this guy actually did it. My judgment failed again on him." In a secluded house in Gushan Castle, there was a young man from the Fox tribe with extremely handsome appearance. Slowly put down the telescope in his hand, biting the silver teeth in his mouth.

Grievous, a nobleman of the fox clan in the King's Court of Sims, represents the northern orc forces. At the same time, there are forces from other countries, sects, and colleges in the entire Lonely Mountain Castle. They are in high spirits at this moment. , some gritted their teeth, but now the overall situation is determined, at least in this battle, victory still belongs to Gushan.

"Rod Hart, get out of my way. I've done my best for you over the years. Why do you want to harm me?"

Transformed into a large group of bats, he rushed over excitedly, but was stopped by Rhodes with his spear. At this time, the death knight Onila was about to explode with anger, and shouted angrily.

But in fact, over the past few years, everyone has been able to get what they need from each other's transactions at best, and it's not at all what Onila said, doing things for Rhodes.

Just Rhode smiled, he did not argue, but presented the facts and advised rationally: "Lord Onila, I did go too far this time. But in order to guard Lonely Mountain Castle, Knight Fatis, He rushed to the fifth-level legendary realm with a desperate will, and now his internal injuries are extremely serious. He needs to use the dragon's life force to repair his body and relieve his internal injuries. As his lord, even if I don't do it right, I can't just watch him die."

These words are all the truth, and Rhodes is not afraid to tell Onila Fatis the true situation: a paladin with a will to die is even more powerful to evil people like Ghost King Giovanni and Onila. threatening.

For people like Giovanni and Ornila, preserving their own lives is always the first priority. They cannot understand why people like Fatis would risk their lives to protect something.

Rhodes understands them very well and can partially understand Fatis, but they cannot understand Fatis and are unwilling to interact with such guys.

After all, these people were also worried about when Fatis would suddenly fight against them for some inexplicable reasons.

After expressing his position, Rhodes continued: "Of course, considering the friendship between us for so many years, as long as Knight Fatis recovers from his injury, I can share part of the remaining dragon blood with Onila, so that you can You can meet with your instructor.”

Hearing this, Onila smiled bitterly and said: "Duke Rhodes, you underestimate the appetite of my mentor. Most of the dragon's blood has been consumed. I'm afraid his old man will not like him. At that time, not only It’s me, even you, Duke Rhodes, will be in trouble.”

"Well, it depends on Onila-sama to give you a few kind words. I have also prepared gifts for Onila-sama. For official business, as long as you can handle the business, it will be fine. If the boss is really mean and ungrateful, Onila-sama You also said that we have been friends for many years, so don’t we deserve to be a place to live? "

While talking, Rhodes stepped forward and took out a list. The numbers on it made Onila's eyes light up. Rhodes was good at amassing money, but he was not greedy. He had always been very generous to those who had abilities - and power. In comparison, gold, stone, jade, and magic crystal gems are nothing more than gorgeous sandcastles piled on the beach.

"...I will do my best to fight for the Duke. I just hope that one day in the future when I ask for shelter under you, you will not forget the promise I made today."

After taking a look at the dragon corpse behind Rhodes and Rhodes holding a blood-stained steel gun in front of her, Onila knew very well that she couldn't rush through at all. In this case, she had no choice but to accept the deal.

Of course, no one can know how much Onila actually listened to what Rhodes said unless she said it herself.

The Hell Demon Dragon Tras is dead, and the Warcraft Legion has completely collapsed. The morale of Resalit, Raymond, Artiman, Jamila and the army they led has been greatly improved. It is just a matter of clearing out the remaining Warcraft Legion. Time and efficiency are issues, and Rhodes has no interest in temporarily changing generals at this time to grab the credit of his subordinates.

At this moment, most of his mind was focused on Fatis inside the dragon corpse. By observing the flow of Qi in his body, he sensed that Fatis' body, which was originally like a leaky bucket, was under the majestic dragon life force. After smelting, you get recast again:

Stuffing seriously injured people into the belly of a cow is the last resort of many Mongolian and Tibetan doctors in remote areas. It is indeed very effective for seriously injured people.

"Thank you Heiyin for letting me know a little bit about all the messy and weird things, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to think of such a solution."

(Voiceover: How much advertising money did Heiyin give you? I will double it for you with a shaking of my hands!)

Instead of simply waiting outside, after Kress, Alleyne and other knights came to his side, Rhodes came to the side of the dragon corpse, sat down cross-legged, pressed forward with the palms of his hands, connecting himself with Fatis and even... The vital energy of the entire dragon corpse.

Big Gray, Fat Orange, Moon Official, and Gale, these four griffins also came over at this time. With their combat power, they were qualified to participate in the previous battle as cannon fodder, but the carrying capacity of the "Golden Twelve Palaces" had its limits, so they did not participate in the previous dragon-slaying battle.

At this moment, they pushed forward one by one, wanting to taste the flesh and blood of the dragon, but unfortunately they were beaten back by Kress's hands. They were so aggrieved that they would be glared at by Kress if they wanted to chirp twice.

At this time, as Rhodes, who was sitting cross-legged, waved his hands, a series of white shadows appeared with the waving of his palms, and began to urge the life force of Fatis, the dragon, and Rhodes himself to flow.

"Over the years, in order to remove the genetic collapse trap implanted in my body by the goblin sage Gary, I have painstakingly studied ancient runes for recovery and healing, such as 'healing, first aid, surgery, holy healing', and combined with holy light and fighting spirit, I have completed the conception of the fifth characteristic of the immortal body of light."

"Now I am guiding the dragon's life force that has not yet completely collapsed to recast the life force circulation system for Fatis. If it succeeds, it means that my deduction is not wrong, and it can even help him go further. If it is wrong... you and I, the king and the minister, can be regarded as sharing life and death."

Passive guidance is the most stable, but the least efficient and the worst effect. If Rhodes intervenes, the absorption speed and effect will be greatly enhanced, but life knowledge is so complicated that Fatis may be killed by Rhodes. In that case, it means that there are many errors and shortcomings in the conception of the "immortal body of light". Even if Rhodes does not die for a while, he will definitely die when the genetic collapse trap that has been triggered breaks out in the future.

"Cress, you are the closest to the Duke, do you know what the Duke is doing?"

"I can only see that the master is saving Teacher Fatis, but I don't know what he is doing."

"You don't have to see it, I can see it too... It seems to be a very complicated way of running Dou Qi, and it also looks like magic runes."

As time passed, the war ended, and more and more people gathered around, but most of them were looking forward to praying that the Duke of Rhodes and his knights who fought desperately to defend the city could recover sooner and stand up again.

"Merciful gods, please bless the Duke and Sir Fatis, they are both very good people!"

"Glorious Holy Grail, I am willing to sacrifice my 20 years of life, please, let Duke Rhodes and Sir Fatis return."

"My Lord..."

"Good and evil will be rewarded..."

Although some have been moved out, there are still a large number of civilians and soldiers in the Lonely Mountain Castle. No favor can be passed down forever, but now is only the first and second generation of the Lonely Mountain Castle. The people and soldiers do not take peace and prosperity for granted. Therefore, both Rhodes and Fatis are the objects of respect and worship of many people.

These thoughts are sensed, accepted, smelted, and carried by Rhodes, and finally transformed into the unparalleled foundation of the surging holy light in the body.

The thoughts of one person are nothing, and the thoughts of a thousand people are nothing, but what about ten thousand people? What about a hundred thousand people?

Originally, with the release of the fifth characteristic of the will to die, Fatis, whose body was broken by multiple injuries, had been destroyed like a sack by the destructive force.

Even his will, with the passage of time, continued to sink into the seemingly endless, deep and quiet sea of ​​silence, and was about to sleep forever in it.




Suddenly, along with such a call, a ray of white and gold light, although weak, was enough to pierce the darkness.

"Who is it?"

"Is it Lord Rhodes?... I'm sorry, I'm too tired. If possible, even I want to take a break."

"Sorry, Osana, I promised to grow old with you."

"Ayton, you are the elder brother. You must take care of your younger brothers and sisters in the future and stop stealing their food. After I die, you will be..."

However, the platinum light did not evolve the image of Rhodes or his family. What it evolved was the peasants chased by the giant werewolf, the innocent lives played with and killed by the evil wizard, the people oppressed and insulted by the greedy and shameless nobles, and this world that was originally becoming better little by little was destroyed and devastated.

"Fatis, the war is not over yet, are you going to fall? You are called a brave and fearless knight by the people, and you are so admired and respected by your wife, children, friends, and subordinates, but you choose to give up?"

Serious illnesses require strong medicine. Rhodes has lived two lives and has a deep mind. He knows that when a person is eroded by eternal sleep, many things in the world that he originally cared about can be put down at this moment.

However, at this moment, there is still an emotion that can wake him up: that is unparalleled rage, rage burning the heart, which is a huge harm, but strong harm is also a kind of stimulation, which can make the dying person break free from the temptation of eternal sleep.

When Rhodes' illusion evolved into the fall and destruction of the Lonely Mountain Castle.


A pure white beam of light suddenly pierced through the dragon's body and rushed straight into the sky. Fatis furiously held the shield and sword in his empty hand and charged out.

Then, he looked around in a daze, and saw a dark mass of soldiers and civilians from the Lonely Mountain Castle, including his wife and children Osana, Ayton and others. Fatis fell backwards in anger.

At the same time, Rhodes, who had been casting spells for five consecutive days and nights in front of him, also spurted out blood and saw stars. This time, he and Fatis worked together to overcome the life-and-death crisis.

If it weren't for Rhodes, Fatis's chance of surviving this death crisis would only be 20%. Rhodes' intervention gave him an extra 30% chance of survival, and he was 50-50 in life and death, and then he got through it by luck.

More than ten days later, Rhodes and Fatis woke up one after another. The first thing Rhodes did when he woke up was to check Fatis's attribute panel. First, he confirmed that he was still alive, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at his hero characteristics.

Fatis's hero characteristics:

Insight, omitted.

Iron will (burning state·release), omitted.

Unparalleled fighting spirit (burning state·release), omitted.

Summoning a celestial warhorse can summon a celestial warhorse as your mount. With superb riding skills, the rider can greatly reduce the damage to the celestial horse on a chaotic battlefield.

Dragon Power Swordsman, the most powerful human swordsman in ancient legends, they are protected by heavy steel armor and hold double-edged giant swords. The blood of the dragon god flows in each of them. These men and women have supernatural powers and are born extraordinary people. Some of them have become great wizards, and others have become the most powerful warriors.

Many people claim to have seen with their own eyes that a dragon power swordsman cut off the head of a cyclops blessed by blood rage with just one sword. If these extraordinary warriors were not so rare, perhaps the gods would not need to create any orcs at all.

It is completely impossible to see what specific use this feature has, but Rhodes is clear that this is a legendary feature that a fourth-level famous hero should not have obtained under normal circumstances.

Heroes who have been promoted to the fifth-level legend can condense their own legendary characteristics, but they can only condense one. However, now, Fatis has condensed the legendary characteristic as his fifth characteristic. The potential and power improvement brought by this is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

More importantly, Fatis was rescued by himself, which shows that his research on the legendary characteristic of the immortal body of light has not made any fatal mistakes!

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