Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 520: The Outer Gods

Rodok's heavy crossbowman, wearing heavy armor and holding a shield hammer, pounced on the metal winged men who rushed into the formation. These metal winged men did not dare to fly, because once they were out of position with the enemy, They will be attacked by crossbows from all sides. Rather than that, it is better to continue to fight at close range.


The thick armor on his body was cut open almost easily by the strange weapon in the enemy's hand, and the Nilun gun blade carved a deep wound on the warrior's strong chest.

However, this warrior was forced back, and the surrounding warriors' shield hammers attacked without hesitation, like hitting steel. Even though these metal winged men were protected by strong armor, they were struck by the hammer several times. My head couldn't bear it anymore and I fell to the ground, not knowing whether I was unconscious or dead.

In addition to these metal winged men, a large number of strange creatures that were also covered with metal and had the shape of a human head flew out of the mine, but had metal wings growing out of their ears.

They fly at high speed, and although their attack power is not strong, they are faster than the metal winged men, making them more suitable for interfering with the army.

However, no matter what, due to the small number, both the metal winged men and the metal flying heads were gradually wiped out over time.

With two legendary doctors, Rhodes and James, the Legion's casualties were minimal, even though it was the first time they faced an opponent like this.

"Your Majesty Duke, these creatures should not be hell creatures, you see."

After the war, James came over carrying a severed limb of the Metal Winged Man, and then poured the holy power of light into it in front of Rhodes. Soon, the slight scars on the severed limb were repaired:

If it is a hell creature, it may take any form in appearance, but it is basically impossible to adapt to the irradiation of the holy light, let alone the repair of the holy light.

"It doesn't matter, these guys don't look like kind people. Moreover, this magic crystal mine is the largest magic crystal mine in the nearby area. We can't give up here."

As he spoke, Rhodes used his right steel boot to directly crush a flying metal head. There was no flesh and blood inside, but magic crystals were scattered on the ground. It was obvious that these guys were devouring the metal flying head. Crystal brought back to the base.

"Immediately order the Griffin Knights to expand the reconnaissance range while maintaining concealment. I want to know where these creatures are hiding."

"As commanded."

The officers of the nearby Griffin Knights immediately took the order and left.

The metal alien race in front of them directly uses their own tribe as miners to mine minerals, while the side of Gushan Castle uses demon slaves to mine minerals. Although they have to suppress rebellions more frequently, in most cases the soldiers fight full-time.

When not fighting, he trains to improve himself and does not participate in labor.

"Sir, it is inevitable for us to expand our military and prepare for war. If we do not deal with the Hell Legion, no one can live a peaceful life. But even if we defeat the Hell Legion and there are many countries around the world, will the lives of civilians be easy?"

During lunch time, James sat next to Rhodes and asked.

"Don't have this idea. Don't think that the Hell Legion is easy to solve. If you calculate the strength on paper, there is a high probability that demons will rule the entire continent. At that time, what you will see will be hundreds of years of dire straits. , disaster torture.”

"However, if the Hell Legion sweeps across the continent and we defeat it in the end, there should be few countries left on the entire continent. The most powerful king must have been competed for by then. Only under such circumstances, can the people enjoy how many countries are there? A hundred years of peace and joy.”

"That king must be the Duke."

"...Maybe, but judging from the probability, I have a greater chance of dying on the battlefield during the battle."

"Your Majesty, please be careful what you say."

Rhodes didn't care, but Archbishop James was frightened when he heard what he said.

The prosperity and development of Lonely Mountain Castle in the North lies entirely on the man in front of him, so James’s blessings are sincere. After all, he has lived in Lonely Mountain Castle for many years, has made countless sacrifices and has a high status. , even though James himself is a competent priest and healer, he still hopes that Duke Rod Hart will become the future king of the continent and completely end the almost endless wars and killings on this continent.

At this moment, a griffon knight suddenly jumped off the griffin's back in a panic, hit the ground with a thud, and then half-knelt in front of Rhodes.

"Your Excellency, we have found traces of the metal aliens about 20 kilometers northwest. They should have known about the attack on the magic crystal mine, and they are rushing in this direction at an extremely fast speed."

"What is the approximate number?" Rhodes looked calm, but in fact when he asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart. It must be a large number, otherwise the griffon knight would not be so panicked.

"About...five hundred!"

Five hundred, although this number may not seem like much, but this is a hell with scarce resources. It is impossible for the forces to support tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, because five hundred is already a lot.

In the main material world, it is possible to defeat conventional human troops that are ten times larger than one's own, and one can also inflict a casualty ratio of five or six times that of one's own against orcs.

"Your Majesty, Duke, shall we return to Batalov Castle immediately?" James heard this and immediately stepped forward and suggested.

A spatial crack has been opened in Batalov Castle. As long as they return successfully, those metal aliens, no matter how strong and terrifying they are, will not be a problem.

"Don't panic, don't be confused. James, notify everyone to finish the rest and gather together."

"Yes, sir."

Rhodes stood up, boarded the Griffin Gale and flew northwest.

At least we need to know roughly how fast the other party is moving. The scout only said that it was too fast, but it is difficult to make a correct judgment without relatively accurate data. If the other party successfully intercepts them halfway through their escape, it will be a failure in command.

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