Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 623 Determining the Future

Pope Prince, the power of his killer move, the Eye of Judgment, is unquestionable.

However, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be useless if it fails to hit the target or hits the wrong target.

At the same moment when the wind attribute clone disintegrated, the Supreme Dragon Saint, who had already come behind Prince with invisible aura, suddenly burst out with all his attack power.

A huge and ferocious figure with a length of nearly 30 meters and a height of 12 meters suddenly rushed out from the darkness.

With eight wings and four horns, golden eyes and black scales, this terrifying dragon is not as curious as the three-headed evil dragon Paraskevi in ​​terms of style, but in terms of spirit and absolute strength, it is more than one or two levels better, and it is an absolute qualitative difference.

The huge Dragon Saint who showed his true body fought with the Light Heart Flayer. Although Rhodes could rely on the ultimate power of virtual godhood and great prophecy to kill the three energy clones in an instant, but before he took action, he suddenly remembered the Eye of Judgment on the head of the Light Heart Flayer, which had not yet closed.

"The last legacy of the sage civilization, the Void Kingdom/Virtual Godhead, the body of the innate ancient god, these two items must not be seen in the light, at least not now they must not fall into the eyes of the gods, otherwise I really don't know what kind of twists and turns will be caused."

"...Prince, don't blame your brother for being disloyal, it's really you who blocked the road, I don't think you will be willing to fight for me."

Although he had successfully analyzed the attack mode of the three energy clones with the ability of virtual godhead and great prophecy, Rhodes still showed a state of fighting and dismantling dozens of moves before completely solving it.

At this time, the battle between the Dark Holy Dragon Link and Fatis also had a result. Link was unwilling to fight but Fatis was willing to fight, and the characteristics of the Extinction Sword Sutra that it rose and fell, leaving no room for himself and unwilling to leave room for others, in the human form combat state, Link was cut off an arm by Fatis.

It should be noted here that the overall combat power of the sixth-level holy dragon, whether in dragon form or human form, is not much different, and each has its own advantages. The dragon clan will only choose to adjust themselves according to the different fundamental situations.

Therefore, when the dark holy dragon Link fought in human form and had his arm cut off by Fatis, he could not get away with it even if he switched to dragon form. This is the mentality that led to his inferior combat power.

Link, whose arm was cut off, was furious, and his fighting method was even more crazy and brutal. However, this world is objective. Fatis is not a rookie who will be bluffed when he sees his opponent in a furious state. He is a holy knight with a calm mind. Link's rage exposes more flaws, allowing Fatis to find more opportunities.

The so-called rage increases combat power. Most of this situation only exists at the level of street fights. Most ordinary people often have numb hands and feet and do not know how to resist when they see the vicious and violent people.

Switching to the scene of professional fighting, anger is OK, but anger must not affect one's rational judgment. The real professional fighters who have experienced hundreds of battles are all old swindlers of dialectical materialism. The more angry the opponent is, the happier they are, because they all know that no matter how angry you are, you will still fall down if you are hit by a heavy punch on the chin, nose, or other vital parts of the human body. Such rage is often prefixed with the word "incompetent".

Rage is OK, but it cannot affect one's rationality and calmness, because this world is material and cold and objective. Subjective idealism is very useful in some occasions, but it cannot surpass materialism.

When Link found that he was getting more and more injured and his energy loss was huge, he turned around and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

He turned around, but was pierced through the chest and heart by Fatis, who had fully activated the sword, and then the energy around him began to dissipate.

Except for Rhodes and Fatis himself, no one expected that the Dark Holy Dragon Link would be defeated so quickly and miserably in the fight with Fatis, and he could not even escape, but died directly under his sword.

"He is still a child."

Drawing out his long sword, Fatis sighed softly as he looked at the corpse that fell to the ground and gradually turned into a dragon, and concluded.

This young man has never left the Holy Dragon Cliff since he was born. In addition, he has outstanding talents and has always been spoiled by the elders of the dragon clan. With his talent and hard work, he has cultivated to the level of a sixth-level saint and has never experienced anything too unpleasant.

Such saints are very rare. Any sixth-level saint who grows up little by little in a normal environment has experienced hundreds of battles and has experienced blood, rain and wind.

The lack of this level of training does not show up normally, but when it comes to life, it really takes his life.


With a shrill wail, the Holy Flame Dragon Vilkarian tried to get rid of the Horned Rat God, but it was impossible. Although the Horned Rat God refused to fight him, it still entangled Vilkarian with its cunning attack and defense, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

Fortunately, Vilkarian's talent was slightly inferior, but his mind was much more mature than Link's. Although he was extremely sad and lost his mind, he was not confused. Otherwise, with the Horned Rat God's temperament, it would definitely not mind taking the opportunity to kill the other party.

At the same time, on the other side, the Supreme Dragon Saint showed his true body and exploded with all his strength, defeating the body of the Light Mind Flayer that defeated Plinske in a short time. Plinske and the Light Mind Flayer were one body but they were The bodies overlap. Under normal circumstances, Plinsk appears. The light mind flayer exists in an alien space that overlaps with its body but does not interfere with each other. During the all-out battle, the light mind flayer appears, giving Plinsk both magic and An extremely powerful ability in both hand-to-hand and melee combat.

However, at the same time, the two are integrated into each other, and both will perish. If Plinsk dies, the light mind flayer will die, and if the light mind flayer dies, the same goes for Plinsk.

It is precisely because of this extremely special life form that the Judgment Eye of the Old God will recognize the Light Mind Flayer as its disciple, otherwise it will not accept him even if he dies.

The Light Mind Flayer's physical combat ability and telekinesis ability are already very powerful, but they are still incomparable to the dragon body of the Supreme Dragon Saint.

The Supreme Dragon Saint even withstood the second attack of the Eye of Judgment, carrying the damage and defeating the phantom of the Light Mind Flayer. At this moment, the legendary archmage Lazar completed the spell and pulled the seriously injured Pulin. Sk directly jumped in space, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. He didn't know where to escape. Even the Supreme Dragon Saint swiped his claws, but he couldn't leave the two of them behind. He gave full play to the cunning and agility of the magician. Incisively and vividly.

As soon as Prince left, the space array that blocked the arrival of the Dragon Legion suddenly began to operate again. The power of the dragon became clearer and stronger. However, at this moment, neither Rhodes nor the Supreme Dragon Saint cared about it at all. Now, the two looked at each other and charged at each other at the same time. At this moment, both of them knew very well that before the Dragon Legion came, this fight would have a result.

"I have experienced hundreds of battles, and my cultivation level is much higher than yours. I am gifted with a dragon body, and my strength and ability are far stronger than yours. In this battle, your chance of winning is no higher than two levels!"

The Supreme Dragon Saint, who was extremely furious but also extremely calm at the same time, had scales all over his body that rubbed and expanded violently, and his entire body once again expanded by one foot!

The huge mouth opened angrily, and one of the blazing balls of light, which was more powerful than the scorching sun, appeared and aimed at the target Rhodes in front of him. The energy that was more violent and blazing than the volcanic eruption was about to pour out.

"Sorry, even if my chance of winning this battle is only two points, you will definitely be the one who dies, because I can see into the future!"


The Supreme Dragon Saint failed to understand what Rhodes meant. In his opinion, even the gods of the past could not see through it. But it has forgotten that God may not be able to see through the future, but he can definitely determine its future.

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