Mountain People

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Siblings meet, please leave

Xu Bingyao nodded hurriedly, wishing she could follow the old man who guarded the door to enter.

The waiting time seemed to be very long. It was a cold winter and twelfth month outside, and the weather was freezing cold. Qin Chuan saw that Xu Bingyao was wearing two thin single clothes and shivered in the wind, but his eyes were full of Feeling hopeful, he was moved by his heart, and took off his padded jacket and handed it to her: "Put it on, so you don't have to spend money on seeing a doctor if you catch a cold later."

Qin Shan was very speechless about his brother's awkward temperament.

Uncle Qin ignored these things, just stood in front of the gate and looked at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xu Bingyao saw Qin Chuan's impatient look, Qin Shan and Uncle Qin did not speak, so she carefully took the padded jacket and said thanks, but she was reluctant to wear it for fear of getting dirty. Padded jacket.

"Wear it if you want, what nonsense!" Qin Chuan became anxious when she saw that she was still not wearing it.

The uncle who guarded the door just happened to lead Xu Binghe out.

Qin Chuan saw this child with a runny nose and a torn padded jacket hugging Xu Bingyao, his eyes full of inquiry.

As soon as Xu Binghe came out, he ran towards Xu Bingyao, his eyes were full of Xu Bingyao, and he didn't even notice the three of Qin Chuan.

"Sister, you finally came to see me. I didn't know it before, but I understand now. The master said that if you sell yourself as a slave, you will never be free. I don't want my sister to sell her body. Don't study, I'm going to beg that uncle to let his sister go, and I will try my best to make money to return it to that uncle." The little guy was crying, but he didn't dare to cry, and kept suppressing it.

The old gatekeeper on the side shook his head and sighed, but he didn't say a word. It's all selling one's body, where can they have the final say, presumably the latter three are Sister Xu Binghe 's home.

The old man couldn't bear to tell Xu Binghe the truth, and he couldn't see this scene, so he simply shook his head and entered the house.

Xu Bingyao hugged her brother's thin body tightly, and was moved to tears.

Did you live well in the private school? How many times did you eat a day, how was the food? Why haven't you seen any growth in almost a year?"

Isn't it? Although Xu Binghe is ten years old, he looks at most seven or eight years old. What's more important is that he is so thin that he is about to lose his face, and the flesh on his cheeks is sunken. Going in, if it weren't for a clean face, it would look no different from those refugees.

Xu Binghe's eyes wandered when he heard Xu Bingyao's question, he didn't dare to face her, lowered his head and said, "I'm fine, I have food and food in the private school, so I'm not hungry."

Everyone obviously didn't believe what he said. If he really wasn't hungry, why wouldn't he even grow a bit of meat?

I heard that this private school has a good reputation, how could Xu Binghe be in this situation?

Xu Bingyao was familiar with her younger brother, and she knew that he didn't tell the truth just by looking at him, and she felt even more distressed, hugging him and crying silently.

Uncle Qin saw that this pair of sisters and brothers was really pitiful, looking at the weather, it was impossible for them to return to Qingping Mountain before dark today, and I was afraid that they would stay in the town for one night, so he said: "Chuan'er , you go and ask Mr., if you can take a leave for Xu Binghe, and stay at the inn with us for one night today, so that their siblings can talk to each other."

Xu Bingyao heard the words, and immediately knelt down to kowtow to Uncle Qin. Seeing Xu Binghe still standing stupidly, she quickly pulled him to kowtow to Uncle Qin, "Hurry up and give your benefactor your luggage, wait a moment. My sister will explain it to you again."

Xu Binghe hurriedly knelt down for Uncle Qin and kowtowed three times to Uncle Qin like Xu Bingyao.

Uncle Qin waited for them to salute before letting them get up.

Qin Chuan came out shortly after entering, nodded to Uncle Qin, and then thanked the old man who was guarding the door before leaving with the Xu family.

The group did not find a big hotel to stay, but found a small hotel near the private school.

Because it is now the end of the year, the hotel generally has no other business except for some merchants from the past. It is not bad to have one or two merchants come in a day.

Uncle Qin asked for three rooms at once, one for him and Qin Shan, one for Qin Chuan and Xu Binghe, and one for Xu Bingyao, but the shopkeeper was so happy that he could not find the north, the former Waiting back and forth is a kind of affection.

After the group entered the room, Uncle Qin asked Qin Shan to call everyone to their room to speak.

Xu Binghe followed Xu Bingyao closely from beginning to end, not taking a step.

Uncle Qin frowned when he saw the dilapidated clothes on the Xu family's sister and brother, and ordered Qin Shan to go out and buy two ready-to-wear clothes, and they would go back tomorrow to buy the rest.

Xu Binghe was very puzzled to see Uncle Qin and others thinking about them so much.

As soon as Qin Shan left, Uncle Qin took a serious look at the pair of siblings in front of him, and said slowly: "Xu girl, you must have heard what I said to you before, whether you like it or not. , you will be the young daughter-in-law of our Qin family. When you go back, we will arrange a wedding for you. Just as your brother is here, just go back with us for a wedding wine, and I will send him back to the private school after the Spring Festival. "

Xu Binghe was stunned and said in surprise, "Sister, are you getting married?"

Faced with Xu Binghe's shock, Xu Bingyao had no choice but to tell Xu Binghe all her experiences, "Sister thought that I would never see you again in this life, but I didn't expect that there is no way out of the sky, God opened his eyes , let me meet a kind master family, and now I want to marry me, this is already the best destination for my sister, and my sister is very satisfied!"

Xu Binghe burst into tears when he heard this, and held onto Xu Bingyao very tightly, for fear that if he let go, he would be left alone in the future!

"Okay, don't cry! It looks like you're being bullied, don't worry, although our family is not a wealthy family, we also have some fields, so it's not a problem to feed you. !" Qin Chuan originally wanted to say that supporting your sister is not a problem, but when he said that, he became you again.

This time Xu Binghe was really grateful to the three of Qin Chuan. He knelt down and kowtowed a few times. Chuan Cai really realized how skinny Xu Binghe was!

Qin Chuan grabbed Xu Binghe's hand in shock and opened his sleeve.

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