Mountain People

Vol 2 Chapter 140: Separate action, good times in the past

Look, there is a special channel for supplying batts to buyers. To be honest, I'm telling you this because we don't have enough batts here. If the single selling price is the same as before, if you want to wholesale, I really don't have any. The law gives you another discount."

Seeing Gu Shuixiu's surprised face, the shopkeeper explained in a low voice: "Before the rebel army had not yet invaded Yongjia County, we cooperated with cotton merchants in the north, and they fixed time every year. It will be delivered, and if you take the purchase price directly, you can wholesale it, but now Yongjia County has very strict entry and exit barriers, especially those from the north, who are not allowed to enter without careful inspection, and have to pay a lot of money to enter and exit. fee.

Those businessmen put their interests first. Seeing that their profits have shrunk greatly, they will no longer supply to me alone. Now all the cotton wool in Yongjia County is in a room in the county. In the store, they are unified wholesale, and the uprising army said that we are not allowed to increase the price of cotton wool, a necessities such as cotton wool, and our cloth factory now only enters these cotton wool for retail sales, and I can only give you the retail price for wholesale, so…”

When Gu Shuixiu heard this, her face became more gloomy. According to the owner of the cloth village, she would not be able to buy cheap cotton wool at all, but it would take a few days to go to the county from here. The cost is a sum.

But the shopkeeper Ken told her that she was very grateful.

In the end, Gu Shuixiu only bought cloth, not cotton wool.

Dong Chenghu was driving the car on the road, Gu Shuixiu said worriedly: "Chenghu, do you think we are going to the county to buy cotton wool? It will take three or four days from here to the county, back and forth. In seven or eight days, we still have to rush back to Cuizhu Mountain, and it will take another half a month, and the fields at home don’t know how?”

Dong Chenghu thought about Gu Shuixiu's words carefully, and then said after a while, "Well, I'll go buy cotton wool with Dong Yi, and you should go back to Cuizhu Mountain first, so that Dong Wei and the others can also help the field, We don't have to worry about not being able to catch up with the autumn harvest."

Now it seems that this is the only method that is most suitable.

For the next half-day, Gu Shuixiu went to the grain shop, the blacksmith shop, and the pharmacy with the beautiful scenery of the good time, and also went to the pharmacy, and purchased all the necessary things before announcing to go back. As for the house rented in the county seat , Because the lease is for one month, it is only half a month now, and it will be too late to return the keys when Dong Chenghu and Dong Yi come back from the county.

Before Gu Shuixiu left, someone called Gu Daniu and asked, "We're going back tomorrow, I know you're busy here, and you usually don't care about Yang Qiong, and Yang Qiong also I didn’t live well, so I thought about taking her back, whether she wanted to go to Caozi Village or go back to Cuizhu Mountain with us, what do you think?”

Gu Shuixiu saw that Gu Daniu was silent for a while, but she was not in a hurry and waited quietly for his answer.

"Sister, what does Yang Qiong say? Does she want to go back with you too?" Gu Daniu asked a little tangled. Of course he knew that Yang Qiong didn't like life in the county town, especially living in the county government office, but he didn't want to be separated from Yang Qiong for so long.

Gu Shui smiled, "She didn't answer, I think she really doesn't like the county town, she has a body again, you didn't take good care of it, so I took the initiative to mention it to you, if I don't mention it today , she certainly wouldn't say it.

But Daniel, if a pregnant woman is in a bad mood, it will affect the adults and children. I am also doing this for her good. There are many people going back, so we can take care of it. When Yang Qiong is born, if she is willing , you can still go back to the county with you. "

In the end, under the persuasion of Gu Shuixiu, Gu Daniu went to talk to Yang Qiong in person, and asked Yang Qiong to go back with Gu Shuixiu.

These days, Cui Fen and Cui Fang have adapted to the ten-mile fragrance work, one person helps wash dishes and dishes, one person helps to serve dishes and greet guests, colorful and Chenghai suddenly relax After taking a sigh of relief, seeing that they were adapting so well, Gu Shuixiu planned to leave the two of them behind to help the colorful sea.

Everyone else went back with them.

On the day of departure, Gu Daniu specially took a half-day off, just to see them off. Colorful Chenghai couldn't leave, so he packed Gu Shuixiu the night before.

Gu Shuixiu has already told them that she will do a wedding for them when they return from the Spring Festival.

When the group set off, they used six donkey carts. The three donkey carts were all loaded with goods purchased by Gu Shuixiu. One car carried Gu Shuixiu, Yang Qiong and the children, one car carried Mo Zhu and the others, and the other car carried luggage. Yang Yi, Dong Lie, and Dong Yong drove the cars, which was just right.

Such a big battle on the streets of the county town attracted the attention of all passersby. Fortunately, they were just ordinary people, and the cars were full of women, children, and supplies, so there was nothing sensitive Something, or it must have been intercepted directly.

After the donkey cart left the county town, Yang Yi stopped walking slowly, and drove the whip directly, the speed was more than ten times faster than just now.

A few children were not excited because they were on the road. After going through the previous experience, they are now fearful in their hearts.

Seeing Dong Yuanxu's gloomy face, Gu Shuixiu found a topic and asked Chao Liangchen Meijing and others, "I haven't talked to you for a while since you arrived at our house. Take your time and talk about your own experience."

The beautiful scenery of the good day was stunned for a moment, and she responded obediently.

Or the little servant, and disposed of all those concubines.


Liang Chen is just a little but beautiful, not a big beauty, that old man didn't even let her go, it can be seen that he is really an old woman.

"Since you have children, what about your parents? Are you willing to leave them?"

Speaking of father and mother, Liang Chen's eyes immediately reddened, "I don't have a father. Only my mother, when my mother could not live with me by herself, she sold herself as a maid, as soon as I was born It is a slave, but unfortunately my mother got typhoid when I was ten years old.

At that time I knew why she sold herself as a slave, all because she wanted me to live, if she hadn't sold her body, maybe she could support me for a few years, but she couldn't wait for me to grow up, afraid I was alone and could not live alone, so I was willing to be a slave. "

Yang Qiong heard what happened to Liangchen, and was very sympathetic, and said to Gu Shuixiu: "This girl's mother is really great, but she left too early..."

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