Mountain People

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Wei's jealousy, Zhu family chaos

Zhu Jinyan helped Liu Yueyuan up while talking, and restlessly wrapped her arms around Liu Yueyuan's slender waist, slowly moving down, Liu Yueyuan did not resist, and made a With a shy look, he deliberately rubbed against Zhu Jinyan, directly hooking up the fire in Zhu Jinyan's heart.

The two did things behind the screen on the side of the main room. This Liu Yueyuan is also a mature woman. Where can those fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls be compared, Zhu Jinyan After tasting it once, I couldn't stop, so I immediately lifted Liu Yueyuan as my aunt.

Wei's words, who are comforting Zhu Liyan in the backyard, haven't finished yet! Hearing the news that she vomited blood, she immediately ignored Zhu Liyan and rushed to the front yard. Zhu Jinyan and Liu Yueyuan had already packed up, and Liu Yueyuan was serving him diligently.

Wei rushed in and saw this scene, and immediately rushed forward angrily, scolding: "Shameless little bitch! How dare you seduce the master in broad daylight, look at me than stripping your skin!"

Liu Yueyuan flinched in fear, which made Zhu Jinyan feel even more distressed, and roared impatiently at Wei Shi: "What are you doing! Didn't you see Yuan'er scared by you? It's my intention to take her as a concubine, if you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me directly!"

"Dissatisfied? How dare I have any dissatisfaction! The master is so majestic, he even eats his own daughter's personal maid, what else can I say!" Angry and lost his mind.

Zhu Jinyan knew that he didn't take care of this matter, coughed twice, and gag: "Okay! Find a young girl for Yan'er to marry, Yuaner is already me You are already Auntie Yuan, don’t target her anymore, as for Yan’er, I will explain it to her.”

Wei was so choked by Zhu Jinyan that she walked away angrily, thinking that when Zhu Jinyan was not at the mansion, she would definitely torture Liu Yueyuan, this little bitch! How dare you climb the bed!

Unfortunately, what made Wei even more disappointed and angry was that Zhu Jinyan arranged for Liu Yueyuan to serve two maids and maids, two guards for her, and sent orders to the servants of the mansion People, let them respect Auntie Yuan, Wei Shi has never been treated like this when she walked in the door before, how can she not be resentful?

What annoyed her even more was that from that day on, Zhu Jinyan seemed to have grown up in Liu Yueyuan's house and stayed there every day. He would scold Wei Shi and make the whole Zhu Mansion jump.

Wei didn't have the extra energy to take care of Zhu Liyan. After Zhu Liyan went crazy, she calmed down completely. The figure of her can't help but remind her of the person she misses.

Zhu Liyan summoned the head of the bodyguards by magic. That night, outsiders didn't know what happened to Zhu Liyan, only that the next day, she seemed to be back to normal, just like the arrogant peacock in the past In the same way, every frown and smile are all charming, and the eyes are more and more seductive. If Wei Shi's thoughts were still on Zhu Liyan, she should be able to find out what was wrong with her. Unfortunately, Wei Shi did not do this.

From then on, the head guard of the Zhu family always secretly went to the backyard every night, and then came out with great satisfaction. This situation continued until the day before Zhu Liyan got married.

The head guard of the Zhu family went to the backyard after patrolling as usual.

Zhu Liyan was ready to wait for someone in the room. As soon as the chief guard entered the door, the two immediately became entangled with each other. Just when the chief guard was about to leave, Zhu Liyan abnormally stopped the person and For the reason of speaking, let the chief guard drink a glass of water.

Seeing that the captain of the guards drank, the corner of Zhu Liyan's mouth raised a radian, and then he chuckled and watched the captain of the guards leave. From tomorrow, the Zhu family will be replaced by a captain of guards!

Zhu Liyan looked at all this with satisfaction, she didn't care about her upcoming marriage, put on her clothes, lay down, and fell asleep sweetly.

Dong Chenghu has also heard about the chaos in the Zhu family here, but it has nothing to do with him, Zhu Jinyan is busy drilling the beauty account, and he just doesn't have to deal with his many calculations.

Seeing that it was summer, Dong Chenghu took out the summer clothes that Gu Shuixiu had sent over and put them on directly. He was still wearing a black cloak outside, so outsiders couldn't see what was inside at all.

Gu Shuixiu, who was far away in Yongjia County, also received a letter from Dong Chenghu at this time. After reading the content, Gu Shuixiu couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth. She originally thought that Dong Chenghu should grow up after this period of experience. A lot, but I didn't expect it to be the same as before, unchanged!

Dong Yunlan was in a good mood after seeing Gu Shuixiu reading the letter, and teased: "Sister-in-law, is it possible that my brother has some good news back? Looking at your best appearance, those who don't know think that What a wonderful thing happened!"

Gu Shuixiu chuckled and shook her head, and immediately explained: "It's nothing good, it's just that your brother stands upright, which makes me very satisfied. Well, you hurry up and teach Qingqing well. The side is about to be picked up, and I don't want this child to go out and be looked down upon, and Xingchi's child, I don't know how things are going now?"

It was just Chinese New Year this year, and Shen Shikang asked Zhang Xingchi to leave with Mozhu, his personal servant. Mozhu has acquired the true biography of Dong Yi and Yang Yi over the years. He is highly skilled in martial arts. Protecting Zhang Xingchi is not a problem, just two It was the first time for the child to travel far, and he had never seen anything in the world, so Gu Shuixiu couldn't help but feel uneasy.

In addition, when the children left, Gu Shuixiu also prepared 3,000 taels of silver for them, and I don’t know if it is safe to carry them with me. In short, Gu Shuixiu is all worried, and now Zhang Xingchi and the others have gone out It's been almost half a year, but Gu Shuixiu is still not completely relieved.

Dong Yunlan sighed: "Sister-in-law, every year, this year is Xingchi, next year is Baoer and Jiang An, then Junchi, and behind them are Yuan Xu, and they will have children every year in the future. To leave, and we're still where we are."

Dong Yunlan's words expressed endless sadness, thinking how happy they were when the child came, and how reluctant they were when the child left, but they couldn't keep it, and couldn't keep it!

The two smiled helplessly and looked at each other, but it was only sad for a while. After all, there are still many things at home, so how can there be so much spare time to hurt the spring and the autumn.

Dong Yi went to the valley with a lot of seaweed after the New Year, and he didn't bring anyone else, he said he would build the house over there and then come back. It's been more than half a year, and Gu Shuixiu has no news of him. They are still in charge of the store in the county town. Gu Shuixiu really feels guilty about her.

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