“They want three turns and one bell, and 500 yuan for the betrothal gift. Do they really want to marry their daughter? They are clearly deliberately making things difficult for us, hoping that we will give up! I think we should just forget about this marriage.”

“But my son likes the girl, and he said that he will not marry anyone else but her. We only have one child. And the girl is not bad. She is a little thin, but she is a teacher in the town and lives on commercial grain…”

“The problem now is not whether the girl is good or not, but that our family can’t afford the things and betrothal gifts they want! You can break my old bones and sell them, but I can’t exchange them for the three turns and one bell and 500 yuan for the betrothal gift they want!”

“This kind of thing, it must be It is possible to talk. I heard that Lin Xiaoxia’s brother has been learning hunting from Lao Qiu recently. He doesn’t have a hunting rifle. Why don’t we take the hunting rifle at home and have a good talk with them. If we can talk, we can give it to them? ”

“Hunting rifle? ! You’d better just break my old bones!”

“You are so stubborn. You can’t hunt now. The gun will just gather dust. If you give it to someone, there is still hope that it will help our son’s marriage. Why don’t you agree?”

“You are capable. You have a good brain. If you hadn’t spoiled your son like that, would it be so difficult to find a wife?”


Shi Lin sat on the kang in a daze, listening to the quarrel between his parents in the main room.

Who would have thought that he was just patrolling the mountain when his foot was tripped by something, and then his eyes went black, and when he opened his eyes again, he was reborn!

Looking at the calendar on the wall, it should be October 25, 1984.

At this moment, he was only 21 years old, and his parents were worried and quarreling because he had not been able to find a wife.

This kind of thing happened frequently in his memory. From the time he graduated from high school at the age of 17 to the age of 35, it was nearly 20 years, and his ears were almost calloused.

Hearing it again now, he suddenly felt a long-lost sense of happiness.

It was so good to have parents caring and nagging!

In his previous life, his parents stopped quarreling after he was 35, not because he got a wife, but because his father could not quarrel anymore and passed away.

After that, his mother may have aged rapidly because no one was there to quarrel with her, and she followed his father the next year.

And Shi Lin really lived up to the saying “I will not marry anyone but her”. He was still a single man at the age of 61 before his rebirth.

Of course, the reason why he did not marry a wife was not because of deep affection, but because he really could not marry one.

With no money, no background, and a notorious lazy man, who would be willing to marry him?

When he was young, he wanted to marry someone, but when the other party and the other party’s parents asked about his situation, they basically didn’t want to.

When he was middle-aged, in addition to the other party and the other party’s parents, there were many other people’s husbands who didn’t want to…

Later, when he was old, he worked as a forest ranger in the mountains. He basically didn’t see women, and he didn’t have the intention to marry a wife. He used his mobile phone to look at the female Bodhisattvas on the Internet every day. It was good.

In his spare time, he often read various novels, movies and TV series, and he was not unfamiliar with rebirth, but he didn’t expect such a good thing to fall on him.

Feeling his young body, Shi Lin was in a good mood.

In his new life, he had the memory of forty years in the future, and it was not too simple to live his own life.

Just like what Mr. Lei said, as long as you stand on the wind, a pig can take off!

However, before he could make great plans, the “war” between his parents spread to him.

Mother Ye Meihui walked into the house and asked Shi Lin:

“Son, tell me, I said I would give the hunting rifle to the youngest son of the Lin family and have a good talk with the Lin family about your marriage with Xiaoxia. Your father said he would leave the hunting rifle for you to use. What do you think?”

In her opinion, asking her son this question must be on her side.

After all, Shi Lin never goes into the mountains, so it’s useless to ask for a hunting rifle. Besides, he likes Lin Xiaoxia so much that he won’t marry her, so how could he not agree?

Obviously, father Shi Zhengang also thinks so. He leans on his crutches and adds with dissatisfaction:

“I said I would leave the hunting rifle to my descendants, but I didn’t say I would give it to this bastard.”

“If my son can’t get married, our family will be extinct here. Where can we find descendants?”

Ye Meihui rolled her eyes and habitually choked him.

This is also what she always said to Shi Zhengang.

There was no other way. In this era when every family wanted a son to carry on the family line, their family only had Shilin as their son. Who else could they give the things to if not him?

You have to know that Shilin was their precious youngest son after they had five daughters.

Even though Comrade Lao Shi kept scolding Shilin, he still favored this youngest son in his actions.

The fact that the two of them could enter the house to ask Shilin’s opinion basically meant that Comrade Lao Shi agreed to give away his beloved hunting rifle.

HoweverWhat Old Ye and Old Shi did not expect was that their son actually opposed it this time!

And he said seriously:

“Give the hunting rifle to Lin Xiaoqiang, Lin Xiaoxia will not marry me. She is a woman who wants to live in the city, and the countryside cannot keep her.”

“Keep the hunting rifle. Dad’s leg is injured and he can’t go up the mountain. I will go hunting in the future and earn money to support the family.”

“Don’t worry about marrying a wife. I will find one myself.”

Ah? !

Hearing Shi Lin’s words, Shi Zhengang and Ye Meihui both had a “hell” expression.

How could their son say this?

Didn’t he yell yesterday that he would marry Lin Xiaoxia? Why did he change his mind today?

And what did he say just now? He wanted to go into the mountains to hunt? To earn money to support the family?

This… the sun didn’t rise from the west today?

“Son, did you catch a cold last night?”

Ye Meihui said, reaching out to touch Shi Lin’s forehead, with a look of surprise, “It’s not hot, why do you look like you’re delirious?”

Lao Shi, who was standing next to him, frowned and pondered for a while, and suddenly became furious:

“You bastard, do you want to use the excuse of hunting in the mountains to cheat me out of my gun and sell it for money? Don’t even think about it, I won’t give it to you even if I burn it as firewood!”

Shi Lin had wanted to sell his hunting rifle for money many times before. Now after hearing what Shi Lin said, Lao Shi felt that this bastard must be trying to cheat him out of his gun!

Lao Shi’s hunting rifle is a good thing. He spent a lot of money last year to buy a 56-type semi-automatic rifle from the supply and marketing cooperative for 385 yuan.

Originally, he wanted to use this hunting rifle to travel the mountains, build a big brick and tile house for them, and marry a wife for Shi Lin, but…

Half a year ago, when he finished hunting and was carrying the prey down the mountain, a wild boar suddenly jumped out of the forest and knocked him out, breaking his calf on the spot.

Fortunately, Comrade Lao Shi is also an experienced hunter for many years. He picked up the hunting rifle and shot the crazy wild boar with three shots.

Half a year later, he can only walk with crutches. It is basically impossible for him to go up the mountain again in the future, and the gun has become a decoration.

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