“No, if I go back with you, it will affect your marriage.”

“It will be bad for our family’s reputation if our married daughter is driven back home.”

“Last time I heard that our parents are looking for someone for you. I can’t let you not be able to find a wife.”

After being persuaded by Shi Lin for a while, Shi Yushu was somewhat moved.

She also missed the days at home. Although she had to work, she had enough food and meat every day, and there were no worries…

Compared to now, it was too good.

But when she thought that her return would damage the reputation of the family and prevent her younger brother from getting married, she dared not think about going home again.

People of this era still have very traditional ideas.

People who get married in this era are basically widowed, and there is rarely any divorce.

“What do you mean you were sent home?! I came to pick you up in person! How can I have a bad reputation?

And you know that I don’t have a good reputation, so I don’t care about this.

Go, pack your things, take Pan Di and Lai Di with you, and go home with me.”

Speaking of the names of his two nieces, Shi Lin was also furious.

This old Liu family clearly favors boys over girls, without any concealment.

“If you hesitate again, I will go home and pull our father over, and let him come to invite you back. If our father knew that you were living like this in the Liu family, he would come with a gun, do you believe it?”


Shi Lin’s words directly broke Shi Yushu’s defense.

Unable to hold back any longer, she cried with a wow.

“Woo woo…”

She had been so miserable in the past few years since she married into the Liu family, especially after the birth of her second daughter, Lai Di, her mother-in-law’s undisguised harassment made her think of suicide several times.

Others said that the Shi family also favored boys over girls, and they had to give birth to a son after giving birth to five daughters.

In fact, it was true that Shi Zhengang and Ye Meihui were somewhat favoring boys over girls, but the old couple was actually very good to their five daughters and never treated them badly in life.

They were not like the old Liu family, who treated boys as treasures and girls as “money-losing goods”.

In the end, after Shi Lin moved out of his father, Shi Yushu finally made up her mind to go home with Shi Lin!

She first washed her face, pretended to be calm, and went to the next yard to pick up her second daughter Liu Lai Di from her parents-in-law.

Then she started to go into the house to pack her and her two daughters’ clothes.

After she had packed up, she went to the main hall and said to Liu Defu:

“Master, there are some things going on at my mother’s house, so I’ll take my two daughters back to stay for a few days.”

Shi Yushu thought that they would most likely have to come back, and they were not prepared to make things too awkward, so they planned to go back and stay for a few days first, and then come back to see how things went.

If Liu Defu could divide the house for the three of them, she would definitely not be afraid of hardship and fatigue, and would come back to run the house with him.

After all, it was not that she had no feelings for Liu Defu, it was just that the Liu family was too hard on her.

However, what she didn’t expect was that after Liu Defu heard what she said, he actually said,

“There are still a lot of work waiting for people to do in the fields. If you go back now, how can I handle it?”

After these words came out, Shi Lin, who had been watching coldly from the side, finally couldn’t help it.

He stepped forward and punched Liu Defu hard on the left cheek.


Liu Defu fell to the ground after being punched by him.

Then Shi Lin continued to bully Liu Defu, pinning him down with one punch to the left and one to the right.

Bang, bang, bang!

“You are a man? When my fourth sister married into your family, she was plump and white. Look at what she has become now!!”

“I have tolerated you for a long time and don’t want to beat you in front of the children. You are still showing off. Work in the fields? Is my fourth sister your long-term farmhand?”

“She just gave birth to a child three months ago! Look at what you have done to her in three months. Are you still a man?”

“You son of a bitch, there is no good person in your family, I…”

Shi Lin really couldn’t control his temper. He beat Liu Defu and scolded him while beating him. The more he scolded, the more ugly it became.

If Shi Yushu hadn’t been holding him tightly, he really had the urge to beat Liu Defu to death.

Thinking about it now, he felt that the reason why his fourth sister had such a miserable life in the previous life was largely due to Liu Defu.

After beating him, Shi Lin packed up all the things he had brought with him, including the rice and flour he bought later, and left nothing for Liu Defu.

On the back seat of the bicycle, Shi Yushu was holding two children, looking at Liu Defu, who was leaning against the door with a bruised face, and tears fell down.

“Hold tight,”Child, let’s go.”

Shi Lin didn’t want to stay at Liu’s house for a minute. He told his fourth sister, stepped on the bicycle, and went home!

At this moment, there was no sound next door. In the yard of Liu Defu’s parents, a harsh old woman’s voice suddenly came out, “If you go back, you will no longer be a member of our Liu family! From now on, you will go your own way and don’t come to our Liu family again!”

Hearing this, Liu Defu, who was leaning against the door, was stunned for a moment.

Shi Yushu, who was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, was also startled, and then her face was bitter. Tears were like a flood that could not be wiped away.

“Sixth brother, stop, stop, I… I won’t go back…”

Shi Yushu said while crying.

However, Shi Lin didn’t stop the car at all, and whispered, “Sit well, don’t throw the child out. ”

After saying that, he quickened his pace and shouted loudly:

“Old thief, we won’t come to this kind of hell place again even if you use a sedan chair to invite us! If you dare to bully my fourth sister again, I will beat you up too!”

He shouted loudly, especially loud in the quiet night, so that the villagers who were watching the excitement around could hear it clearly.

Some villagers who didn’t know the cause and effect of the matter also began to gossip about the old Liu family.

And the old woman of the old Liu family was so angry that her face turned blue and she almost couldn’t breathe.

In fact, as early as when the fat man and the others were scared out by Shi Lin, the old woman had been paying attention to the movements in the next yard.

When Liu Defu was beaten by Shi Lin, they heard it clearly next door.

But today, the old man of the Liu family and Liu Defu’s eldest brother went to the county, and the family There were no other adult men except Liu Defu.

The old woman was afraid that if she went to the next door, she would be beaten by Shi Lin, the second-rate guy…

So she never went there. She only said something harsh when they were about to leave, saying that she wanted to control Shi Yushu.

Normally, her words could really control Shi Yushu.

Unfortunately, it was Shi Lin who came to pick up Shi Yushu today. Shi Lin would not be threatened by her. He even hoped that the fourth sister would break off with the Liu family.

As a reborn person, she had seen too many divorced people in the future, and she did not think that divorce was anything to be ashamed of.

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