[Beast Servant Points: 89]

[Beast Servant: Jin Yi (Golden Ringed Bearded Man), Zi Er (Sable), Tuo San (Moose)]

On the way home, Shi Lin glanced at the system and nodded with satisfaction.

He left home at around 4 o’clock and returned at around 6 o’clock. In almost two hours, Zi Er and Tuo San alone created 85 beast servant points for him.

In addition, there were a lot of prey, and two sacks could not hold them all. Shi Lin also used reeds to make ropes, strung a long string of fish, and let the little moose carry them on his back.

In the afternoon, Jin Yi’s main role was basically to watch the black bear cubs.

The IQ of the black bear cubs was completely incomparable to the three beast servants. They were very stupid. Without Jin Yi watching them, I didn’t know where they ran away.

Today was already in the limelight. Now that he was going home, Shi Lin deliberately asked Jin Yi to patrol in front first, avoiding the road with people, and quietly took a few small beasts home.

Walking into their yard, Lao Shi and his friends were busy processing the morning honeycombs.

Seeing Shi Lin carrying a gun and two sacks on his back, the fifth sister Shi Yuying opened her mouth and asked:

“Sixth brother, you didn’t go up the mountain again in the afternoon, did you? Are you going hunting or buying goods? Why did you carry back two sacks?!”

There is an old hunter at home, and she is familiar with hunters.

Normally, hunters go into the mountains once a day, which is about it.

Often they go into the mountains for a whole day, sometimes two or three days, but the prey they kill…

It depends on luck. When you are lucky, you can be happy for several days if you kill a big guy, and you can also rest for a few days.

When you are unlucky, you may go into the mountains for two or three days without any hair harvest, and return empty-handed. You still have to rest for two days after returning before setting off again.

It is rare to go into the mountains and kill a lot of prey at one time. After all, you go to the mountains to hunt, not to buy goods.

Shi Lin seemed to have violated this rule. He had just hunted so many prey in the morning, so why did he go hunting again in the afternoon?

He even brought back two sacks? ! Could he be the one-in-a-million innate hunting genius?

At this time, everyone else also looked at him, wondering if he went up the mountain to hunt again in the afternoon?

Shi Lin smiled and put down the two sacks, took the gun on his back, and said:

“I didn’t go up the mountain. There is no prey outside the Daxing Mountain, and it is impossible to come back so quickly in the deep mountains.”

Hearing this, Lao Shi and others nodded and agreed with him.

This is indeed the case. In the outer area of ​​Daxing Mountain, except for Shi Lin and his friends who found beehives and took honey, there are really not many prey to hunt in other hunting methods.

If you want to hunt, you have to go into the mountains. This is almost the consensus of all hunters.

“Where did you go? What’s in those two sacks?”

Fourth sister Shi Yushu asked while filtering honey.

“Hehe, they are all good stuff, you will know when you take a look.”

Shi Lin smiled and poured out one of the sacks directly.

Everyone looked up and saw what was going on!

In this bag, there were more than ten wild ducks and a weasel!

“You went to the river! You shot so many wild ducks! No, these wild ducks have good heads and bodies, you didn’t shoot them! It was Zi’er, it was Zi’er, right?!”

Seeing so many wild ducks and a weasel poured out by Shi Lin, Shi Yuying excitedly put down her work, ran forward, and checked them one by one.

“Hehe, yes, these are all caught by Zi Er, and there is still a small bag of wild duck eggs here.”

As he said, Shi Lin opened another bag, revealing a bunch of light blue wild duck eggs.

Seeing those wild duck eggs, everyone’s eyes lit up, and Ye Meihui hurried into the house to get a basin to put them in.

They took the wild duck eggs out of the bag one by one, and when everyone counted, there were 62 of them.

“Eggs are 30 cents each at the market, and we have 62 wild duck eggs here…”

Before Shi Yuying finished her words, Shi Lin interrupted her and said, “We keep these wild duck eggs for ourselves, and we won’t sell them. If you want to sell them, sell these.”

As he spoke, Shi Lin removed the weeds under the eggs, revealing a large sack of fish underneath.

He lifted the bag up and shook it, and the sound of fish jumping and clacking immediately came out of the bag.

“Wow, they are all fish, and they are all alive! This… Lao Liu, these were not caught by Zi’er, were they?”

At this moment, Shi Yuying couldn’t believe it.

Is that little sable really that powerful? Could it really be a spirit?

“Hey, some of the crucian carps were caught by Zi Er, but the others were not.”

Shi Lin waved his hand outside the yard, and then Shi Yuying, Ye Meihui and others in the yard saw a scene that was unbelievable to them.

The little moose that entered the courtyard had fish hanging all over its neck and body.

The largest one was a black carp, which was even taller than the little moose. It was dragged directly on the ground, and its mouth was still opening and closing, obviously not dead yet.

“Good fellow! You don’t mean to say that these fish were brought back by this elk? I remember that this thing seems to be a vegetarian, right?”

This time, even Lao Shi, who had been pretending to be calm, could no longer remain calm.

This is too outrageous.

First, they raised a wasp that could find a beehive, then they rescued a sable that could hunt, and now there is a moose that can catch fish? !

What is wrong with this world? ! Lao Shi felt a little confused.

“Don’t doubt it. Except for a few crucian carps caught by Zi Er, the rest of these fish were caught by the little moose!”

“This guy can dive, and can dive for a long time. I taught him a little bit, and he immediately learned to catch fish. In more than an hour, he caught so many…”

Shi Lin shrugged, saying that he had never thought that this little moose had this ability.

And everyone at home was also confused.

“You taught it, and it learned it?” Shi Zhengang asked suspiciously.

“Yes, I taught it to bite and hold the fish when it saw it in the water, and it learned it quickly.” Shi Lin nodded affirmatively.

Then he gave a few simple commands to the little moose and performed in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at it in surprise. They found that the little moose seemed to really understand what Shi Lin said.

It would not go west if you told it to go east, and it would not catch chickens if you told it to chase dogs.

“This is amazing! It can actually understand human language?! Come, little moose, come here.”

Shi Yuying waved to the little moose excitedly.

An embarrassing scene happened. The little moose looked at her and turned its head to the other side, showing no intention of paying attention to her.

“Ah, this… does it not want to pay attention to me, or does it not understand what I say?”

Shi Lin smiled and said, “They seem to only understand my words, but they don’t understand everything I say, they can only understand part of it.”

Then Shi Lin demonstrated several failed examples to everyone, such as asking the moose to back up, but it didn’t respond; asking it to squat, it also looked confused…

These were all planned by Shi Lin, to show his family some of the spirituality of these beast servants, but not to let everyone think they are terribly smart and afraid of them.

At the same time, he also said that he seemed to be able to communicate with these animals, but he was currently in a stage of knowing only a little, to dispel everyone’s doubts.

Everyone in the family watched his demonstration and listened to his explanation, and basically accepted the fact that he was a little different from ordinary people.

Shi Zhengang thought about it and warned several people:

“Keep your mouth shut. Don’t tell anyone about this matter in the future. Don’t tell your other sisters, uncles, second uncles, etc. Just let us know.”

“Xiao Liu, you should also be careful. When there are outsiders, don’t let them do anything. Just treat them as ordinary moose and sables.”

“Old woman, you too, don’t tell your family about this!”

Everyone nodded when they heard this, indicating that they would keep their mouths shut and not tell anyone.

Shi Lin was secretly happy. Today, he told his father and others a little bit about the bottom line. If there is any action in the future, there will be someone to help cover it up!

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