“The poison of wasps is very strong. Last year, someone in Shanghe Village was stung to death by a wasp. Don’t mess with wasp nests anymore.”

Don’t provoke wasps. Ye Meihui had said this many times when she came back with the wasp nest just now.

At this moment, Shi Lin came out of the room to help sort the pupae. Shi Zhengang once again warned Shi Lin seriously.


Shi Lin nodded helplessly.

At first, he also tried to reason with the two elders, saying that he had skills, experience, and confidence, and was not a fool.

But… it was not easy to reason. The two elders didn’t believe him at all, and when they asked him where his experience came from, he couldn’t explain it clearly.

Helplessly, he had to agree first, and then quietly change in the future to let them adapt to the reborn self.

“By the way, Dad, didn’t you scoop out a beehive twice before? I remember that you scooped out a lot of honey. How much did you sell one pound for?”

Seeing that his father wanted to continue “reasoning”, Shi Lin quickly changed the subject and asked about the price of honey.

He just glanced through Jin Yi’s memory and found that there was a beehive on Daxing Mountain near the wasp nest.

In this era, honey should be quite valuable, but he didn’t remember the specific price.

Speaking of the two beehives that Lao Shi had dug out before, Ye Meihui had something to say and complained:

“What are you selling? We’ve divided them all up, and we didn’t sell anything.”

“Your four sisters each get half a catty, your eldest uncle’s family gets half a catty, your second uncle’s family gets half a catty, and your grandmother’s family, your two uncles, your uncle Leshan… there’s not enough to go around.”

“Your father is just poor but generous. He said that if you sell the honey, at most each of your four sisters can get a little bit, but he refused. He wanted a little bit for each family, and he was stung all over his bread. In the end, there was less than a catty of honey left at home…”

Ah, this…

Shi Lin scratched his head in embarrassment. He only remembered that his father had dug out beehives twice, and he really forgot how the honey was handled.

Unexpectedly, all of them were given away. This is in line with Lao Shi’s style of doing things. When there are good things, he is not stingy at all.

In this era, honey is definitely a good thing, a scarce product, not inferior to malted milk.

Hearing the old woman complaining about him, Shi Zhengang responded with a lack of confidence.

“They are all for my family, I’m not giving them to outsiders.”

“My own people? The kind of people who come to your house to collect debts the next day after you break your leg?”

Ye Meihui sneered with disdain.

Shi Zhengang: “… Didn’t my elder brother come to explain this matter? It’s just that my elder sister-in-law is narrow-minded, and Yulin needs money to go to college.”

“Then when you broke your leg, did your elder brother say anything in practice except a few words?

And our son’s job, I’ve asked him to find out for several years. His brother-in-law’s son didn’t graduate from junior high school, but he arranged for him to work in the factory. Our son graduated from high school, but he didn’t arrange for him for several years…”

Speaking of Shi Lin’s uncle’s family, Ye Meihui seemed to be injected with stimulants, and she talked endlessly.

Seeing that her parents were about to quarrel over her uncle’s family again, Shi Yuying looked at Shi Lin and pulled him aside.

“Sixth Brother, tell me honestly, did you really get that hornet’s nest yourself?”

Shi Lin nodded, “Yes, it was right next to Hu Zi’s field. The sacks were all taken by Hu Zi, and Hu Zi can testify. What’s wrong, Fifth Sister?”

Hearing the affirmative answer, Shi Yuying smiled.

“I know a beehive. If you can really dig out a beehive, let’s go and dig out that beehive. I saw someone selling honey in town last week. It’s 1.6 yuan per pound, and many people bought it.”

She had discovered this beehive a long time ago, and even found out the price of honey.

Originally, she wanted to wait until Comrade Lao Shi’s leg was completely healed before asking Comrade Lao Shi to dig it out.

Now it seems that there is a better choice. Sixth Brother got a hornet’s nest and it was intact, which is much better than Comrade Lao Shi getting stung all over his head when digging out a beehive.

Hearing this, Shi Lin also showed a happy expression.

This is not a coincidence. He was originally planning to dig out the beehive, but he didn’t expect that the fifth sister had the same idea, and she also knew the location of a beehive.

“Let’s go now. Dig out the beehive first and put it in the bag. One catty is one dollar and sixty, and digging out twenty or thirty catties is equivalent to a month’s salary for workers in the city.”

At this time in 1984, the monthly salary of ordinary workers in the steel mills in the city was about forty yuan, and one catty of honey was almost their daily salary.

Seeing the opportunity to dig out the beehive, Shi Yuying was also excited. She glanced at her parents who were still arguing and nodded.Nodded.

“Okay, let’s go now. I’ll get two bags, and I can put honey in them later.”

“Take two more, the weather is going to get cold soon, and there’s a lot of honey in the beehive now.” Shi Lin instructed.

Shi Yuying waved her hand, thinking that Lao Liu was really bold, it would be no problem to bring back two bags with the beehive and honey, how big would it be?

But she still took one more bag in her hand, what if?


The foot of the east side of Daxing Mountain.

“That’s it, look over there, there are a lot of bees flying around, the beehive is there, I saw it when I came to the mountain to collect firewood before.”

Shi Yuying pointed to a slope with lush vegetation and said.

Shi Lin nodded, walked over, used a sickle to push away the outer vegetation, and soon saw the situation of the beehive.

This is a beehive built in the ground, with two small holes at the entrance of the beehive, and the bees are busy going in and out of the small holes.

After seeing the situation clearly, Shi Lin retreated.

“This is a beehive built in the ground. I have to dig out the soil outside the beehive, dig a hole that I can reach my hand into, and then take the honey. In the process, bees may rush out and sting people. Fifth sister, please stay away and don’t get too close.”

Shi Yuying nodded and handed him the equipment in her hand, “I know, be careful.”

Because the purpose of this time is to dig honey, Shi Lin is much more cautious than when he was dealing with a hornet’s nest before, and he also brought Comrade Lao Shi’s equipment.

A special bamboo hat (that is, two layers of mosquito nets are added around the bamboo hat to prevent bees from stinging), a pair of gloves made of coarse cloth,

With these two things, plus long pants and long-sleeved clothes, it can basically defend against more than 90% of the attacks of bees, and the difficulty of taking honey is greatly reduced.

After putting on the equipment, pulling down the sleeves and trouser legs and tightening them, Shi Lin took the sickle, hoe, and bag and started to act.

The first step to dig a beehive is to wear protective equipment.

The second step is to clean up the weeds, gravel and other debris next to the beehive.

The third step is to use a hoe and sickle to start digging a honeycomb hole.

In the first two steps, be careful when you move, don’t make too much noise, bees generally won’t attack people, they just make a buzzing sound to warn.

In the third step, start digging holes, and the bees will be fierce at this time.

The worker bees make a shrill buzzing sound, and rush to Shilin desperately.

However, Shilin has already made good protection, and directly ignores the attack of the bees and continues to dig holes.

It didn’t take long to dig out the hole. The inside of the honeycomb is still quite large, and there are seven or eight honeycombs exposed.

Without ink, Shilin directly reached into the hole and took out the honeycombs piece by piece.

When he took out the eighth piece, Shilin looked inside the hive and saw that there were still three pieces of nest ticks left, so he stopped his hand.

Leave some for the little bees as food, and come to visit them next year.

After collecting the honey, Shi Lin did not leave directly, but blocked the beehive with gravel and soil, leaving only two small openings for the bees to enter and exit.

At the same time, he also made a simple old camouflage around the beehive, the purpose of which was also to protect the bees.

In his previous life, Shi Lin was a forest ranger in the mountains. He did not raise bees himself, but he could sell a lot of honey every year. This is how he got it, sustainable development.

After doing all this, Shi Lin picked up the bag, took the tools, and prepared to walk towards the fifth sister Shi Yuying.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for taking out a beehive and gaining 2 beast servant points. ]

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