“Not good!”

Shi Lin knew something must have happened after hearing the gunshots. Maybe Zidane was in danger of life and death. The situation was very critical.

But reason told him that the more it was at this time, the more he couldn’t panic or be anxious.

He hurriedly checked Zi Er’s current situation through the system. This made him feel relieved that Zi Er was still alive.

At this time, Zi Er was running madly in his direction, and there was no one chasing him around him. He should be out of danger.

But with the little guy’s agility like a mountain elf, what exactly caused it to send out such a strong distress signal?

Shi Lin pulled Zi Er’s memory forward with some doubts, and soon he saw the reason that made Zi Er’s soul tremble and send out an extremely strong distress signal.

It’s a tiger cub!

This tiger cub does not refer to a real tiger, but another animal.

Lynx, a cat, looks like a tiger, but is much smaller than a tiger. It is called a tiger cub.

Zi Er just encountered a lynx, and the lynx was staring at it with its eyes wide open, ready to attack it!

In terms of “skill” and agility, Zi Er should not be much worse than the lynx,

But little Zi Er has a serious problem, it is very afraid of lynx!

Once it was stared at by the lynx, it was scared to death, trembling all over and motionless, and all its skills were useless.

If it weren’t for the sudden three gunshots that scared the lynx away at the critical moment, Zi Er would have become the lynx’s food.

About five minutes later, Shi Lin met little Zi Er,

At this time, the little guy had not yet walked out of the shadow of being stared at by the lynx, huddled into a ball, hiding in Shi Lin’s arms and trembling.

“Don’t run too far in the future. Stay near me. Even if the tiger cub really comes, I can save you.”

Shi Lin touched the little guy with a little comfort. This was the first time he saw the little guy like this after he contracted Zi Er. It seemed that he was really scared.

Maybe this is the level suppression between animals.

After Shi Lin’s comfort and caressing, the little guy’s emotions gradually stabilized and he was no longer trembling and afraid.

After a while, Shi Lin saw that the little guy’s condition was almost recovered, so he let him climb up the tree and be responsible for guarding the situation nearby from above.

With Xiao Zi Er guarding above, Shi Lin walked towards the direction of the gunshot just now.

That direction happened to be the hunting area of ​​Xiao Zi Er in front. There were still many preys killed by Xiao Zi Er waiting for Shi Lin to collect.

The man and the beast walked for about twenty minutes and came to the area where Xiao Zi Er had hunted just now.

At this moment, the man and the beast did not see the person who had just fired the gun nearby, nor did they see the lynx that was going to hunt Xiao Zier just now. There was nothing happening nearby.

After searching for a while nearby, Shi Lin finally found a pool of blood, several roe deer footprints, and a trace of dragging on a hillside.

He judged that someone must have shot a roe deer here and dragged it away.

In addition, in addition to the roe deer footprints, there were two shoe prints of different sizes on the ground, as well as some dog footprints, so the other party should be two people, and they brought several dogs.

Judging from the direction of the shoe prints, the two people should have walked out with the prey.

After judging the situation clearly, Shi Lin felt relieved and picked up the sack to collect the sable spoils.

However, when he collected two prey and was about to collect the third one, he found that the prey that was supposed to be in this place had been taken away by someone.

There were also two people’s shoe prints and some dog paw prints on the ground, which were obviously taken away by the two hunters just now.

This situation is normal. After all, a big fat rabbit that was just bitten to death is in front of you. Which hunter would not pick it up?

Shi Lin didn’t care too much. He continued to let Zi Er lead the way and continued to collect prey.

However, soon, he and Zi Er found that something was wrong.

Eighty percent of the prey that Zi Er bit to death were taken away by the two hunters. Every time they arrived at a place, they basically saw shoe prints and dog paw prints, and the prey was gone.

This made Zi Er very angry, and he kept clucking all the way to express his dissatisfaction.

The hares, pheasants, birds and the like that it hunted must be a sack, and there was also a valuable weasel among them.

That was the result of the little guy’s hard hunting for more than three hours. In order to hunt these, it was almost eaten by a lynx.

As a result, 80% of them were picked up by people, and only two or three kittens were left.

It felt like he had gone through life and death outside to earn supplies, but in the end his home was robbed, which made Xiao Zier very angry.

Shi Lin did not expect that this would happen.This situation happened, but it was normal to think about it, after all, the other party brought a dog with them.

Dogs are easier to find prey, and these prey were all bitten to death by Zi Er, so they would have a bloody smell on their bodies, making them easier to be found.

“Forget it, forget it, just take it as a thank you for saving you just now, don’t be angry.”

Shi Lin stroked the angry little Zi Er, picked up the sack, and started to walk back.

Little Zi Er cried twice in frustration, and continued to jump onto the tree to explore the way for Shi Lin in front.

After a while, the man and the beast returned to the mountain stream. The little moose that was eating grass roots in the water received Shi Lin’s news and floated out of the water.

Shi Lin picked up four sacks of fish in the water, hung two of them on the little moose, and carried the other two on his back, and waved his hand.

“Go home!”






As soon as Shi Lin finished speaking, he heard a burst of gunfire from the forest not far from him.

The gunfire was very urgent, as if it was fired continuously.

There were two different sounds in between. Shi Lin guessed that it should be the two hunters just now. They were hunting with different guns.

One of them used a gun that could fire continuously, and the other should be an old-fashioned earth gun.

The forest over there was just on his way back to the village. Now he heard the gunfire, and Shi Lin was ready to wait a while before going over to prevent being accidentally injured.

After a while, there was no more gunfire, so Shi Lin carried the sack and went home with the two beasts.

Zi Er was still exploring the way ahead, and Shi Lin and the little moose were walking behind with the prey on their backs.

After walking for a while, Zi Er suddenly let out a piercing scream, followed by a leap, directly onto Shi Lin’s shoulder.

Standing on Shi Lin’s shoulders with his two hind legs, his front paws made an attacking gesture, and threatened the tree in front with a “cuckoo~” sound.

Seeing this, Shi Lin immediately put down the sack on his body, picked up the hunting rifle, and looked at the tree in front.

He immediately understood what was going on.

Well, the enemy’s road is narrow.

Little Zi Er met the lynx that almost killed him again.

But at this time, Little Zi Er was not fighting alone. He had Shi Lin as his master and Tuo San as his companion, while there was only one lynx on the opposite side.

The advantage was mine!

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