“For those above 10 jin, there are 265 jin in total, 1.8 yuan per jin, totaling 477;

For those below 10 jin, there are 143 jin in total, 1.5 yuan per jin, totaling 215; the total is 692.”

After Liu Baoquan calculated the bill, he turned around and shouted to the house,

“Wife, count the money, give Linzi 700.”

Ah, this…

This wave of Liu Baoquan’s operation once again made Lin Xiaoqiang and Qiu Weidong numb.

When the two of them were selling goods just now, Liu Baoquan haggled with them over a few cents and did not give in at all.

Now when it came to Shi Lin, he directly gave him a few more yuan. Is the gap between people so big?

Or is the relationship between Shi Lin and Liu Baoquan really that good?

Liu Baoquan didn’t care about their astonishment, quickly sorted the fish, froze them with ice, and then pulled Shi Lin into the house, saying that he would treat him to a drink.

Shi Lin followed him in with a smile. He saw that Liu Baoquan had something to say and didn’t want Lin Xiaoqiang and the others outside to hear it.

As soon as the two entered the house, Liu Baoquan whispered to Shi Lin:

“Lin Zi, were you robbed by those two people outside in the mountains? Tell me, if they really want to rob you, I will bring people to help you get it back.”


Shi Lin was stunned, and then he thought about it and roughly understood what was going on.

Among the hunters in this area, probably only the pheasants and hares that Shi Lin brought to sell were killed by sables, and the wounds were very easy to identify.

And the prey that Lin Xiaoqiang and the others brought to sell had exactly the same wounds as the prey that Shi Lin brought to sell at ordinary times.

And Shi Lin didn’t bring prey like pheasants and hares to sell today, so Liu Baoquan’s first thought was that Shi Lin was robbed by the two people outside!

In the mountains, stealing and robbing prey is not common, but it is not uncommon. There are always some bad apples.

“No, no, if they dare to steal my prey, I will deal with them myself.

The situation is like this, I have a mink to hunt with me,

It usually hunts near me, but today it ran far away, and I didn’t collect the prey in time, so it was picked up…”

Shi Lin explained lightly, saying that the prey was picked up by Lin Xiaoqiang and others, and he didn’t go into detail about the specific details.

Hearing this, Liu Baoquan nodded,

“This situation is indeed not so easy to deal with, but they took advantage of you anyway, we can go to them for compensation, at least half of it!”

Shi Lin waved his hand, not caring at all.

“Forget it, there aren’t many. I’ll be more careful next time and not let the little guy run too far. I’m too lazy to argue with them.”

“……They sold the prey they picked up for 33.4 yuan. You’re really generous.”

Liu Baoquan didn’t expect Shi Lin to be so generous.

But think about it, Shi Lin has been coming here for hundreds of yuan every time recently, and the thirty or so yuan doesn’t seem to be much.

“By the way, when they were selling goods, they also asked me about your fishing in a roundabout way,

asking me how you caught the fish and where you caught them.

I saw they also brought fishing nets. When you go fishing later, be careful.”

Recently, with Shi Lin occasionally giving some business ideas and Shi Lin’s daily supply of fish, Liu Baoquan has made a lot of money.

He stood by Shi Lin with a very firm attitude, fearing that Shi Lin would be calculated by others.

“Hehe, don’t worry, I’m careful.”

Recently, there are so many fish caught every day to sell, and people who are jealous and want to go fishing with him are not just Lin Xiaoqiang and his friends.

Shi Lin has been prepared for a long time. Every day when he goes up the mountain, he will let Xiao Zier observe the situation in advance on the tree to avoid those who want to follow him.

So far, the effect is very good, and no one has ever followed him to the place where he catches fish.

However, there is only one stream in the Daxing Mountain near Xigou Village.

Even if Shi Lin doesn’t tell us the specific location, we can catch some fish in that stream.

After the two chatted for a while, Shi Lin said goodbye and went home.


Xigou Village, Shi Lin’s home.

Shi Lin, who had just returned home, was a little surprised when he saw the “big cat” curled up on the kang in the house.

Can lynxes also give birth prematurely?

The female lynx that he just brought home actually gave birth! Two cubs were born.

However, the two cubs were not in good condition at this time. They were as small as mice,

about the size of an adult’s thumb, and not very energetic. They just lay in the mother lynx’s arms.

If they hadn’t been able to move occasionally, the family would have thought that the two cubs were dead.The cubs are dead.

“It should be scared and give birth prematurely. The cubs of cats at home are bigger than this. I don’t know if these two cubs can be raised.”

Shi Zhengang said with a little regret.

Earlier, Shi Lin brought back a pregnant lynx. He was still imagining that he would raise the little lynx and it would be of great use in the mountains.

But now seeing the situation of the little lynx, he felt that his hope was about to be dashed.

“It should be able to be raised. There is a chance as long as it is not dead.”

Shi Lin was not so worried. After all, with the system, the mother lynx could survive with fatal injuries, not to mention the two surviving cubs.

He took out the malted milk, soaked a little, and fed it to the two cubs.

Seeing that the two cubs drank the malted milk, he didn’t care about them anymore.

“By the way, where’s mom? I didn’t see her when I came back from the mountain just now. Why can’t I see her now?”

Shi Lin looked around the house and didn’t find his mother, so he turned to Shi Zhengang and asked.

Hearing this, before Shi Zhengang could speak, Xiao Pan’er in Shi Yushu’s arms spoke first,

“Grandma went to see my uncle’s wife!”

Huh? !

Went to see my uncle’s wife?

Shi Lin was stunned, stretched out his hand to take Xiao Pan’er out of the arms of the fourth sister, scratched her little nose, and asked:

“Where did grandma go to see my uncle’s wife? How come I didn’t know?”

After being raised in the Shi family for a while, the little guy finally became less thin, and his complexion improved. His little face was rosy and tender, much prettier than before.

“I went to the county town! I went with Aunt Hong, and grandma said she would bring me some White Rabbit candy.”

Speaking of the county town and candy, the little girl was very excited.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the county town was a little far away and the adults didn’t agree, she would have gone with her grandma today.

“Oh, this…” Seeing that the little girl was talking so convincingly, Shi Lin looked at his fourth sister and asked,

“Fourth sister, did mother really go to find a wife for me?”

Shi Yushu nodded and said with a smile:

“She really went. I heard from Aunt Hong that she works in the county town, she is the same age as you, she is beautiful, and she meets your requirements.

When mother heard this, she went there excitedly, saying that she would take a look first, and if she was satisfied, she would introduce it to you when she came back.”

Oh, this,

Shi Lin really didn’t expect that his mother was so thoughtful and even went to the county town to take a look herself…

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