“Haha, let’s talk about our own things.”

Liu Baoquan laughed and said while helping Shi Zhengang lead the little moose into the yard,

“Brother Zhengang, I tell you, I really envy you for having such a son, he is really amazing!

Last time, Linzi gave me some advice and told me not to just do the vegetable market business, but to find those vendors, restaurants, and state-owned restaurants to cooperate.

In a few days, my business has grown more than ten times than before, and now I have started to ask for help.

And the big dog salmon and big mandarin fish he sent me recently are even more popular in restaurants…”


Shi Zhengang was confused. Has Liu Baoquan’s business grown so big?

And it was his son who gave him the idea?

This… How come he doesn’t know that his son has a talent for business?

Looking at Liu Baoquan’s enthusiasm and seeing so many people in his yard busy receiving and selling goods, Shi Zhengang believed it a little in his heart.

In the past, he often brought mountain products to sell to Liu Baoquan. At that time, there were only Liu Baoquan and his wife. They had to collect the products and sell them in the market. They worked from dawn to dusk and earned hard-earned money.

Now, Liu Baoquan’s family has hired several people to help collect the products. If you count the people who go out to deliver and sell the products, there must be more than ten people.

The business is really big!


“Haha, it’s you, Shi Laosan! I heard that you broke your leg. How come you can jump up the mountain again?”

Shi Zhengang was still digesting Liu Baoquan’s words when a bearded man with a gun came over and patted his shoulder, laughing.

Turning around, he saw an old acquaintance from the past hunting, Liu Zhihu from Shanghe Village, known as the bearded man.

Seeing an acquaintance, Shi Zhengang was in a good mood and said with a smile:

“Big Beard, you are here to sell goods too. My leg is still lame and I can’t go up the mountain. My son caught some fish and I brought it over. What big fish did you catch today?”

“What big fish? There are too many people going up the mountain recently. You can’t catch anything unless you go deeper. I went into the mountain for two days and caught a yellow-haired boar.”

Big Beard said that there was nothing, but he still had a complacent expression on his face and pointed to the yellow-haired wild boar on the ground beside him.

Shi Zhengang took a look and nodded, “Not bad, this yellow-haired boar weighs at least 70 or 80 kilograms, and can be sold for dozens of dollars.”

In this era, the price of wild boars is not high, much lower than that of domestic pigs.

The purchase price of a small wild boar like this is about 40 cents per kilogram. The wild boar caught by Big Beard is about 80 kilograms and can be sold for more than 30 yuan.

At present, the monthly salary of urban workers is only about 40 yuan. The bearded man earned more than 30 yuan in two days in the mountains. By comparison, it can be seen that his harvest this time is quite good.

“Haha, barely okay.”

The bearded man said modestly, but in fact his mouth was grinning to the back of his ears.

He earned almost a month’s salary of others in two days, how could he not be happy!

After laughing for a while, he seemed to find that he was a little too proud. Thinking of Shi Zhengang’s previous words, he asked,

“Shi Laosan, where is the fish your son caught? Is there a 10-20 jin one?

Recently, this group of young people said that they wanted to see who caught more fish, and they all learned to fish, and even went to the mountain stream to fish, so that we can only go deeper into the mountains if we want to hunt.”

Hearing the bearded man’s words, Shi Zhengang touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

It seems that his son has indeed started a fishing craze recently, and the influence is quite large.

Pointed to the moose car pulled to the side by Liu Baoquan.

“The two sacks on the cart are them.”

“Not bad, two sacks… huh?! Two sacks?!”

The bearded man had prepared a plan in mind, and he would praise the catch no matter how much he caught.

There are indeed many young people fishing in the village recently, but not many of them can actually catch fish.

Basically, they soak in the river for half a day, catch a few small fish, and if they are lucky, catch one or two big ones, and send them over to sell.

He thought that Shi Zhengang was in the same situation,

However…what did he hear just now?

Two sacks? !

“All fish?”

Shi Zhengang nodded, “All fish, but not big.”

“Ah, this… It seems that the security guards here don’t accept fish that are too small. But two sacks, aren’t they too much? Do you use super small nets?”

The bearded man asked.

Super small nets are those with very small meshes, which can also be called family-killing nets, which catch all kinds of fish.

“No, it’s just an ordinary hand-cast net, which should be able to meet the fish collection standards of the security guards.”

Shi Zhengang was also selling fish for the first time, and he was not very clear about the fish collection standards.

But he thoughtUsually, Shi Lin would deliver them directly, so there shouldn’t be any fish that didn’t meet the standards, right?

Although the fish caught in the afternoon were not as beautiful as those caught by Shi Lin in the mountain stream, and there were no fish weighing more than 10 or 20 kilograms, they were basically all over 1 kilogram, so they should be OK.

“Uncle, let me help you take a look. I’m familiar with selling fish.” A young man nearby heard their conversation and came over on his own initiative.

Two sacks of fish!

He had come to Liu Baoquan to sell goods several times, and he had heard a few times that someone sold fish in sacks, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

Very proactive.

Shi Zhengang looked around, not knowing where Liu Baoquan had gone when he was talking to the bearded man, so he nodded,

“Okay, young man, help me take a look.”

The bearded man also came over with great interest.

Shi Zhengang walked to the moose car and opened the sack.



“You call this not big?”

Seeing the sack that Shi Zhengang opened, the young man with a big beard and several people who looked over were all exaggeratedly opened their mouths.

Crucian carp weighing more than one jin, perch weighing three to five jin, grass carp weighing six to seven jin, and catfish of different sizes that are basically more than one jin, this is not big? !

“Fuck, uncle, I remember, you are Shi Lin, right?!”

The young man who wanted to help watch the fish just now suddenly realized and asked Shi Zhengang.

“No, Shi Lin is my son, my name is Shi Zhengang.”

“Ah, this… no wonder! I was saying that I heard that Shi Lin is only about twenty years old, and no matter how old he looks, he shouldn’t look like you…”

The young man said a little exaggeratedly.

Those who often come to Liu Baoquan to sell goods, whether they have met him or not, have basically heard of Shi Lin’s name.

This young man is a fisherman himself, and he is well-known, but he has never met him before, so he doesn’t know what Shi Lin looks like.

Just now, when he saw the exaggerated catch in Shi Zhengang’s sack, he remembered that Shi Lin seemed to be the only one who could sell so many catches recently.

I didn’t expect it was his father.

Shi Zhengang was speechless. Is he very old? He is only in his early fifties…

“Uncle, your son is so good at catching fish, it must be you who taught him, right?

Do you have any secrets? Teach me a few tricks. If you need to become my apprentice, I will ask my parents to bring things to your house tomorrow!”

The young man came up to Shi Zhengang very familiarly, with a flattering smile on his face, wanting to ask for the secret of catching fish.

And the people next to him, hearing what the young man said, all leaned over here, stretched their ears, for fear of missing a word.

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