
The crowd gasped, it was a real bet!

One hundred kilograms of fish in one net, bet one hundred yuan!


The bet is too big!

The key is that these two people can afford the one hundred yuan!

Shi Lin, needless to say, the money he has earned from hunting and fishing recently, even if it is one thousand yuan, can be taken out.

As an old fisherman in the village, Li Jianbing has been catching fish in the river for many years and has a happy life.

Although one hundred yuan is not a lot for him, he should be able to take it out.

They agreed to bet, so it was a real bet!

No kidding!

Seeing that Li Jianbing agreed, Shi Lin nodded, smiled and said to everyone:

“Okay, then please help to be a witness. If I win later, I will treat everyone to fish!”

Hearing this, the crowd watching nearby laughed.

Everyone agreed with a smile and said they would definitely help him to be a witness.

But at this moment, no one really believed that Shi Lin would win. Even Hu Zi, who had always been very confident in Shi Lin, was now nervous.

Let alone 100 kilograms, even 50 kilograms was extremely unlikely.

Could Shi Lin really create a miracle?

When everyone saw Shi Lin start to pull the rope of the hand-cast net, they stretched their necks one by one, wanting to see how many kilograms this net could catch?

However, when Shi Lin’s hand-cast net rope was only retracted by one-third, Li Jianbing, who was sitting on the fishing boat, became a little uneasy.

He saw the fishing net above the water twitching and heard the crackling sound in the water!

This… this is really a fish!

And there should be quite a few. If there are no five, six, seven or eight fish that can make a sound of hitting the water, there will be no crackling sound.

‘Could it really be a hundred kilograms? ! Impossible! Impossible, impossible, at most fifty kilograms! ’

Li Jianbing stretched his neck to look at Shi Lin’s fishing net while preparing himself mentally.

Don’t panic if Shi Lin doesn’t pull up a hundred kilograms.

Lai Tou on the shore also heard the sound at this moment, and his face turned very ugly.

Now that only one-third of the rope has been pulled, and the fishing net has only emerged a little bit, you can hear this sound.

It is very likely that ten kilograms will not escape, and even fifty kilograms or a hundred kilograms are not impossible.

His one dollar is likely to be lost!

At this time, Shi Lin had no time to care about the reactions of the crowd. He was retracting the hand-cast net little by little.

At the beginning of retracting the hand-cast net, because there was a big hole at the bottom, he couldn’t retract it too fast, and had to retract it slowly.

When the fishing net is almost closed, the hand-cast net will cover all the fish, and then you can pull it freely.

Soon, Shi Lin’s first fish was stuck in the fishing net and pulled out of the water. When everyone saw the fish, they were a little confused.

Many people rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

“Oh my god, this fish must be 50 or 60 kilograms, right?! Super bighead fish!”

“Good, so big!”

“As long as there are two of these fish, Shi Lin will win!”

“Wow, it’s bigger than the bighead fish his father used money to hit before! It’s amazing!”

“Jianbing, quickly ask your wife to bring the money over! If there is another one, you will lose!”

“How can there be such a big fish on the shore?! It must be more than one meter long, right?!”

Seeing the first fish out of the water, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

A bighead fish more than one meter long!

It is estimated to be at least 50 kilograms!

If Li Jianbing had bet 50 kilograms with Shi Lin just now, he would have lost if such a fish came up.

However, when Shi Lin pulled the bighead carp out of the water, there was a crackling sound under the fishing net, and it was obvious that there were still fish underneath!

At this moment, everyone believed that Shi Lin’s net could pull out a hundred kilograms of fish.

Just now, everyone was still worried about Shi Lin, but now everyone began to sympathize with Li Jianbing.


With Shi Lin’s effort, everyone could see the situation under the fishing net clearly.

Four words, densely packed!

This is comparable to the fish caught by others in the farm and then filled in!

The fishing net was densely packed with silver carp and bighead carp, the big ones weighed more than ten or twenty kilograms, and the small ones weighed several taels, filling the entire fishing net!

Everyone took a rough look and saw that there were at least four or five hundred kilograms!

“This… my mother!”

“The fish nest has been disturbed, this is! It’s full of silver carp and bighead carp!”

“Hurry up, hurry up, help!”

“Yes, yes, help quickly! There are so many fish, don’t let them run away.”

Everyone was about to help.

However, before they arrived, Shi Lin had already dragged the entire fishing net ashore.

Shi Lin pulled the four or five hundred kilograms of silver carp and bighead carp ashore by himself, even if he had to pull it, he was still shocked.Everyone present.

How much strength does it take?

Didn’t they say before that the boy from the Shi family was as delicate as a little girl, who couldn’t lift anything with his hands or carry anything on his shoulders?

Is this what it looks like that he can’t carry anything on his shoulders?

“Brother Linzi, you are so awesome! You caught so many fish in one net and pulled them up by yourself! Awesome!”

Huzi ran up excitedly.

“Not bad. You’ll get the hang of it after working for a few more days.”

Shi Lin laughed, then took the sack and started to untie the net and put the fish in.

Seeing this, Huzi also came forward to help untie and put the fish in.

Others on the side also came forward to help with expressions of shock and joy.

With everyone’s help, untie the net and put the fish in very quickly. In less than ten minutes, all the four or five hundred kilograms of fish in the net were untied.

Except for a few large fish that couldn’t be put into the sack and had to be placed on the ground, all the other fish were put into the sack.

“Haha, now I should fulfill my promise. Come on, everyone take a fish home to make fish soup.”

Shi Lin started to pick from the sack. There were more than ten people present, and each of them had a silver carp weighing two or three pounds.

There was no way that silver carp of this size was the most, and no one was embarrassed to take any bigger ones.

Everyone present was given a fish, and Li Jianbing was the only one left.

Shi Lin looked at Li Jianbing and asked with a smile:

“Uncle Jianbing, do you want to take one home to make fish soup?”

Li Jianbing was so dumbfounded at this moment.

He could never have imagined that Shi Lin could catch four or five hundred pounds of fish in one net,

right on this shore, and beside his fishing boat!

This incredible thing actually happened!

I thought Shi Lin had to give me money, but who would have thought that this would happen?

Obviously, no one has ever caught so many fish on the shore…

Li Jianbing threw down his pipe in anger and said to Shi Lin unhappily:

“If you accept the bet, I will give you a hundred yuan to your house tonight. You can keep the fish for yourself. I can catch them myself.”

After that, he untied the rope that tied the fishing boat and rowed towards the river with a bamboo pole.

Seeing him leave like this, Shi Lin was also a little helpless.

If he had a better attitude, Shi Lin could tell him that there were still some silver carp and bighead carp below, and Li Jianbing could also have a drink of soup.

But now… forget it, let the silver carp and bighead carp below go.

Shi Lin simply packed up his things on the shore and washed the fishing net.

Without him calling, everyone saw the little moose running over happily.

Then Shi Lin hung two sacks of fish on the little moose and waved to everyone,

“You guys go ahead, I’ll go back and sell the fish.”

After that, he picked up the big fish that couldn’t fit into the sacks and left with the little moose.

Everyone was envious of him for catching so much and having a clever little moose that could carry things by his side.

After Shi Lin left, Lai Tou didn’t cheat and smiled as he handed Hu Zi a dollar,

“Not a loss, not a loss. Shi Lin gave me this fish that weighs three kilograms. I can sell it for at least two or three yuan in the market. I’ve made a profit. Haha.”

Hearing Lai Tou’s words, the other people who got the fish also laughed.

Everyone didn’t care about the work in the fields and went home with the fish one by one.

When they returned to the village, basically everyone in the village knew about it.

Shi’s Xiaoliu caught something good again!

Fished four or five hundred kilograms of silver carp and bighead carp in one net by the river, and the largest one even weighed fifty or sixty kilograms!

Moreover, he fished right next to the fishing boats of the fishermen in the village.

Those fishermen were laughed at one by one.

You couldn’t grasp the money that was delivered to your doorstep!

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