After listening to Shi Yuying’s story, Shi Yujun frowned and asked:

“Why did Lin Xiaoxia suddenly come to see Lin Zi now when she didn’t come before? Is there something going on? Did Lin Zi tell her?”

“No, I didn’t tell Lao Liu that Lin Xiaoxia came to his house to see him.” Shi Yuying shook her head.

Ah, this…

Shi Yujun and Shi Yubo both understood her concerns, but after thinking about it, Shi Yujun still said:

“We still have to talk to Lin Zi about this matter to see if there is anything going on here?

Lin Xiaoxia has been in the cornfield with someone, so Lin Zi will definitely not think about him anymore.”

“Yes, Sister Ying, we still have to talk to Brother Lin Zi about this matter.” Shi Yubo also said.

Seeing that both of them said so, Shi Yuying thought for a moment, nodded and said:

“Okay, I’ll tell him later. If he is fascinated by that woman again this time…”

“We’ll help you break his dog legs!” Shi Yubo was the first to support.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted with a big fight.

Shi Lin’s hand stretched out from the small window behind the cab.

“You are the dog legs, I am a human!”


This made Shi Yubo look confused.

He looked at Brother Jun, then at Sister Yingzi, with a puzzled look on his face.

This tricycle has the noise of the engine when it runs, and the dirt road is not too easy to drive, so the noise is quite loud all the way.

Shi Lin was sitting in the front cab, how did he hear the sound behind them?

This shouldn’t be!

Shi Yujun and Shi Yuying didn’t quite understand.

When they were talking just now, they thought Shi Lin couldn’t hear it in the front.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry about whether to tell Shi Lin or not, he should have heard everything.

“Dog ears, right? So sensitive?!”

Shi Yubo complained.

This time he moved to the back and sat far away from the driver’s seat.

Sure enough, Shi Lin didn’t reach out to hit him, after all, he couldn’t hit him from too far away.

Soon the car entered Shanghe Village.

As soon as it entered Shanghe Village, the tricycle attracted a lot of attention.

Some were curious about the tricycle, and some were curious about the people on the tricycle. This thing is really eye-catching in the village!

Seeing that everyone was looking at them, Shi Yubo spit a little saliva coquettishly and combed his hair.

Shi Yujun and Shi Yuying were all frowning,

But Xiao Paner was very supportive, and kept praising her uncle Bo for being handsome!

Shi Yubo was so overwhelmed with praise that he was full of confidence.

He pulled up his mouth and showed a self-proclaimed charming smile, looking at the girl in Shanghe Village.

As a result… it really worked, making the girl laugh and feel shy.

When Shi Lin parked the car in front of Liu Baoquan’s house, Shi Yubo blushed and said to Shi Yujun with surprise:

“Brother, I seem to be in love!”


After hearing this, Shi Yujun, Shi Yuying and Shi Lin, who had just come out of the cab, were all silent.

The girl just smiled at you, and you fell in love? !

Is this how love is talked about?

“Haha, I thought someone drove here! It turned out to be you, Linzi.”

“When did you get a tricycle? Why don’t you invite me to have a drink to celebrate?”

Liu Baoquan heard the sound of a tricycle in the house and wanted to come out to see what was going on.

As soon as he came out, he saw Shi Lin getting off the tricycle and immediately greeted him with a smile.

In this era, buying a bicycle can be celebrated with relatives and friends.

It is indeed unreasonable not to invite relatives and friends to celebrate with such a big thing as a tricycle.

But Shi Lin has a reason and directly puts the blame on Feng Si.

“This car belongs to Brother Feng Si. I just drove it here for use. It’s not my turn to celebrate.”

“Brother Quan, the fish I caught today have been on the shore for less than half an hour, and most of them are still alive. Hurry up and arrange for someone to weigh them and put them in the water.”

When Liu Baoquan heard what Shi Lin said, he turned around and shouted,

“Come and help if you have nothing to do. Bring some basins. Linzi has fished again!”

When the guys in his family heard that the fish were sent by Shi Lin, they all chose big basins and big barrels tacitly, fearing that they couldn’t fit them.

After all, Shi Lin always got so many every time he came, and they were basically all precious and good fish!

When Liu Baoquan came to the back of the car and saw the fish Shi Lin had sent today, he was still a little surprised.

“Another big one like this! Damn, it’s still alive! Hurry up, put it in the water! Oxygen!”

Liu Baoquan was overjoyed holding the fifty or sixty kilograms of bighead carp.

The other three big fish weighing more than 20 kilograms also made him very excited.This wave is going to make money again!

In addition, the silver carp and bighead carp in the sacks are not so good. The big ones of about ten kilograms are not bad, but there are more under five kilograms.

Liu Baoquan said to Shi Lin helplessly,

“Brother, to be honest, these silver carp and bighead carp under five kilograms are not very valuable, and the price may not be very high. I can only give you 80 cents per kilogram.

For those above five kilograms and below ten kilograms, I will give you one yuan per kilogram,

For those between ten and twenty kilograms, one yuan and two yuan per kilogram,

For those higher, one yuan and four yuan per kilogram,

The biggest one will definitely be required by the hotel, two yuan per kilogram, do you think it’s okay?”

Hearing Liu Baoquan’s words, Shi Lin smiled and said:

“What’s wrong with this? Brother Quan, you say how much it is. If you have no profit, you can reduce it by a few cents.”

This silver carp and bighead carp is indeed not as valuable as the dog salmon and mandarin fish he caught before in the market.

This price is almost the same as the price in the market, and Shi Lin can completely accept it.

Liu Baoquan laughed and said:

“No, I can’t lower your price, brother! No problem with yours, I’ll let them weigh it.”


Shi Lin nodded, too lazy to stare at the scale, turned around and took down another sack.

Liu Baoquan called out and asked the guys to weigh it, and he went forward to see what good stuff Shi Lin had.

Seeing the three yellow furs in the bag, Liu Baoquan smiled so much that his eyebrows were not visible.

“Brother, you are really my lucky star!

Just two days ago, a boss asked for animal skins, and you got three yellow furs!

This is not a coincidence!”

Shi Lin also smiled when he heard this.

“It is indeed a coincidence. Then, Brother Quan, what is the price of yellow furs now?”

Liu Baoquan pulled him aside and whispered:

“The normal purchase price is 63 to 66, and I will give you 70 for each of yours! The boss will give me 72 for a better one based on the quality, which basically means that he didn’t make any money from you.”

“Ah, this… then thank you, Brother Quan.”

Hearing Liu Baoquan’s words, Shi Lin didn’t refuse and thanked him directly.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart that the profit of animal skins was so high!

It is actually possible to make a lot of money by reselling one, no wonder that most businessmen these days have become rich.

Workers work hard for a month, but it’s better to sell a few animal skins…

At the end of the settlement, the silver carp and bighead carp weighed 387 kilograms in total and sold for 464 yuan,

The largest bighead carp weighed 61 kilograms and sold for 122 yuan.

Three yellow-skinned ducks sold for 210 yuan.

The remaining 9 wild ducks sold for 14 yuan at 0.7 yuan per kilogram with hair.

A total of 688 yuan was sold.

Including the 300 yuan that Liu Baoquan still owed last time,

This time Liu Baoquan gave Shi Lin a total of 99 big unity bills, 990 yuan.

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