“Cluck, cluck, cluck~~”


First, sprinkle some corn kernels on the ground. The hen was easily held down by Shi Lin under the temptation of delicious food. She couldn’t escape at all and could only cluck.

“Hey, this chicken has been raised for two and a half years, right? It’s really fat!”

Shi Lin smiled, grabbed the hen’s wings and lifted it up.

[It takes 30 beast servant points to contract the five-clawed black earth chicken, and the current beast servant points are insufficient. ]


Seeing the system prompt that suddenly appeared in front of him, Shi Lin was stunned for a moment.

So the chickens raised at home can also be contracted?

It seems that the conditions for the system’s beast servant contract should be as he guessed before, that is, the contract object needs to be caught in the hand before the contract can be made.

Another question is, is the beast servant point required for this contract a bit too much?

A hen actually needs 30 beast servant points?

He worked in the mountains for a long time, and only earned ten points in total…

This, it seems that I still need to dig more beehives, and I have to use Jin Yi’s ability!

After thinking about it, Shi Lin let go of the hen in his hand, turned around and grabbed another hen next to him.

Catching chickens is relatively easy for him. He first approaches quietly, then attacks unexpectedly, and it is still easy to make a lightning move.

“Cluck, cluck, cluck~~”

The other hen that had been raised for two and a half years was caught in Shi Lin’s hand.

[Contracting a five-clawed black earth chicken requires 28 beast servant points, and the current beast servant points are insufficient. ]

‘Huh? Sure enough, the contract points required are different. Is this contract point the same as the reward contract point, and is also random? ‘

Then Shi Lin put down the chicken in his hand again, and spent a little time to catch the last hen in the house.

[Contracting a five-clawed black earth chicken requires 33 beast servant points, and the current beast servant points are insufficient. 】

The last chicken was the most timid among the three hens. Shi Lin ran away as soon as he approached it. Unexpectedly, it required the most contract points, 33 points.

‘Sure enough, the contract points required for these hens are different, but the difference is not big, all around 30. ‘

After thinking about it, Shi Lin finally gave up the hen in his hand and turned around to catch the first hen he had caught before.

There was no way, who said that this first hen was the fattest among the three chickens?

Anyone who has raised hens at home should know that hens that are too fat are not likely to lay eggs, and if hens don’t lay eggs, what’s the point of keeping them?

Boil water, bleed, pluck, wash, cut into pieces, and put them in the pot.

From catching the chicken to putting it in the pot, every process was done by Shi Lin himself, and he only asked his fifth sister Shi Yuying to help boil water in the middle.

However, what disappointed him was that killing the chicken did not trigger the system this time, and he did not get any beast servant points.

I don’t know if it’s because I can’t kill the chicken, or because the chicken is my own so it didn’t trigger.

Because Shi Lin has never cooked at home, it’s hard to kill a chicken, and Shi Yuying is worried about letting him cook, so she does the rest of the process herself.

In the kitchen, Shi Yuying is cooking while discussing tomorrow’s plan with Shi Lin.

“Sixth brother, I just told my parents that we will press the honeycomb tonight, and we will go to the market to sell the honey tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon, we will continue to go up the mountain to dig honey.”

At this moment, her heart is also hot. Going up the mountain to dig honey with Shi Lin is just like going to the field to pull vegetables, too simple and easy.

Just now, she and the old couple simply calculated that the honeycombs they dug today are more than 100 kilograms. If some useless ticks are removed, they can probably get more than 90 kilograms of honey.

At 1.6 yuan per kilogram, they made more than 150 yuan that day!

More than 150! It’s equivalent to three or four months’ salary for urban workers!

And they only spent one day, even less than one day, just a few hours…

How can people not be tempted by such a huge profit?

If Jin Yi had only one, she would have even thought about getting another set of honey-collecting equipment, and she and Shi Lin would go to collect honey separately, and they could earn more.

“Okay, no problem for me.”

Shi Lin nodded and agreed.

For him, rebirth is not only about making money to change his life, but also about accompanying his family. At present, it is good to go to the mountains to collect honey and hunt to make money.

Although he also roughly knows that in this red era, doing business outside can basically make money,

But doing business is like doing business, no matter how good the market is, there will always be losses. He has never done it in his previous life. Who knows if he will be the unlucky one?

Moreover, he has a system and decades of experience in dealing with Shan Lin in his previous life. There is really no need to stay away from his family and go out to seek the wind.

In the evening, the family was happy and happy.In the atmosphere of the family, they finished dinner.

The stewed hen with mushrooms made by Shi Lin and Shi Yuying won the collective praise of the whole family, and it was just two words: “delicious”!

Shi Lin himself was full of fragrance when eating.

The ingredients are good, and he is not picky about the cooking method.

The hens raised for two and a half years and the small mushrooms picked from the mountains are stewed together. No other seasonings are needed, only a little salt is needed, and the taste is delicious.

After dinner, the fifth sister Shi Yuying cleaned up the dishes and washed the dishes, while Shi Lin followed the two elders to deal with the honeycomb.

At this time, there was no honey shaker like in later generations. The method of dealing with this honeycomb taken out of the beehive at home is also very simple, just one word: squeeze!

First prepare a clean wooden barrel, put a wooden dustpan at the mouth of the barrel, wrap the honeycomb with gauze, put it on the dustpan, and then squeeze the gauze hard to squeeze out the honey.

If you are not in a hurry, you can also directly wrap the honeycomb with gauze, put it on the dustpan, and then press it with a stone, press it from time to time, and wait for the honey to flow down little by little.

Shi Lin’s family is going to take these honeys to the market to sell tomorrow. Naturally, it is impossible to wait slowly, so the family can only squeeze them together and filter out the honey.

Fortunately, the old couple had squeezed a lot in the afternoon, otherwise, in just one night, this more than 100 kilograms of honeycomb may not be squeezed out.

When their family was processing the honeycomb, Li Qinghu came to Shi Lin’s house.

Walking into the house and seeing the family processing honeycombs, Li Qinghu’s eyes widened in shock.

Then thinking that he had run into the house without saying hello, he scratched his head awkwardly and said:

“Uncle, Auntie, Brother Linzi, Sister Yuying, I’m here to get the sack that I gave to Brother Linzi this morning.”

Lao Shi and others were also stunned when they saw Hu Zi suddenly walk into the house. They went into the house to squeeze honey because they didn’t want too many people to know, but they didn’t expect Hu Zi to come at this time…

Shi Lin was the first to react and put down the work in his hands. After wiping his hands with a towel, he called Li Qinghu to the yard and said with a smile:

“Huzi, you came just in time. My mother has washed the sack for you. The wasp nest is a bit big, and our family can’t finish it. Here is half a nest. You can take it back with you.”

“By the way, I’ll get you another piece of honeycomb. My fifth sister and I went up the mountain this afternoon. We were lucky and found a beehive.”

Huzi was also his benefactor. If it weren’t for Huzi, he might not be able to activate the system.

At this moment, Shi Lin was not too stingy and gave him a piece of honeycomb weighing about half a pound.

Li Qinghu held the honeycomb in his hand, smelled the sweet smell of the honeycomb, swallowed his saliva, and said a little embarrassedly:

“You are so polite, Brother Linzi, I just came to get the sack. I need it tomorrow, so…”

“Well, why are you being polite? Just take it if I ask you to.” Shi Lin said generously.

Looking at the sweet honeycomb in his hand, Hu Zi thought for a moment and said:

“Well, thank you, Brother Linzi. I’ll send you some cabbage later. I think my aunt didn’t plant cabbage this year.”

“Okay, thank you.” Shi Lin agreed with a smile.

For someone like Hu Zi, if he is not allowed to bring cabbage, he will definitely not accept the honey.

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