Outside the courtyard.

Shi Lin looked at Lin Xiaoxia and asked in a cold voice:

“What do you want from me? Where is your brother? If he doesn’t apologize and compensate, don’t blame me.”

Shi Lin knew very well why Lin Xiaoxia came. He was afraid that she would spread bad words about them!

Her brother robbed Shi Lin’s spoils in the mountains, and she, a teacher, went into the cornfield with others…

If these two things were spread, her brother would have a hard time living in the mountains, and it would be difficult for her to continue to be a teacher.

It would even be difficult for their family to continue living in Xigou Village, and even in the entire Liaoping County, they would have a hard time staying.

If it weren’t for these, would this woman come to her door again and again?

Lin Xiaoxia originally wanted to reminisce with Shi Lin first, and then talk about the matter. Unexpectedly, Shi Lin directly brought up the matter right away, smiled awkwardly, and said: “Brother Lin, there is a misunderstanding between us.” “Stop!” Shi Lin interrupted her and said, “Just call me Shi Lin, and don’t mention our affairs. Let’s talk about your brother. When is he going to apologize to me in front of the whole village?” “… I apologize to you on his behalf, and I have 20 yuan here to compensate you for your loss…” Lin Xiaoxia took out 20 yuan and was about to hand it to Shi Lin. However, Shi Lin ignored her and said directly: “Again, let your brother apologize to me in front of the whole village and compensate me for the loss of a wild ginseng! I’ll give you three days to raise the money, otherwise you will bear the consequences. Don’t come to my house for no reason in the future, it’s unlucky.” After saying that, he turned and walked into the yard. Want to settle the matter with 20 yuan, and not willing to apologize in public? How can such a good thing happen!

After he left, almost everyone in the room pricked up their ears to listen to what they talked about.

Seeing that Shi Lin did not solidify, everyone was relieved.

When Shi Lin returned to the house, Ye Meihui asked:

“Son, what happened? What wild ginseng, what apology?”

“Nothing, it’s just that Lin Xiaoqiang, that idiot, doesn’t know the rules.

He saw a wild ginseng in my sack in the mountains, and he grabbed it, and I beat him up.

Now I ask him to apologize to me in public and compensate me with another wild ginseng…”

As he said, Shi Lin recounted the situation that day.

After listening to what he said, the hunter Shi Yujun and the old hunter Shi Zhengang were both furious, saying that they would never tolerate it.

Shi Yujun said immediately:

“This is not a small matter. If he does what you said, apologizes in public and compensates with a wild ginseng, then it’s fine. If he doesn’t compensate, we will rip his house off!”

Robbered other hunters’ spoils in the mountains? !

Such things often lead to life-and-death feuds!

Which hunter can tolerate others robbing his spoils? Everyone has weapons on them, so who is afraid of whom? !

Other hunters will not tolerate such unruly people moving around in the mountains. This is a time bomb for everyone!

Shi Lin took a sip of wine and said nonchalantly:

“It’s okay. It’s easy to deal with Lin Xiaoqiang. Let’s see if he pays the money first.”


Lin’s side

Lin Xiaoqiang and his parents all looked at Lin Xiaoxia when they saw her coming back.

Lin Xiaoqiang asked, “Sister, what’s going on? Did you see Shi Lin?”

In his opinion, although Shi Lin has changed a lot now, he used to be so cowardly in front of Lin Xiaoxia.

As long as Lin Xiaoxia stepped in, this matter would be over, and Shi Lin might even continue to stick to him.

However, Lin Xiaoxia’s next words made the three of them feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

“I saw him, he really changed, and he didn’t want to say a word to me.”

“He said that you have to apologize to him in public and compensate him with a wild ginseng, otherwise we will bear the consequences ourselves…”

Ah this…

Hearing these words, Lin Xiaoqiang and the other two were dumbfounded.

Apologize in public, a wild ginseng!

This is fucking…

“Sister, didn’t you talk to him properly? You need to be nicer and gentler. Change your clothes to new ones, change to that one…”

Lin Xiaoqiang was interrupted by Lin Xiaoxia before he finished speaking.

“It’s useless to change anything. I feel like he won’t listen to me even if I kneel in front of him. Let’s think of other ways.”

How could she not understand what Lin Xiaoqiang was thinking?

She also wanted to seduce Shi Lin with her beauty.

She even dressed up and changed her clothes before going there, but Shi Lin didn’t even look at her straight in the eye…

What can she do?”A wild ginseng, how can we afford to pay for that thing?!” Their mother was about to cry.

Lin Dakudang, Lin Xiaoqiang’s father, thought for a while and said:

“Tomorrow I will talk to Shi Laosan, and he will pay some compensation. It’s impossible for a wild ginseng.”

“But can he listen to you? When they came to our house to propose marriage, our attitude was…” Lin’s mother said sadly.

“Then what else can we do? We can’t let them spread it everywhere… Hey.”


The next day.

After getting up early and having breakfast, Shi Lin took his hunting rifle and fishing net,

and went out with the little moose, sable and big cat.

Today he didn’t go into the mountains, but went directly to the river at the end of the village.

As soon as he arrived at the river, Shi Lin saw Li Jianbing’s fishing boat, and Li Jianbing happened to be on the boat.

Shi Lin walked over and said:

“Uncle Jianbing, are you going to the river?”

The end of the village is the junction of the small river and the big river in their village.

A little further down is the big river, which is very long and leads directly to Heilongjiang.

When Li Jianbing saw that it was Shi Lin, he showed a bitter expression on his face and said awkwardly:

“Well, Linzi, I will give you the 100 yuan in a few days. I am short of money recently…”

When he went home last night and told his wife about losing 100 yuan in a bet,

his wife immediately made a scene and was unwilling to pay the money at all.

At this moment, there are still several clear scratches on Li Jianbing’s face.

Shi Lin waved his hand and said:

“It’s okay, Uncle Jianbing, I’m not in a hurry to use the money. Well, I want to go down to the river today, can you lend me your fishing boat?”

“Ah? You want to borrow a fishing boat?” Li Jianbing was stunned, “You carry a hunting rifle, don’t go hunting in the mountains, what are you doing down the river?”

Shi Lin smiled and said, “What else can I do down the river? Catch fish.”

“You bring a gun to catch fish?” Li Jianbing asked puzzled.

“This thing of mine is called an American scoop net, which can be used when encountering big fish. What if I don’t let your boat be overturned by a big fish?”

Shi Lin’s words are well-reasoned.

Li Jianbing recalled that Shi Lin caught four or five hundred kilograms of fish in one net yesterday, but he couldn’t say the impossible that was already at his mouth.

If Shi Lin drove a small boat and caught a few hundred kilograms of fish in another net, then his boat might really overturn…

But with so many fish, his gun would be useless.

Forget it, never mind.

Li Jianbing said:

“You can use the boat, but you have to pay for it.”

“Okay, how much a day? There are more than just your fishing boat in our village, don’t ask for too much.”

Shi Lin laughed.


Originally, Li Jianbing wanted to ask for too much, but when he saw several fishing boats parked nearby, he still said a relatively fair price.

“Five yuan a day, pay first. Our bet is another matter, I will give it to you in a few days.”


Shi Lin didn’t bargain, he agreed directly and paid five yuan.

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