In Shi Lin’s estimation, it would be very good if the two giant fish could be sold at a price of 2 yuan per catty today.

After all, in this era, even the wild sika deer that would be hard to find decades later only cost more than 1 yuan per catty. How much did he want to sell the two big fish for?

The two fish together weigh more than 300 catties, and if they cost 2 yuan per catty, it should be more than 600 yuan.

At this time, the thickness and weight of the envelope bag were obviously more than 600 yuan, and it was almost the same as 1980 yuan.

What’s going on?

Could it be that the envelope was not filled with great unity, but with Mao’s banknotes?

Shi Lin opened the envelope bag with some confusion and poured out the money inside.

All great unity!

One, two, three, four… 160 pieces!

“What’s going on?”

“Brother Quan, those two fish were sold for 1,600 yuan?!”

Shi Lin looked at Liu Baoquan in surprise.

This was really beyond his expectations, a thousand yuan more than he expected!

Could it be that the super giant catfish was favored by some big boss?

Liu Baoquan smiled, “More than that, it sold for almost 1,650 yuan, and I took 50 yuan as hard work fee.”

“Ah? How could it sell so much?”

Shi Lin was stunned, and then said, “Brother Quan, your hard work fee is too little, take another 30%.”

Shi Lin was going to calculate the hard work fee for Liu Baoquan.

Having experienced the e-commerce era in the future, knowing the terrifying proportion of the commission of those big anchors, Shi Lin felt that Liu Baoquan was too conservative.

He only took 50 yuan for selling two fish estimated to be worth 600 yuan at a sky-high price of 1,650 yuan…

How freaking simple!

“No, no, no, brother, don’t take any more.”

Seeing that Shi Lin really wanted to give him money, Liu Baoquan hurriedly stopped him,

“My 50 yuan hard work fee is really enough. To be honest, I originally wanted to charge a few yuan for the car fare.

I didn’t expect you to sell it at a high price, so I shamelessly took a little more, just to share in the good luck.”

Liu Baoquan felt embarrassed about taking 50 yuan.

He thought that if Shi Lin thought it was too much, he would not take the 50 yuan commission.

Unexpectedly, Shi Lin’s attitude was that he took too little…

It was beyond Liu Baoquan’s expectation.

At the same time, Liu Baoquan also believed from the bottom of his heart that this brother had good character and it was really comfortable to do business with him!

No matter what Shi Lin said, he would not take any other money, just 50 yuan hard work fee was enough.

Delivering goods in one trip, I earned more than a month’s salary of a formal employee in the city. How could I complain about it being too little?

“Let me tell you why I sold so much. They are still waiting for me to go to the county town.”

If it were normal, Liu Baoquan would have kept it a secret.

But at this moment, he had something to do, so he didn’t hesitate and said directly,

“The problem lies with that big bluefish.

When I delivered it to the county hotel, I happened to meet a young man from Kyoto. He asked for 1,000 yuan to buy the big bluefish. I talked casually for a few words and sold it for 1,200 yuan.”

After the purchase, Liu Baoquan was also puzzled as to why the big bluefish could be sold for so much money. He asked someone and found out that

This wild big bluefish can produce bluefish stone.

Bluefish stone is also called fish-startling stone. It is considered a kind of jewelry. It is made into a decoration and worn by children.

It has the function of warding off evil spirits, preventing children from being frightened, and bringing good fortune.

The young man bought the big black carp, probably for this fish-startling stone.

Upon hearing this, Shi Lin and the other two were a little shocked.

There is such a good thing on the big black carp, and one piece is worth thousands of yuan? !

Not to mention Shi Yujun and Hu Feihong, even Shi Lin, who has 60 years of life experience in his previous life, didn’t know about this thing.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person, usually browsing his mobile phone and running in the mountains.

He had no knowledge of antiques, calligraphy, paintings, jewelry and other things.

He really didn’t know there was such a thing as a fish-startling stone.

Just now he thought that the reason why he could sell it at such a high price was because of the giant catfish, after all, it was a big commodity that their county had never seen before.

Unexpectedly, it was a big black carp…

“Okay, the money is settled, brother won’t keep you. I have to hurry to the county town, I really don’t have time to delay. It is agreed that I must treat you next time!”

Time is really tight. After settling the bill, Liu Baoquan was ready to set off.

Shi Lin and the other two agreed and left first.

After all, Liu Baoquan had gone to the county town, and his wife was still at home. How could they wait until Liu Baoquan left before leaving?

Wouldn’t that make things difficult for Brother Quan? What if he didn’t leave?


On the way home, Shi Yujun and Hu Feihong both had the same expression, confused.

This tripSelling fish is really a pain in the ass, which opened their eyes!

A cart of fish sold for 2,000 yuan, and two fish sold for 1,600 yuan. Damn, when did making money become so easy?

They both got married and started families, and they have been independent for several years. Why haven’t they encountered such a profitable thing?

If you compare goods, you will throw them away, and if you compare people, you will die. There is really no comparison.

With Shi Lin’s speed of making money, he earns five or six years’ salary of urban workers in one day, and he can earn a million yuan in three days…

It’s too outrageous!

After a moment of silence, Hu Feihong asked Shi Yujun:

“Brother Jun, is fishing so profitable in our village?”


Thinking of his recent fishing and hunting gains, Shi Yujun curled his lips,

“Probably only Linzi makes so much money. I wash the nets every day and run in the mountains to exercise…”

Ah, this.

Hearing this, Hu Feihong also scratched his head in embarrassment.

He didn’t know much about hunting, but as for fishing, there were many more fishermen in his Dahu Village than in Xigou Village, but…

I’ve never seen anyone catch thousands of kilograms of fish in a non-breeding area with one net!

Back home.

Shi Lin had just stopped the tricycle and the three got off, and his second aunt asked excitedly:

“How is it? How many kilograms in total? How much did it sell for?”

Hearing this, everyone else looked at the three of them.

Shi Lin smiled and said, “A total of 1,475 kilograms, sold for 2,000 yuan.”


Hearing this, everyone in the family had dilated pupils and showed a shocked expression.

Even when they were unbuttoning the fish just now, they already felt that there were a lot of fish and guessed that there were thousands of kilograms, but… without actually weighing them, they didn’t dare to estimate too much.

Unexpectedly, there were nearly 1,500 kilograms! Sold for 2,000 yuan? !

“Wow, Linzi, if you go down to the river a few more times tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will become the first millionaire in our village, right?!”

Auntie Lanfang from the neighbor’s house said excitedly.

Shi Lin smiled and said, “Going down to the river to catch fish depends on the weather. How can you catch so many every day? I dare not think about becoming a millionaire.”


Hearing this, everyone was silent.

The eyes that looked at Shi Lin were a little complicated and strange.

You come back with a full load every day!

Is there any day when you come back empty-handed?

Oh, there really is one day, I came back empty-handed in the morning,

But that was because there were too many goods, so I had to drive back to load the goods!

Except this time, he has never come back empty-handed!

In addition, the issue of the millionaire…Since he has been selling a truckload of goods every day recently, I am afraid he has already become a millionaire? !

“Hahaha, we are happy today, so don’t stand.

Come on, let’s prepare for supper.

Drink wasp wine and turtle soup at night, and I guarantee everyone will be full of energy after drinking it!”

Shi Zhengang laughed and helped his son change the subject.

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