[Eternal Night Border: After completion, it can form an absolute defense, whether it is flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water or escaping in the soil, all of them cannot be broken through! Its upper limit of defense is a hundred times the total construction degree of the territory! Moreover, the night watchman soldiers can be stationed on the border of the eternal night to launch the attack of the Eternal Night Tower, and ten miles in front of the border are forbidden for all races

!] [The total construction degree of the current territory is: 9.6 million!]

Seeing this, a touch of ecstasy appeared on Xu Yuan's face!

What Xu Yuan never expected was that the attributes of this Eternal Night Border were so powerful!

The total construction degree had already reached 9.6 million, which was the result of the sum of the population, land area, and gross industrial and agricultural production in the cities and towns.

And a hundredfold defense means that his defense capability of the Eternal Night Border has reached 1 billion! And

as Xu Guo builds into a great power, this Eternal Night Border will definitely improve its defense capability.

No wonder, this

can be called the "Eternal Night Border"! Such a powerful defense capability can indeed ensure the prosperity

of the Xu Kingdom for thousands of generations! Then, if other races and tens of billions of iron horsemen want to attack his Xu Kingdom, they must also ask about the defense of the Great Wall of the Eternal Night Border!

However, no matter how good the infrastructure is, it must be started before we can see the day when it will be realized.

As a result, Xu Yuan directly mobilized more than 10,000 craftsmen from all over the entire Xu Kingdom!

Then, he handed over the drawings to his newly summoned general, Lu Ban.

Lu Ban's mechanical hands trembled and took the drawing of the Eternal Night Border in Xu Yuan's hand, and a touch of excitement appeared on his expression.

This is an unprecedented miracle project

! If it is completed, Lu Ban and his many hundred workers, or the entire Xu Guo's division and engineering department, will simply die without regrets!

Chao Wen said

, "Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

Lu Ban took more than 10,000 newly trained craftsmen to all parts of the country.

Carry out the greatest engineering feat

in the history of the Xu Kingdom! And this will be recorded in the history books by future generations of historians.

History said: Build the Great Wall to defend against foreigners


! ......

At this moment, Wugang Road.

The county seat of Wugang.

The Wugang County Order, and the Wugang Road Mansion Yin, are all in a hurry at the moment.

"What? You say that the entire territory of Jingzhou Road has been lost? Now the boundaries of Jingzhou Road have been closed?"

"Moreover, many people with infinite strength have suddenly appeared, opening up roads and building civil works everywhere, saying that they want to fence off all Jingzhou Road?"

"I don't believe it, a small Jingzhou Road, is it possible that it can turn the sky upside down?"

"By the way, this matter will be reported to Wuchang Road immediately, and the governor of Huguang Province will come to help!"

Suddenly, all the roads were lost, or all the six counties of Jingzhou Road revolted?

Then this is a terrible thing, if this is known to the above, let alone their Wugang Road.

Even the entire governor of Huguang will lose his head!

In particular, now that Dayuan is worried about internal and external troubles, and both the government and the opposition are very sensitive.

As soon as such a local uprising and rebellion is discovered, it is necessary not only to suppress it with all its might, but also to thoroughly investigate the causes, otherwise the country will not be the general, and the entire Great Yuan will probably collapse completely, and from then on, there will be continuous uprisings in various places, and no one will be able to escape

from it alone! Therefore, this is also the fact that after discovering the founding of Xu Yuan, the Wugang County Commander and the Wugang Road Mansion Yin, immediately launched the final general attack against him!

However, it was not so easy to gather men and horses from all walks of life to attack Xu Guo on Jingzhou Road.

Three days!

It will take at least three days.

They will have enough time to mobilize enough troops.

Then the entire Jingzhou Road was outflanked.

Not only will they destroy the various strongholds occupied by the Jingzhou Road, but also the fortifications that are being prepared or are being built.

Moreover, it is also necessary to attack the Jingzhou Road Governance Office, Jingzhou City!




Three days have passed in a flash!

Xu Yuan is sitting cross-legged on the top of Xu Duzhai Tower at this moment.

Previously, he mobilized the people of the entire kingdom to build the border of eternal night on Jingzhou Road, which is now the border of Xu Guo.

At the same time, he used the efficient subjective initiative of the celestial people to open roads everywhere to transport materials, so that the resources of the entire kingdom could be fully utilized.

And the guarantee of all this naturally comes from the Netherworld Peach Blossom Source Stone Town behind Xu Du!

Fortunately, Stone Town is already rich in products.

Basically, the output of each type of material has reached about 100,000 or 200,000 tons!

As long as there are so many materials, with the ability of high-star townspeople to build a few meters of roads or even a few meters of city walls in almost an instant.

In addition, each ground break was completed, and a section of the project was completed.

Xu Yuan will be returned by the system again.

Get access to a large number of construction materials, as well as a wide variety of factories.

Let them allow the country to produce more materials to match the exaggerated speed of infrastructure construction.

Xu's gross domestic product is growing at a very fast rate because of its developed infrastructure.


In three days, Xu Yuan had completed the construction of a network of first-class highways, the border of eternal night, and 100 military fortresses throughout the entire territory of Xu State!

No less than 1,000 soldiers were stationed at each military fortress site.

These soldiers, all of whom belong to Xu Yuan, are capable people with stars recruited by the Celestials.

With them to garrison, even if it is less than a thousand people, it can be worth an army of 10,000 people.

The other residents of Jingzhou Road were stunned when they saw the construction of the construction of the road and the highway network in the four regions of Xuguo: the eastern region, the western region, the northern region, and the southern region in the past few days.

In this regard, they could not afford to resist at all.

On the contrary, they welcomed the stationing of these soldiers

! Have you ever seen a force that would help build water conservancy and houses when

they first occupied a city? They also built roads for the benefit

of the country and the people! Have you seen a change of dynasty in which a large number of ordinary people did not die first?

And when the dynasty changed, none of them, the common people, died!

At most, a few former county officials and military generals who did not open their eyes or sacrificed their lives for the country died!

This caused many people to applaud and welcome the arrival of the soldiers.

Not only did they divide the territory of Xuguo into five major regions: the Xudu Directly Administered Region, the Eastern Region, the Western Region, the Southern Region, and the Northern Region, and each region was divided into four counties.

In each county, five locations were selected as military bases and town centers.

These new administrative divisions have spread throughout the entire country in an incredible period of time.

People also quickly adapted to the new system.

There is no way, anyway, the king from Xu Du - Xu Yuan said that they only need to engage in production with peace of mind, and everything else will be handed over to the state!

And this time, people also felt it sincerely for the first time.

There is actually an official government that treats them as equal and complete people!

This makes them obey the arrangements of the various town centers.

We will make every effort to reclaim farmland, graze and plant trees, mine deposits and timber, mint coins, produce food and soap, and build for the rise of the Xu Kingdom

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