“Is this the replica world this time?” After Ye Bai woke up from the coma, he quickly looked around, and he found that he was in a small room at this time, and there were some people lying around, obviously it was the reincarnation of this time.

The first two times because they belong to trials, so the reincarnation can be allowed to choose the copy world, but from the third reincarnation, it is already official, so it is impossible to take the initiative to choose, the copy world is completely arranged by the system, and even now Ye Bai does not know which world he is in.

Without paying attention to those who were in a coma, Ye Bai began to check the information, wanting to understand which world this was.

Soon, a light curtain that only Ye Bai himself could see appeared in his line of sight.

“Copy Name: Alien 1 (E)”

“Main quest 1: Protect Alan Ripley from death.”

“Main Quest 2: Kill All Aliens.”

“Side Quests: 100 points for killing an alien larva, 500 points for killing an alien larvae, and 2000 points for killing a mature alien.”

“Is the level only E, it seems that the difficulty of this world should not be great. There are also side quests, I don’t know how many aliens there are here, there should be more than one in the original book, it seems that it can be brushed points, I hope the number is not too small. Ye Bai thought secretly.

Because it is an E-level world, Ye Bai is not worried at all, after all, his strength has reached D-level, exceeding the level of the world, which means that his strength is stronger than that of the alien.

“Protect Alan Ripley, if I’m not mistaken, she seems to be the heroine, and she is the only human on the entire spaceship in the original book who survived.” Since the system has issued a task to protect her, it means that she will be in danger, and if we don’t make a move, Ripley will probably die at the hands of the alien, but I don’t know what time it is and whether the plot has begun. ”

Just as Ye Bai was thinking about things, the others also woke up one after another.

“It’s not the first time we’ve experienced reincarnation, so I won’t say more nonsense, let me introduce myself first.” My name is Qian Guangzhu, and the first time I experienced the world was when I was the captain, and finally took everyone to complete the mission, and only one person died.

The second reincarnation was a single-player world, and I finally achieved a D-grade rating. By the way, the initial evaluation is E, which means that I have moved up one level, so this time I want to continue to be the captain, please believe in my ability, as long as I lead the team, it will definitely reduce the mortality rate to the minimum. Qian Guangzhu said confidently.

“Wow! Brother Qian, you are so powerful, you actually got a D-level evaluation, I chose the E-level world, and in the end I just got an E-level evaluation. At this time, a young man said adoringly.

“Since you are so capable, then it is up to you to be the captain, anyway, as long as you can let Lao Tzu live.”

“I agreed.”

In this way, everyone spoke one after another, and they all agreed to Qian Guangzhu as the captain, and in the end, only Ye Bai did not speak, but Qian Guangzhu did not care, in his opinion, most of the people supported him, then this matter was a certainty.

“Well, since everyone does not object, then I will be the temporary captain, and when this reincarnation is over, if you can see me, you can come to Mosha City in Shonan Province to find me.”

“Brother Qian, you are so powerful, I will mess with you in the future, by the way, my name is Guo Haiyang.”

“And me, Brother Qian, I will also go to you, my name is Lu Wenyi.”

“Wait a minute!”

Just as everyone was scrambling to get Qian Guangzhu, Ye Bai spoke, and suddenly everyone’s eyes fell on him.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed in Qian Guangzhu’s eyes, but on the surface, he looked at Ye Bai with the appearance of an old and good man and asked, “Is there something wrong with you this little brother?” ”

“Excuse me, what level of strength are you?”

“You want to know, it doesn’t hurt to tell you, my strength has reached the E level.” Qian Guangzhu said proudly.

“Wow! That’s awesome, I’m only F+. Guo Haiyang said in shock, with a look of envy on his face.

“You’re okay, you’ve all reached F+, and I’ve just reached F-grade.”

“You’re all so good, I’m only F-.”

In this way, everyone talked about it, and for a while Ye Bai was forgotten. Facing the envious and adoring gaze of everyone, Qian Guangzhu was very useful.

Before the end of the world, Qian Guangzhu was just an ordinary small white-collar worker, not conspicuous at all, just a little clever, but he didn’t have to be on the right path, often made some evil doors, just because he was well disguised, so he was not discovered.

However, he was also lucky, and the second world luckily completed a side quest, which not only earned extra points, but also received additional rewards because the evaluation was higher than the base evaluation.

After obtaining a “large amount” of points, Qian Guangzhu’s first thing to do was to strengthen his strength, and finally spent most of the points to strengthen himself to the E level, Qian Guangzhu was very proud of this, felt that his life had reached a climax, and thought that he had become the strongest man on the earth.

Looking at Qian Guangzhu’s proud look, Ye Bai pouted disdainfully, it was just E, and he had already reached the E level when he crossed the first world.

Qian Guangzhu has no problem with being the captain Ye Bai, because he is not interested in being the captain, after all, as the captain is to help the team members, Ye Bai is a little selfish, he will not help these irrelevant people for free.

However, Qian Guangzhu can be the captain, but Ye Bai will not accept his management, unless Qian Guangzhu’s strength is stronger than Ye Bai, he will not allow a weak person to dictate to him.

Ye Bai didn’t speak, he was waiting, waiting for the safe time to pass.

“I’m still a relatively democratic person, let’s talk about what you think about the world?” Qian Guangzhu asked with a smile.

“Brother Qian, what can we think, although these replica worlds have names, but we have never heard of them before, just like these aliens, who knows what the hell it is.”

“Yes, we don’t know anything, so let’s listen to Brother Qian.”

Everyone’s words made Qian Guangzhu extremely satisfied.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it first, and when the safe time is over, we’ll first find the person named Alan Ripley, she’s our mission target, and she can’t die.” Guo Haiyang, Du Hui, you two go to inquire about the situation here, see where we are, of course, it is best to inquire about the news about the alien, as for the others, just follow me to find Ripley. ”

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