Movie black technology

Chapter 112 Inspection Prohibition

Eddie's actions were fast, so fast that no news leaked out, and the inspection was already on the doorstep.

Office of the assembly center.

"We have received complaints that your prosthetics can control the brainwaves of the installers, so we need to check the safety performance of your company's products to ensure that your products will not cause harm to the health of users. "

A big black man showed the signed inspection order in his hand, and said the next sentence at the same time:

"Before the inspection is completed, you need to stop business and suspend all sales of products. At the same time, for the previous installers, you cannot escape the obligation of after-sales maintenance, and you need to continue to provide them with prosthetic maintenance services."

On the opposite side of him, Edward, the manager of the angular branch, accepted the inspection order in astonishment.

Make sure that the above content is similar to what the big black man said, and I really heard it right.

"Our product has gone through all the formalities, and it is completely legal. Why can we be asked to stop business with just a ridiculous complaint?" He felt that things were ridiculous, and looked at the big black man.

However, the other party did not reply.

"There is no 5G antenna installed in our prosthesis! It doesn't even have a wireless connection function! How can it control people's brain waves?"

"If our prosthetics can really do this, then it should be called the Yuri generation, not the Nezha generation!"

The other party just shrugged this time and didn't say anything.


Edward understood, heaved a long sigh, picked up the phone feebly, "Okay, I will explain this news to the head office."

The big black man just made a gesture of letting go, and walked out of the office.

At this time, his men are below to expel the people who are waiting for the prosthetics to be installed.

Someone is explaining to the installers in the assembly center.

"Sir, we need to inspect this company's product to make sure it is of acceptable quality and harmless, during which time you cannot install prosthetics here..."

"Then can I go to other cities to install it?"

"No, it's the same all over the country. This product cannot be sold in the whole country until the inspection is completed."

"Hey!" The big black man clapped his hands, and made a movement of driving away the chicken with both hands.

Immediately, the subordinates understood what he meant.

"Sir, you need to get out of here first..."

"No, you haven't made it clear, where I want to install..."

"Go away, sir."



It was snowing in the sky, Jack mother and son were pushed out, dragged out two long traces, and then watched the assembly center be closed and the window curtains drawn.

Her son had just finalized the installation plan and was still waiting for the installation, but when this happened suddenly, she was shocked.

"Mom, what am I going to do now?" Jack asked.

Looking at her son's eager eyes, she really didn't know how to respond to her son.

After a while, she said: "Let's think about other ways, maybe there are other channels to install this kind of prosthetic."

Other people who were driven out at the scene were also cursing beside them.

"Eating poop inspection, do you have to check whether there is poop on the table when you eat at home? You have to check it?"

Among these people were those who were waiting for the installation, as well as their family members. Just like Jack, their installation plan had already been finalized, and they were just waiting for the assembler to squeeze out time. How could they not scold them when they suddenly came out like this?

"Let's check out another assembly center!"

A group of people got into the car and prepared to leave.

Someone behind him said: "It's useless, the assembly centers across the country have been closed!"


The news about the ban on the sale of edges and corners was sent back to China almost that night.

Regarding the angular news, there has been no stop in the country for the past two months, and every news has been rushed to report.

In the mouths of domestic self-media and marketing accounts, the edges and corners have become the light of the country.

Now that something so big happened suddenly, even in the middle of the night, it became a huge hot spot.

Countless immortal cultivators are discussing, from the Qi refining stage to Daluo Jinxian, everyone is waiting for the protagonist's stance.

And Father Chen was woken up by a phone call from the other side of the ocean in the middle of the night, and specially called the company's top management for a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

First of all, the cessation of sales must be stopped.

After all, they are just a company, and the opposite ban has been issued. It is impossible for them to continue to sell in violation of the ban. That would be looking for a penalty.

The action after the sales stop is very important. How to get the other party to cancel the ban is the key issue.

As for who did it...

"Does it need to be said who it is?"

Father Chen snorted coldly in the conference call.

"There is no need to panic too much. This is just a temporary ban. I will find someone to deal with it."

To stabilize the morale of the army, Father Chen carefully thought about who among his friends could handle this matter.

After thinking for a while, he made an overseas call...

As for Chen Shen, it was only when he got up the next day and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast that he learned from other people that his company was actually hacked by the other party.

"What's going on?" He ate the barbecued pork buns while turning on his phone to find out what happened.

After fermenting in the middle of the night and all morning, the Internet is already very lively, and there are even videos taken by people when they moved the angular assembly center.

Watching the video of the disabled being rudely driven out of the center, everyone was outraged.

"Such a rude eviction without consideration for the feelings of disabled people, I don't see any respect!"

"It was still snowing heavily outside the window, and they drove everyone out!"

"Ask fixedly, what's wrong with this country, I'm thinking, it's beautiful, so it's okay."

"I feel that their actions and expressions when they were driven out make people feel so confused and desperate!"

"The Nezha generation is really easy to use. A friend of mine pretended to be a person with low self-esteem. He usually doesn't go out when he has nothing to do. Now he will go out with me to drink milk tea. He also uses a prosthetic limb to hold a cup. Show me typing on the computer. The only bad thing is that we both have to carry a lot of batteries when we go out. It will be a bit heavy after wearing it for a long time. I hope the second generation can improve this problem, haha^_^”

"If it weren't for the fact that I really don't need this thing, I would like to support it."

"Am I the only one who noticed? The reason for the inspection is that the Nezha generation may control humans through brainwaves..."

"Seeing this, I suddenly felt that I might not be useless..."

At this moment, Angle Technology official Weibo released a simple reply to this matter:

"I'm wronged..."

Below is the unanimous reply: "Protect!"

Seeing this, Chen Shen called his father smoothly...

Thank you [I won’t give you a ticket if you don’t add more] [God Ming Ran Ye] [Rain Tick] [Boring White Elf] [Book Friends 20190731170133991] [Leaf Drifting] [Brother Taiyi] for your support, love you.

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