Movie black technology

Chapter 287: He Can Be Replaced!

Microsoft came prepared, and it seems that it is from the perspective of Gu Ge and Apple.

But Gu Ge and Apple, who are not smart people, immediately understood what Microsoft meant.

This solution given from their perspective actually solves Microsoft's problem!

Microsoft wants to whore for nothing!

Good guy, everyone is a tech giant, why do you want to prostitute us for nothing?

Gu Ge coughed twice: "I don't think this matter can be delayed any longer. We thought that their system development would take at least a year, but it turned out that they completed the initial development in only three months. You should expect this speed. I can remember someone."

"This Shenzhou system must have a high degree of participation from the person opposite!"

The Apple representative also agreed: "Yes, they can complete the system development in three months, and maybe they can occupy the market in a shorter time. If it continues, no one knows what they will do next. Accidents are prone to happen that we didn't expect."

"After all, Gu Ge has proved the opponent's strength with the current predicament." Apple's representative smiled gloatingly at the corner of his mouth, completely ignoring Gu Ge's gloomy face.

But now that the big thing is important, I can only endure it first.

Participants on both sides are now staring at Microsoft.

Gu Ge and Apple are right.

If it weren't for the edges and corners, if it wasn't for Chen Shen, the three giants would definitely not have put on such a battle like facing a big enemy.

Ordinary challengers are not worried, their status as the Big Three is not entirely based on their peers.

People watching Microsoft still did not respond.

At this time, new news was suddenly sent to Apple's conference room. After reading the news, everyone on Apple's side discussed for a while and said again: "We'd better discuss effective countermeasures today. New news has just come in. , Angle has recently conducted secret negotiations with their major domestic application providers, and they are likely to be planning to establish the ecosystem of the Shenzhou system."

As soon as this new news arrived, the atmosphere of the meeting became visibly enthusiastic.

After a brief discussion, Microsoft's attitude was no longer negative, and several suggestions were put forward.

It's just that none of these suggestions will satisfy everyone's needs.

The main reason is that it cannot meet the needs of Gu Ge.

Among the three companies present, only Gu Ge is most worried about the Shenzhou system. Unless the Shenzhou system is not a mobile phone system, otherwise, no matter whether the Shenzhou system is open source or closed, as long as it is sold or opened to the outside world, it will squeeze out the market share of Ando.

Want to completely kill a nearly finished operating system?

It's not impossible, but the price to pay is not small, and the other two don't have such an urgent need.

As long as Apple keeps its own mobile phone market, it doesn’t have to worry about the system market. Microsoft joins this alliance just in case. It is unlikely that Edge will enter the computer market...

The meeting lasted from noon to the afternoon, and the three parties proposed nearly ten proposals, none of which could be agreed by everyone in the end.

One company has to keep its share of the mobile phone system, the other has to keep the share of the computer system, and the remaining company has to keep both sides.

Where is it so easy to find a general solution.

At this time, the representative of Apple had a flash of inspiration and proposed a plan: "In fact, specific countermeasures have already been demonstrated."

"What demonstration?" the others asked.

"Whether it's a mobile phone or a computer, now we need the support of high-performance chips, so we just need to ban the import of high-performance chips."

The Apple representative added again: "Without high-performance chips, we don't need to worry about the impact of angular equipment for at least two or three years."

This solution protects both sides, which can prevent both mobile phones and computers, which fully meets Apple's needs.

Microsoft's eyes lit up when they heard it, which is a good idea.

In case the Shenzhou system is really a computer system, after the ban on importing high-performance chips, Angular will not be able to produce high-performance computers by itself, and can only take the road of open source authorization.

In this way, they only need to secretly warn the brands that plan to use the Shenzhou system, and ask them to choose one of two choices. One is their mature system, and the other is the Shenzhou system that has not even established an ecology. Which one to choose is natural. Don't hesitate.

The most important thing is that this method is simple and effective, and Warwick has precedents to follow. It is not difficult to achieve this point with the influence of their three giants.

After discussing it, Microsoft directly agreed.

Gu Ge's people have been discussing for a long time. This plan only blocks the road of self-made equipment, and essentially cannot cope with the possibility of open source of the Shenzhou system.

It's just that it is basically impossible for the other two giants to advance and retreat with them, and now Apple and Microsoft obviously fully agree with this two-defense plan, and in the end they can only agree with worry.

The alliance of the three companies was formalized.

As for the two-defense plan discussed at the meeting, after reporting to the senior management of the three-party company for approval, it was soon transferred to secret implementation.

It was from this time that the news was leaked.

Robert quickly learned the news.

As the Beizhou partner of the angular prosthesis and a friend of Comrade Chen, he has been paying attention to the actions of companies such as Gu Ge.

Not only because Gu Ge had invaded his business territory before, but also because Comrade Chen had promised him that as long as Bai Ze Search could enter the Beizhou market smoothly, he would be the only partner.

At that time, he can also become an emerging technology tycoon, and he will be allocated billions of dollars in advertising fees every year, becoming a billionaire in one fell swoop!

So Robert has been working hard on this matter recently, and at the same time paying attention to the trend of Gu Ge, but Gu Ge has been strictly guarding against Bai Ze Search's entry into the domestic market, and has no carelessness at all, so there has been no major progress.

He could only pay attention to Gu Ge's every move, slowly looking for flaws, but he did not expect to get this big news by accident.

In his opinion, this incident has absolutely no small impact on edges and corners.

There are also a lot of chips on the angular prosthesis. Although it does not use the most advanced 5nm process like mobile phones, it basically uses 7nm.

Once Angular is banned from importing high-performance chips, his prosthetic business may also be over!

"Damn Guge, meddling in my business again, I'm not done with you!"

As soon as Robert got the news, he called Comrade Chen cursingly, and explained the matter in the most concise language: "Gu Ge and the others are secretly pushing for an order to ban the export of high-performance chips to your company. If successful, you will face the same situation as Warwick."

Comrade Chen was still a little confused when he heard the news.

"Will we be banned from importing high-performance chips like Warwick?"

Their company is not Huawei, and there is a huge demand for chips. Although there are indeed high-performance chips on the brain-controlled prosthetics, if the original chips cannot be used, they can also adjust the product line and change them to lower-level chips. The power consumption is higher and the space occupied is larger.

But a prosthetic has such a large space, let alone a chip, two or three more chips will do.

After thinking about it, the only thing that can be hurt by this move is the photoacoustic computing center that Angular is promoting recently, but that is a matter of promoting together with medical groups from various countries. How could Gu Ge bump into it so blindly?

You know, there is even their domestic DuPont Group, aren't they afraid of explosives being buried in the corner of their villa?

"That's right, Gu Ge is behind this matter. Maybe there are also Apple and Microsoft. They may have formed an alliance." Robert said all the news he knew.

"And Apple and Microsoft?"

Having said this, Comrade Chen immediately understood that it must be something caused by the Shenzhou system, and when he thought about what the chip had to do with it, he immediately understood the thinking of the three companies.

It was just that after he figured it out, he suddenly felt dumbfounded. He really didn't think that his Shenzhou system was just to maintain a little mystery, so he didn't announce the specific information all the time. In the end, it actually scared the three giants into such a panic, and made such a radical move. Reaction.

But he didn't know that the reason why the three giants reacted so aggressively was because when Gu Ge proposed to cooperate in the mobile phone system, they directly released the news of the Shenzhou system, and rubbed Gu Ge's face on the ground.

In the eyes of Gu Ge and Apple, this is clearly a hostile operation. If they are not competitors, how could Angular react so aggressively?

Comrade Old Chen didn't speak for a while, Robert thought he was worried, and immediately patted his beer belly and said in half-baked Chinese: "Don't worry, Old Chen Ni, I will do my best to help stop them, and let their heroic It's a plan!"

"You should speak English again..." Old Comrade Chen wiped his sweat.

Robert touched a circle on his beer belly with his big hand, and recently repeated what he just said in English.

"Uh..." Comrade Chen originally wanted to say that there is no need to worry about the chips, but after thinking about it, it would be a bit troublesome if the prosthetic chips were banned, at least there would be a window of time before the carbon-based chips were replaced.

"Then do your best to fight for it, as long as the prosthesis is not affected."

Hearing Comrade Old Chen's indifferent words, Robert felt a little warm in his heart. Since the last protest movement together, his friendship with Old Chen has improved to a higher level.

He knew that Lao Chen must be under a lot of pressure now. After all, the chip was embargoed, and if the Shenzhou system invested so much, it would be in vain.

But even if the situation was so bad, Lao Chen still only let himself deal with the chips for the prosthetic limbs, and didn't mention the chips used for mobile phones and computers, obviously he didn't intend to let himself intervene.

Apparently, Lao Chen also knew that he couldn't stop the cooperation of the three companies on Gu Ge's side, and he didn't want to put other pressure on him.

Where can I find such a considerate friend?

"Well, don't worry, Gu Ge's new upstarts are unlikely to affect our business!" Robert had a thousand words in his mind, and finally condensed them into this sentence.

With his current ability, he can only do so much.


After hanging up the phone, Robert turned on his TV, just in time to see the president of Apple giving a speech on TV, the content was related to the Shenzhou system, and he said calmly, "We are not worried about the challenge of the Shenzhou system at all. Compared with this, Our company is now more concerned about the environmental protection of the earth..."

Immediately, I felt annoyed and irritable. It was this man who joined forces with two other wild men to ruin his billion-dollar business. Woolen cloth!

What if the product cannot be shipped later because of a chip problem?

The more I look at it, the more I think about it, and the more I think about it, the more I get angry. I have to go to the toilet to calm down.

The faucet squeaked, and Robert looked at himself in the mirror.

He was in his forties, and he was just a small businessman who was about to be persecuted by the giants to the point of difficulty in business, and his blond hair was haggard.

Clutching his blond hair, Robert pondered how to solve the chip problem that the prosthetics business might encounter.

The root of everything lies in influence and connections. The influence and connections of the three giants of Guge, Apple, and Microsoft far exceed that of a small businessman.

He is not famous enough, not rich enough...

There are still many people in China who only know about angular prosthetics, but they don't know that behind him is a person who cares for the disabled and works hard to make contributions.

Maybe he shouldn't be doing "charitable" work behind his back like this, and bear the pressure of business bankruptcy alone!

Thinking of this, Robert's eyes became more and more fiery, and the three giants appeared in his mind one by one, followed by a blond figure...

Only when he reaches that point, will he not be in such a helpless predicament today.

Looking at the mirror, he felt a sense of arrogance soaring to the sky. He even remembered a sentence of Chinese he had learned recently, and said it word by word:

"He can replace him!"

After speaking, he looked in the mirror and made a set of gestures in a strange way...


Robert tried his best and searched all his connections, but in the end he could only make the Big Three back down a step:

"We can not completely ban Angular chips, but the chip supply must be under our control. All chip manufacturers within our sphere of influence who want to supply Angular need our consent, and only we agree. Only then can it be supplied!"

In this way, there is no need to worry about the supply of prosthetic chips. The Big Three will not turn against Robert and directly smash his job. They are also afraid of the previous protests and a series of big events such as limited-time zero-yuan purchases.

After the last protest, they knew that this Robert was definitely a rhythm master!

This plan is acceptable to Robert, and the Big Three are also acceptable. After all, as long as they find a corner to purchase chips other than prosthetics, they can stop at any time, and the matter will soon enter the implementation stage.

There is no place in the world that does not leak, and soon related gossip appeared on the market.

Most people were a little shocked when they heard the news, and immediately associated it with Warwick.

Some people think it is fake news, because Prism is not the same as Warwick, and the dependence on chips is not deep, and chips are not the lifeblood of Prism.

Some people have also seen that this is a move aimed at the Shenzhou system, and the possibility of it actually happening is not small.

What was even more surprising to everyone was that within a few days after the news came out, the relevant procedures were completed as quickly as possible, and by the time most people saw the news, everything had already been settled.

Chen Shen also saw the latest news in the base, and he had heard about it from Comrade Chen long ago.

As can be expected, the incident caused a great uproar across the country and around the world.

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