Movie black technology

Chapter 366 Is that their mech leaking electricity?


"So bright!"


"According to the goal set by the mission, are we going to empty the magazine?"

The nine people in the mech looked shocked as they watched the plasma cannon on the left arm launch.

"Yes, this seems to be a plasma cannon with an expanded magazine. We still have 23 standard bullets. If we save a little time, we can fire 30 rounds."

The bullets of the plasma cannon are plasma. The plasma contained in each bullet is controllable and can be dynamically adjusted according to the power. Naturally, the capacity of the magazine is also dynamically changing. If the power is high, there will be fewer bullets in the magazine. , If you only fire small-power ammunition, you can fire a few more shots.

Moreover, after the current plasma cannon has undergone Fang Anhai's continuous magic modification, in addition to the high temperature, a discharge procedure has been added. The upper body of the shell has high temperature and high voltage current at the same time.

It's just that this function is somewhat unnecessary in the sea.

【Loading Ammunition】

The holographic display in the cockpit pops up a status reminder, and it also comes with a progress bar for energy accumulation, which looks just like the skills in the game.

Outside, the left hand of Crimson Storm has already emptied the sea water and entered the energy storage state. The azure light is like a blue moon in the sea water, and the vibration caused by it forms a sound wave that spreads to farther places...

He Xin saw the opportunity and pressed the launch button just when the energy bar had just reached the launch standard.


A huge reaction force appeared on the driver's left hand, and then the world that could be observed outside the window turned blue!

The plasma cannonball was blocked by the sea water, and it couldn't go very far after it was released, and it was already as high as ten meters.



The surrounding seawater was still heated and pushed away by the high-energy plasma shells, and then bounced back to the mecha again. The soil on the seabed was also stirred by the seawater, disintegrated into particles and merged into the seawater, completely turning the surroundings into muddy water.

Even in the cockpit, the nine pilots could feel the impact of the sea water on the mecha.

However, this little disturbance is just a piece of cake for the mecha, and the driver can easily stabilize the mecha's figure.


"This cannon is enjoyable enough, one more shot, one more shot!"


"Abnormal sound waves have been detected on the bottom of the sea again, which are different from the previously detected sound waves!"

"Faker!" The captain took off his hat and scratched his hair irritably, "Why is it here again at this time?"

He turned around and said to the person who just reported: "You continue to monitor the records, we will solve the leakage problem first."

After finishing speaking, he issued an order to the crew around him, asking them to check all possible places on the ship for electrical leakage.

Just after the arrangement, the monitoring team jumped up again.

"Report, abnormal current in seawater has been detected again!"

"The abnormal sound waves on the bottom of the sea reappeared, and at the same time, they were mixed with the sound waves of the opponent's mecha!"

"Write it all down, write it all down."

How can the captain manage these things now, the most important thing is to solve the problems on the ship first, otherwise they all have to explain here.

If it weren't for the sensitive location where they are now, he would have wanted to lift the silent state, and floated up at full speed.

Soon, the person responsible for inspecting the hull returned.

"Report, no faults were found on the instrument!"

"Impossible, go check again."

"Report, the abnormal sound waves on the bottom of the sea appear again!"

"The abnormal current has appeared again!"

The monitoring team jumped again.

The irritable captain was about to continue scratching his hair when he suddenly realized something.

"Check the time when the current and sound waves appear!"

With this order, the two groups immediately began to check. As a result, the pair found that the abnormal current and sound waves were almost the same when they appeared.

"In other words, the reason for the abnormal current in the surrounding seawater is probably not on us, but on the bottom of the sea?"

After receiving the results, the captain couldn't help but come to this conclusion.

At this time, the personnel who conducted a more in-depth inspection also came back.

The result brought back was that the hull was still intact and there was no problem anywhere.

Their ship has been silent, and sudden problems are unlikely.

After getting this result, the captain became more confident about the guess just now.

Could it really be that the problem was not with his ship but with the bottom of the sea?

At this moment, the monitoring team jumped up again, and the time difference between them was not much different.

At this point, the captain was finally sure that the problem really lies with the mecha on the bottom of the sea!

But what is the problem?

"Could it be that their mechs leaked electricity?"

A guess appeared in the captain's mind, and he quickly ruled it out.

This is unlikely.

He also asked the sonar monitor by the way, and the other party said that the sound waves of the crimson storm did not change significantly, and there was no abnormality in the fuzzy sonar image, and the possibility of major abnormalities in the body was low.

And there's that unknown sound wave that appeared along with the electric current...

All this shows that the sound waves and currents that appear regularly do not seem to be uncontrollable faults of the other party.

"Then what are they doing?"

"Is it testing some new weapon at the bottom of the sea?"

The captain guessed.

They are tens of nautical miles away, and even they can detect abnormal currents. One can imagine how intense the currents around the mecha will be.

With such a large current, he would not believe that the mecha was electric fish underneath.

This is the limitation in sea water. There are no satellites or reconnaissance planes here, and there are no ultra-high-definition cameras that can clearly capture the opponent's actions.

The only thing that can be used is sonar, but it is impossible to know all the actions of the opponent with sonar alone.

Especially when facing a target like a mecha, unlike a black fish that can only maneuver and launch torpedoes, the mecha can do too many operations, not to mention they don't know much about the mecha.

But no matter how much doubts the captain and the others have, the crimson storm on the bottom of the sea has slowly exhausted the magazine of the plasma cannon.

The biggest advantage of firing guns on the seabed is that the pressure of the heat dissipation system is much lower, and the cold seawater will take away most of the temperature on the surface of the gun barrel.

However, there is also trouble in heat dissipation, that is, there is still some waste heat in the internal system that cannot be discharged in seawater.

But these are not big problems.

After the plasma cannon was fired, the mecha's last mission on the sea floor was perfectly successful, and they were able to return to the surface.

After driving the mecha back to the place where it had landed before, the pilots sent a signal to the sea surface to float up, and then started the mecha's ascent procedure.

Just like a submarine, inject compressed air into the pressurized water tank and discharge the water inside.

After stabilizing its upward posture, the mecha quickly broke through the thick sea water and began to float up.

on the sea.

The people on the communication mothership soon received the signal from the mecha and learned the news that the mecha was floating...

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