Movie black technology

Chapter 523: Pandora! (4K)

"Protest against the use of nuclear bombs!"

"This is a conspiracy by the army!"

In the dark living room.

The ordinary family was staying up all night watching the live broadcast on TV.

The content above is wonderful.

Humans vs monsters, unprecedented super protests...

Every frame beneath the two main shows was something they hadn't seen in their entire lives before.

"Dad, will monsters come and destroy our home too? Don't we really need to evacuate?"

Curled up on the sofa, the ten-year-old son suddenly asked.

He is a complete fan of mecha monsters, and there are many toy models of mechas and monsters on the living room.

It's just that after watching the real picture of monsters destroying the city on TV, he no longer dared to look at the monster model behind him.

He suddenly discovered that what he liked before was actually so cruel.

Now countless people are howling and screaming at the feet of the monster, recalling the excited screams when he watched monster movies before, a kind of invisible shame filled his heart.

The father touched the child's head: "It's okay, the monster will only destroy the homes of the rich in the city, and will not come to our place."

Although they are relatively close to Las Vegas, the monsters are obviously not interested in their single-family cottage in the wilderness, and it is impossible to come here to destroy it.

Here they are a wilderness town with only a small number of houses and population. As long as the lights are turned off at night, it is like being invisible in the desert.

So even if they received a call suggesting evacuation before, they ignored it.


Where do you want to evacuate?

What will life be like after evacuation?

What about the cost of evacuation?

The official just made a phone call and asked them to drive and evacuate their homes, but they didn't have the most basic board and lodging arrangements.

In other words, after they evacuate, they can only spend their own money to solve the problem of board and lodging.

If this is the case, the liquidity at home will bottom out in two days, so he chooses to stay at home and pay attention to the situation of the monster through TV.

Anyway, such a big monster can't hide its whereabouts. If it really came, they could drive away in advance.

This is also the thinking of many people in the town.

However, at this moment, father's cell phone rang suddenly.


"Hello, I am an employee of the Safe Evacuation Program under the Emergency Operations Team of the Pandora Project, Jack."

The person on the phone identified himself as soon as he opened his voice.

"Project Pandora?" Father always felt that the word was familiar.

"It's the plan to kill monsters with nuclear bombs."

When he said this, his father remembered, and he immediately became vigilant: "What are you calling me for? Do you want my vote? Let me vote on the option of agreeing to vote for a nuclear bomb?"

He was all over the body, and this ticket might be what the other party needed.

Jack on the opposite side immediately shook his head: "No, you misunderstood. I called you because I detected that your mobile phone is within the strike range, so I need to notify you."

My father suddenly felt bad: "What's the notice? If you have anything to announce to me, you can send me a lawyer's letter!"

"No, no, it's too late to send a lawyer's letter."

Jack decided to cut the mess quickly: "Let's put it this way, the monster has left Las Vegas now. According to the route prediction, it may pass by your house. By then..."

"So you want me to evacuate?"

"Well... so to speak, we will drop a tactical nuclear bomb on the monster when it passes by your house, and kill it with a nuclear explosion, so you need to evacuate as soon as possible."

Hearing this, my father's body went numb.

"Are you going to drop a nuclear bomb on my house?"

"You can say that."

"Do you have to throw it at my house?"

"There is a lot of open space in front of and behind our town, on the left and right. Why do we have to blow up our home?"

My father couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't understand why the government had to throw the nuclear bomb at his house.

Jack patiently explained: "Because according to our calculations, if the nuclear explosion is carried out with your town as the center, the possible impact on the surrounding cities will be minimized."

"If we choose to detonate in other open spaces, the subsequent contamination may spread to other cities..."

"Is it okay not to drop the nuclear bomb, sir?"

"I'm not negotiating with you now, I'm sending you a notice. It's about an hour before the nuclear bomb is dropped. You'd better pack up your things and leave within five minutes, otherwise we can't guarantee the consequences."

"Five minutes is too short, can you give us ten more minutes, I have everything in this room! Five minutes is not enough!"

"I'm sorry about this. We have reminded you an hour in advance. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with us. However, in view of the power of the nuclear bomb explosion, I still recommend that you leave after five minutes."

"Then will you send a vehicle or helicopter to pick us up?"

"It's a state of emergency, the Army and Air Force are busy, and there's no way we can get to your home in five minutes..."

"What if we don't have a car?"

"We will compensate all the casualties found after the event."


More than one family received the call, and all mobile phones and telephones in the town received the same notification.

In other places that may be affected by the nuclear bomb, as long as there is mobile phone and network signal, they will be informed one by one and asked to leave the place.

In it, there are also some unlucky people who are going on wilderness hiking adventures. When they hear that the military is going to use nuclear bombs to bomb their places, their lives are gloomy in an instant.

Unless they have superpowers on foot, it is impossible for them to leave this desert within an hour...

At this time, the leadership who finally solved the problem of nuclear bombing also breathed a sigh of relief.

"We are using a tactical nuclear bomb this time. It is characterized by low yield, small impact and pollution range, but the temperature generated in the center of the explosion can vaporize all objects." The secretary looked at the nuclear warhead produced by the Army and briefly described its characteristics. .

Nuclear weapons are generally divided into strategic-level nuclear weapons and tactical-level nuclear weapons.

The pursuit of strategic-level nuclear weapons is the ultimate lethality and the ultimate range of influence. One nuclear weapon will destroy at least one city.

Tactical-level nuclear weapons are much milder. What they pursue is to destroy the enemy's key protection targets, and the scope of impact after the explosion is generally relatively small.

The power level is generally within 100,000 tons of TNT equivalent.

The use of nuclear weapons against monsters has already leapfrogged. If strategic-level nuclear weapons are still used, then let alone the city of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, which is hundreds of kilometers away, will not be available.

Therefore, the Army repeatedly considered and finally selected a small-yield tactical nuclear warhead.

Although the explosion range was small, it was a nuclear explosion after all, and no matter how low the core temperature was, it was calculated in tens of millions of degrees Celsius. This temperature was more than enough to kill monsters.

The leaders all nodded in agreement with this choice.

Tactical nuclear weapons are indeed the best choice at present.

However, the old man at the top looked at the data of tactical nuclear weapons and suddenly remembered one thing:

"Can we control the killing of monsters when the nuclear bomb explodes?"


"I want to keep some of the monster's corpse, and maybe it can be used for research in the future."

The secretary understood, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

"As long as the center of the explosion is under control, isn't it?"

"We have suffered so much loss now, if even the corpse of the monster is gasified in the nuclear explosion center, then we will gain nothing from this accident."

Counting up to now, the billions of dollars they invested in Pandora have all been in vain, and they have also paid for an underground base, a city, a nuclear bomb, and some land. If even Pandora's body can't be salvaged return……

The secretary said: "I will pass on your request, there should be no problem."

Even if it is a tactical-level nuclear weapon, its lethality is seriously overflowing for monsters.

In fact, most of the substances in the world will be gasified when heated to thousands of degrees, let alone withstand 100 million degrees.

So even if the monster is not at the center of the explosion, it is dead.

Of course, considering the diminishing energy and the short duration of the high temperature of the explosion, the center of the explosion should not be too far away from the monster.

But these are the things that army specialists have to consider.

The secretary is only responsible for conveying the words.


"Dear viewers, what we are seeing now is the situation in the casino city of Las Vegas. After several hours of raging, the huge monster finally left this suffering city."

At home, after dinner.

After the last emergency broadcast, China Central Television once again broadcast the information about the monster, which quickly attracted the attention of the whole country.

Domestic reporters returned to Las Vegas in a helicopter after confirming their safety, and showed the ruins of the city to all audiences through the lens.

"Although the monster left the city half an hour ago, it doesn't mean the pain is over."

"Now the state of the city is almost completely destroyed, as if it has gone through a protracted offensive and defensive battle. There is hardly a complete building in the city, and many people are buried under the ruins."

"Some of them have unfortunately died, and some still have a chance to be rescued. Rescue teams from the private sector and the government have now entered the scene and are doing their best to save the affected people..."

Under the slowly rising sun, the casino city, which used to be beautiful in the past, is now only left with dust and smudges all over the floor.

The air in the whole city is filled with thick dust, like thick fog, making it difficult for people to see the road ahead, and it is even more difficult to breathe. Even sunlight cannot penetrate this thick barrier.

Medical staff drove ambulances and looked for people who were still breathing. Firefighters dragged water hoses to extinguish the four fires. The police were responsible for maintaining order and collecting the broken bodies on the ground.

Everyone is obediently wearing a mask...

"According to the current preliminary statistics, the death toll in this accident is at least 300,000, and the direct and indirect losses are more than 500 billion U.S. dollars." The reporter on the TV reported the latest data to everyone on the helicopter.

"The other side is really unlucky!" In the cafeteria of the manned center, Chen Shen, He Wei and others watched the TV report in the middle.

He Wei shook his head: "It's not unlucky for them, it's clearly their own fault, they just feel sorry for those innocent people."

"Looking at this matter from the side, it can also be seen that the technology on the other side is not bad."

"Such a big mutant creature can be bred by them, and in the end they are forced to use nuclear weapons to solve it..."

An old academician of the Institute of High Energy Physics sighed with emotion.

Chen Shen also echoed: "The biochemical technology on the other side should not be underestimated."

Everyone else is interested in this topic: "I don't know how they bred this monster..."

Soon the scene turned into a biotechnology discussion session, and Chen Shen said a few words with emotion from time to time.

And on the other side of the ocean at this time.

Pandora has been locked by the high-altitude reconnaissance plane.

"Report to the command center, the target is still 30 kilometers away from the scheduled bombing area, and the coordinates have been sent."

"Command center received, continue to follow up."

"Nuclear weapons in place, request for nuclear weapon launch authorization."

The launch request went straight to the highest level. After confirming that the launch mission had been notified to other major nuclear powers and announced to the international community so as not to cause misunderstanding, a name was signed on the request.

Five minutes later, a missile rose from the ground.

Along with its lift-off, all infrared detection satellites in the opposite sky received strong signals.

"The missile on the opposite side is launched!"

"The nuclear attack has begun!"

The big countries on the earth received the news almost at the same time, and everyone was watching the live broadcast of their own satellites in the conference room.

Especially domestically.

Although the monster was born in China, the in-depth study of the various states of the monster is definitely not comparable to the opposite in China.

After all, the opposite side makes the monsters grow up happily, but the domestic side always stifles their normal development.

In the past, many people in China had the idea that they could kill monsters with missiles, so they didn't pay much attention to God Chen's warning. It was only when they saw Pandora domineering on the opposite side today that they were glad that they listened to God Chen's suggestion and didn't let the monsters keep growing.

Otherwise, sooner or later the country will get out of control.

According to the monitoring of the satellite, the missile on the opposite side passed across the country and smashed down from a high altitude towards the target on the ground at a very high speed.

And not far away, is Pandora just passing by here!

It looked up as if feeling something, only to see a flame descending from the sky!


A mushroom cloud rose up.

Extreme energy was released from the center of the explosion.

Pandora was not at the center of the explosion, but unlike all previous weapons, the shock wave and temperature caused by the nuclear bomb completely broke its defenses.

It didn't even have time to let out a scream, and its huge body was like a high wall blocking a lot of impact.

Under the impact of this level, its organs are as fragile as cotton, torn apart in an instant.

Its flesh was roasted by the high temperature that followed, and most of it gasified in the blink of an eye...

The continuous vibration has been transmitted far, far away...

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