Movie black technology

Chapter 530 We are their heroes! (5100 words, ask for a monthly ticket)

Along the road along the Colorado River, a traffic flow can be seen advancing in an orderly manner.

These guys are monster chasers.

Along with the traffic and the reports of the monster chasers on the Internet, various videos were uploaded on the Internet, some of which even showed the corner of the monster emerging from the water.

It is these videos that draw conclusions to the monster debate over the past two days——

There are really monsters!

And it's tucked away in the Colorado River!

The news spread quickly around the world just like the nuclear bomb was used on the other side.

In less than half an hour, countries all over the world knew the news.

Officials initially tried to conceal the news, and sent military vehicles to intercept the monster chasers' vehicles.

After seeing the news spread all over the world, they had to hold a press conference in a hurry to inform the outside world that they had newly discovered two monsters in the Colorado River, and at the same time issued emergency evacuation advice to the towns by the river.

But it's too late now.

After seeing the news that there are two monsters in the Colorado River, no matter who it is, they understand one thing——

"The monster is definitely man-made!"

"It's either a creation of biochemical technology or a product of nuclear radiation testing!"

"We have entered the industrial society for hundreds of years now. Human beings have never discovered this kind of monster before. As a result, three of them were discovered all at once during this period of time?"

"How could this be the result of natural mutation? This is treating us like fools!"

The anger of the people was suddenly ignited.

Everyone is very dissatisfied with all the previous official statements. The monster has already caused such serious consequences, but the official has been hemming and hawing about this matter, refusing to explain clearly.

For a time, the whole country entered a state of happy zero-yuan purchases.

The official on the other side is also suffering.

As long as there is any part of this matter that can be said, they will definitely say it, but there is no place to say this matter from the beginning to the end!

Can they say that the technology was stolen from other countries and they are now doing it to themselves?

Can they say that the project has had accidents many times and still works?

Can they say that the monster has been out of control for a long time and they haven't done anything about it?


If this is said, it will not be a matter of changing one or two people.

So in the face of such chaos, apart from tear gas, smoke bombs, flash bombs, batons, electric batons, stun guns, pistols, water cannons, armored vehicles, and tanks, the officials on the opposite side really don't have much means, so they can only struggle. Order is maintained.

Explain to the outside world:

"Monsters are indeed the product of natural mutation. The monsters in the Colorado River are two small monsters, which are the children of the big monster. This just shows that the monsters have formed a complete racial inheritance relationship. They are part of the natural ecology and are natural. Variation result!"

"believe us!"

Standing on the roof of the armored vehicle, the spokesperson in charge of the explanation faced the turbulent flow of people, holding a bulletproof glass shield in one hand and a microphone in the other hand, trying to explain.

It's just that the people below didn't listen to him, and some loudly refuted his point of view:

"The monster's skin doesn't show any traces of survival in the wild. What you say is false!"

Whether it's Pandora attacking the Las Vegas, or the two little monsters whose video was captured just now, all their images have been studied.

One of the most influential results is-

The skin on the monster is clean!

This simple result directly overturned all the official statements made by the opposite party.

Because the monsters have been living in the laboratory environment and only stayed in the underground pit for a while, there is no trace of living in the wild on the surface.

I don't even have a little mud on my body, like wearing a suit and going to the fields, living in a villa and doing hairspray...

In short, it is really insulting to say that it survives in the wild.

And such a big monster is obviously not something that the desert ecology can afford...

The official statement on the other side is full of loopholes.

Anyone who is a normal person can see the loopholes in it.

In addition to the people of their own country, the officials on the opposite side have to deal with the influx of calls from other countries.

"After careful consideration, we believe it is time to suspend our cooperation on the biological laboratory."

"With regard to biological laboratories, our domestic citizens have too many opinions. They hope that your management can be more transparent and open..."

Various countries are either blunt or tactful. In short, they have pulled out the request that was rejected yesterday.

It is impossible not to mention this matter.

What if they actually experimented with the monster project in their country and got out of control, what would they do then?

In order to deal with Pandora on the opposite side, the total price of all kinds of heavy weapons used exceeds one billion US dollars, and this is not counting the various manpower, material resources and other resources used.

In this way, Pandora was not killed, and a nuclear bomb was used in the end.

If it's just heavy weapons, they can still buy them, but if only nuclear bombs can kill monsters...

Excuse me, how to buy a nuclear bomb?

Will they put it in their own home after they buy it?

Just to deal with a monster that was out of control because of the opponent, so you have to buy a nuclear bomb from the opponent, and then let the opponent launch it into your own country?

Is there something wrong with this logic?

No matter how close the relationship with the opposite country is, it dare not be vague on this issue.

As for what the other side said before, everyone couldn't believe it.

The performance of the opposite party's continuous release of fake news on the monster incident is obvious to all. They said that there is no will be automatically translated into something.

To solve this problem now, we must either be obedient to the other person, let go of our hands and let them be healthy, or evacuate immediately.

"What shall we do now?"

In the office of the leadership opposite.

The deputy hadn't slept for a long time, and his eyes were covered with thick dark circles, just like the giant pandas they leased in China.

And his secretary also had dark circles under his eyes, and it was even worse.

"The current situation is like this." The secretary informed each country's attitude towards biological laboratories.

Among all the countries that require the inspection and evacuation of laboratories, especially the countries close to the country have the toughest attitudes. They have reached the point where they are forced to evacuate laboratories, and they don't give any face.

Only then did the deputy understand:

"They have been negotiating the hush money with us for the past two days, and now it seems that this is the hush money they really want..."

Everyone knows what their biological laboratory does.

It is not the first time they have engaged in germ warfare, biochemical warfare and so on.

As their old opponents, the country is also aware of this.

This move is obviously to use strength to make use of people's fear of monsters to bring the rhythm of their biological laboratory.

This is really a kind of embarrassment.

Monsters ravaged the casino city and killed 300,000 people in one night. How could their biological laboratory study something with such low killing efficiency...


No, it should be that the space in their biological laboratory is so small, there is no place to breed monsters if they want to!

But now, just like the monster incident, the truth is no longer important, and no one cares.

Everyone is taking advantage of the problem and doing what they want to do.

In the final analysis, the country and other countries just want to take this opportunity to get rid of a time bomb.

"Can we blow up these two monsters to death in the river? We really only bred three monsters, right? As long as we blow them to death quickly, the incident can be calmed down soon..."

The deputy looked at his secretary, feeling very tired.

Obviously, after the nuclear explosion, the incident should subside slowly. He will stand in front of the stage to attend various mourning activities, and then condemn the ruthless orders of his predecessor with the public. While arranging disaster relief, he will comfort the people and be a considerate and good leader. of.

Why did two little monsters suddenly appear again!

The secretary said cautiously: "According to estimates, conventional firepower is still effective against small monsters. We can indeed kill them in the river as long as we drop enough ammunition."

The deputy listened, and his face relaxed a little, but!

The secretary's words quickly turned: "However, we asked Director Smith, and he did not recommend this."

"Because doing so will cause a large amount of monster pollution to be degraded in the river. At that time, it is not completely sure that the Colorado River can purify the pollution. Once something unexpected happens, the water in the Colorado River will no longer be usable..."

Hearing this possibility, the deputy's eyes straightened.

"Is the situation so serious?"

"It's that serious." The secretary handed over the latest monster pollution evaluation report.

Some of the conclusions obtained in this report are already quite similar to Wang Yinian's, and some even surpass them.

After all, this is based on their on-the-spot investigation, which is different from Wang Yinian's calculation and simulation.

In short, when he saw this report, the deputy's expression was the same as that of someone who had read Wang Yinian's report.

"The scope and speed of pollution are so large and fast?!"

The scope of pollution predicted in the report actually starts at 100,000 square kilometers, which really shocked him.

Especially as mentioned above, this is only the pollution that can be caused by the part of the monster's remaining tissue after the nuclear explosion.

If it is a complete monster with a body size of nearly 70 meters, the pollution range after degradation is estimated to start at a million kilometers.

In theory, as long as they cultivate ten monsters and control the positions of the monsters, they can achieve the purpose of polluting the whole country, and there are even leftovers.

This is the power of human beings...


This is nothing to be proud of!

"So now we can't blow up monsters in the Colorado River?"

"The suggestion is this."

"Then what are we going to do with these two monsters? Watch them happily fish in the river and grow up freely?"

"If we do this, even if we agree, will the people agree? Will the stock market agree? Will the fish in the river agree?"

The secretary hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, there are other ways. Just now, the opposite side sent us a quotation..."

He hesitated to speak, which aroused the curiosity of the deputy: "What is the quotation?"

"Quotation for mech rental..."

"The other side said that as long as we block the monsters in the river, they can send the small mechs to help us kill the two monsters in the river with the least pollution."

The deputy's face turned dark all of a sudden, "You mean they want to send that black big fool over?"

"It's called Boxer, and we can rent a few more, one for one million dollars a day, including board, lodging and charging." The secretary said weakly.

"Impossible!" The deputy patted the table, "As long as I am still here, it is absolutely impossible for weapons from other countries to step into our land!"

The secretary made a mistake: "Director Smith doesn't recommend blowing up the monsters in the river, it will pollute the lower reaches of the river, and the towns and farms on the banks will be in trouble..."

The Colorado River's title as the lifeline of the Southwest is not for nothing.

If you fly along the Colorado River by plane, you will see a lush greenery appearing in the desert on both sides of it from time to time, which is very eye-catching in the background of the desert.

Those are all farms, and it is because of the water source of the Colorado River that they can open up a large number of farms in the desert.

If the Colorado River was polluted, these farms would definitely die in the first place.

Then there are towns that live by this river, and the area of ​​influence will gradually expand, and in the end the entire southwest will become desolate.

This is the effect of the water source.

Sufficient water is a crucial factor for the rise and fall of a country and a nation.

Why didn't the deputy understand this truth.


"It is absolutely impossible for us to rent the mecha on the opposite side, we can deal with the monsters ourselves!"

Lease the mecha on the opposite side to deal with domestic monsters?

What is wrong with this world?

What is wrong with this country?

It was hard for him to get this position, and he wanted to sit for a longer period of time, preferably after the change of term.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain for him to suffer so much?

Because of this, he couldn't rent the mecha on the opposite side.

As long as he rents it, there is a high probability that he will have no chance when the term changes.

So now comes the problem.

What about the monsters in the river?

You can't really let it stay in the river and eat fish freely, right?

Is this really in the river?

Has anyone considered the feelings of the fish?

The secretary looked at his leader, waiting for him to give a solution.

The deputy looked at the national map on the wall, and was racking his brains to think of a solution.

Suddenly, his eyes jumped out of the country, and along the direction of the Colorado River, he saw the gray of the foreign country.

"We can transfer the battlefield!"

He turned to his secretary and pointed to the section of the Colorado River before the mouth of the sea: "We'll get rid of the two monsters here!"

The secretary hurried over to look at the map, but when he saw clearly where he was pointing, he was a little confused.

"Here...this is not in our country!"

The place pointed by the deputy is impressively the northern Baja California state of their younger brother in the south.

This is a peninsula connected to their home state of California. The peninsula is divided into two states, one is Baja California North and the other is Baja California Sur (see the picture in this paragraph).

And Baja California is just close to the mouth of the Colorado River, where the Colorado River still has a length of more than 100 kilometers.

The deputy smiled slightly: "Isn't it just right that this place is not in our country?"

In an instant, goose bumps appeared all over the secretary's body.

He already understood the thoughts of his leader: "Gao Ming!"

The secretary looked at the map with bright eyes.

His leader was planning to deliberately put the monster in the end of the Colorado River and blow it up in one fell swoop before it entered the sea.

Anyway, this section of the river is not within their territory, so if it is polluted, it will be polluted.

The river water is constantly flowing, and it is impossible for the pollution in the downstream to spread to the upstream.

Moreover, this is the end of the river, and it will soon enter the sea. Even if there is a slight pollution, the ecological cycle of the sea can be used to purify these pollutants, and it will not affect the global ocean.

Their country is so responsible!

"However," the secretary still had a small question, "We chose the end of the Colorado River as the battlefield, will they agree?"

They were obviously referring to people from the south.

After all, they are two different countries. The procedures for the troops to enter and exit the borders are complicated, and they have to carry heavy weapons. If the other party disagrees, it really won't be deployed within a day or two.

Moreover, after the death of the monster, there will be serious pollution...

Even one of their dogs would bark twice at such a time.

"Hehe, the news of the monster pollution hasn't spread yet, has it?"

The secretary shook his head: "No, although the situation in the Las Vegas resettlement camp has made people suspicious, we have expelled all the journalists, and now the outside world thinks it is an acute illness caused by excessive inhalation of dust."

The deputy was still laughing happily, "Then our army will appear in the image of helping the people of other countries resist monsters. We don't know about pollution."

"We chose the end of the river as the battlefield simply to protect the people of other countries from monsters, to defend their country, to defend their lives, to defend their lives!"

He turned around slowly, leaving a bright background in the secretary's eyes:

"We are their heroes!"

The secretary was so excited that he couldn't help saluting: "I'll notify them right now!"

When you receive a message from the other party in your country that they refuse to rent a boxer number at an affordable price, and you regret it.

There is another wave of people on Earth who rejoice.

"We don't have to worry about the monsters!"

"The north has just issued a statement that their army will take full responsibility for the two monsters in the Colorado River. No matter where the monsters escape, they will do their best to kill the monsters in conventional ways!"

"If the monster really fled to the end of the river, we just need to let go of the border and let the army on the opposite side come in and clean up the monster!"

On the Baja California Network.

Many netizens who were still faintly worried about the monsters entering their country along the river suddenly saw such information.

Similar or identical words appear in many forums discussing monsters on the Internet, and even the forums discussing monster movies have accounts that paste replies like this.

At first glance, AI is searching for replies based on keywords.

However, although the news was sent by a robot, it still surprised many people.

"This is really good!"

"Thanks for the rescue!"

Yesterday morning, I made a vow to be responsible for editorial gaining ten catties if I failed every day. As a result, the salted fish in the author group reacted violently one by one. Involution of the text”, a new master even said that “calling on all authors to only update one chapter a day”, I have become more mature after being vaccinated and involuntary, and I think they are right, and the rejection of involution starts with me, So I specially moved this chapter to the present, it’s not that I didn’t finish writing or something...

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