Movie black technology

Chapter 547 Desperate (4K)

The interim commander stroked the somewhat worn-out cover of the report, and opened it again to read it...

This report is not recent.

As early as the first week after he took office, when the whole country was still in dire straits, the strategic department had already been working overtime to prepare this report.

This is a very serious and professional internal report, neither war terror nor sudden war, it analyzes the current domestic and opposing military strength and military potential in the most calm manner.

However, just like the premonition of the temporary commander in the dark, the final analysis result is not ideal.

The report clearly pointed out that in the past few years, their domestic strength has undergone subversive changes.

Instead of happening, it has already been done.

From the last deep dive in the crimson storm, they can know that all their secret deployments in space were scrapped.

In front of the opposite, they completely lost space, a space of great strategic importance.

Because in front of the Tibetan antelope, losing space means losing air supremacy.

Although since then, they have been catching up in the aerospace field.

But this kind of disparity of not knowing when it will occur is so large that it makes people desperate.

The opposite side has already built a lunar base, and they are still working hard to return to the moon. They even had to carry out scientific and technological archaeology, and dug out the technology of the last century——

Now the restart of the Saturn V is going well. If the next SLS launch does not go well, then they will launch a Saturn V that has been tested archaeologically.

In the face of such a gap, let alone fighting Tibetan antelopes in space, it is not easy to be well prepared in space.

Their current space defense system relies entirely on batch after batch of space self-explosive landmines.

These space mines can self-destruct when necessary, blocking a track with fragments.

But whether it is useful and how useful it is is only a theory until now.

In addition to space, in terms of direct armaments, they are not too behind in the army, navy and air force, at least on the bright side they are not behind.

Yet space lag is deadly enough.

The Tibetan antelope is a difficult problem that they can hardly solve now.

What kind of aircraft carrier fleet will only be hit by dimensionality reduction in front of a space fleet composed of Tibetan antelopes.

The aircraft carrier is essentially a tool for fighting for air supremacy. When a higher level of space air supremacy is in the hands of the enemy, the aircraft carrier is like a thief stealing under surveillance.

Nothing but funny and ridiculous.

The party that has mastered the Tibetan antelope can bomb their homeland when they enter, and defend the country when they retreat.

The interim commander-in-chief turned the report to the end, and the conclusion drawn in it was very simple——

After the war, maybe they can replace several important cities on the opposite side with the sacrifice of the whole country.

And this result was achieved by the navy's big black fish.

Only the big black fish protected by the ocean barrier can survive the opponent's space attack.

But there is a prerequisite for this victory, that is, the submarine-launched ballistic missile has not been intercepted in space.

Ballistic missiles must first fly out of the atmosphere, then enter the earth, and fly to their target at super high speed.

In this process, the stage of missile ascent and flight outside the atmosphere is the best interception.

The Tibetan antelope happens to be flying in space, and perhaps intercepting ballistic missiles is as simple as reaching out to swatt a fly for it.

Of course, this is just a reasonable guess about the performance of the basic Tibetan antelope, and it does not mean that they are sure that the Tibetan antelope has such capabilities.

But just seeing this, starting a war, becoming a wartime president, and causing a reciprocal blow to the opposite side of the casino has completely disappeared from the heart of the interim commander-in-chief.

At the cost of the entire country, you may only be able to replace a few cities on the opposite side. Who would dare to fight this kind of battle?

"So we really have nothing to do with the other side now?" If the secretary wasn't there, the interim commander would have scratched his hair off.

He couldn't help but think of the previous three-nation summit meeting.

In fact, there was nothing confidential about that secret meeting.

It's purely for talking.

The heads of the other two countries advised him to see the current situation clearly, take the initiative to give up the position of the leading brother in a peaceful way, and complete the smooth transition of world power.

Only in this way can a third world war be avoided.

Then he was under pressure and refused to let go, and finally everyone broke up unhappy...

The secretary sighed, breaking the commander's thoughts, "I'm afraid there is no way to satisfy your wish, sir."

"Also, just as you were looking at the report, a new document was submitted."

"The domestic fishery association, the shipping association, and all industry associations related to import and export trade have just jointly protested to us."

So many organizations...

The interim commander felt bad when he heard it.

"What are they protesting against?"

"Protest that we veto the monster tracking plan on the opposite side, which is the plan to spread surveillance into the Pacific Ocean."

"But haven't we made a statement yet?" The interim commander scratched his head.

He only made a statement here ten minutes ago. The only people who know about it are himself and his secretary. How did those people outside know?

Could it be that they have bugged the office?

The secretary said: "Perhaps our refusal to express our position is already the biggest expression for them..."

"What are their demands?"

"They asked us to join the monster tracking plan on the other side, or establish a Pacific monster tracking network by themselves. They need to know exactly the location information of the monster at any time, otherwise their business will be very difficult to develop..."

The temporary commander-in-chief opened his mouth, habitually wanting to swear, but he reacted immediately.

This is a very reasonable request, so reasonable that there is no overstepping. It is the government's function to protect the normal progress of economic activities.


"Where do we have money to spend in the Pacific Ocean now?"

The interim commander covered his head.

His predecessors invested nearly trillions of dollars in aerospace alone.

And most of the money is spent on technological archaeology.

Saturn V for a while, nuclear rockets for a while, and SLS for a while...

This is actually a wasteful repeated investment, purely for the first place in the space race, and it will not get back any income in the short term, and it may not be able to pay back the cost within the expected period.

In addition to this, there are plasma energy, several financial bailouts, oil stability maintenance, monster projects...

These fragmentary items look nothing individually, but together you will find that they consume a lot of resources.

And he needless to say.

He took over the big thunder of the casino just after taking office.

They don't care about the little brother in the south being polluted by monsters and suffering disasters.

But the people in the country must be managed.

And this tube, that is, the money bag is opened, and the money is dropped down.

Search and rescue of disaster victims, living security, medical security, pollution control, post-disaster resettlement, public relations and publicity...

Which link does not require money?

Compared with the extravagance of his predecessor, the big pot he took over this time is even more terrifying.

No one with a few trillion can't beat it.

Considering that many cities from Las Vegas to Los Angeles have been completely abandoned or semi-abandoned.

The total loss caused by the escape of the monsters this time is probably around ten trillion dollars.

Faced with such a loss, even if they can print money at will, they really can't bear it. Unless their land is made of gold, they won't be able to recover for a while.

"Tell them we can't throw a lot of money into the Pacific Ocean now for a monster that can't get back home!"

Although the last time the monster appeared was quite close to Long Beach, it was already far away from where it entered the sea. Therefore, according to the calculations of experts, there is a high probability that the monster will go with the ocean current, and it is unlikely to turn back.

The interim commander originally wanted to be tougher, but in the end he softened:

"Forget it, let's tell them that we will seriously consider the monster tracking plan, and try to adopt international cooperation to track the monster, so that they can rest assured..."


Who would participate in this plan to throw coins into the Pacific Ocean if they were not forced to do so?

The secretary took down what the boss said.

In the future, this plan will most likely be carried out in different regions under the contract system.

The opposite is responsible for part of the Pacific Ocean, and they are responsible for other parts.

It is equivalent to ceding part of the sphere of influence in the Pacific Ocean.

The secretary pulled out a document, and continued: "In addition, there is the issue of compensation for Los Angeles. Now many people have conducted geological tests on Los Angeles privately, confirming that it is no longer suitable for living..."

As soon as this was mentioned, the interim commander became angry.

With a fist hammered on the desk, even the coffee cup jumped up.

"Why hasn't the Pollution Management Bureau researched a way to control monster pollution? It's all because of their incompetence that the pollution has spread to Los Angeles!"

If he had known that the monster pollution could spread all the way to Los Angeles, then why did he let the little monster enter the sea?

Just blast to death in Los Angeles.

In this way, today's troubles will be much less.

Now the pollution in Los Angeles is becoming serious at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At a depth of about eight meters underground, the soil has been melted and decomposed into a special gelatinous substance.

This kind of land is not to mention farming, even the local foundation is not good, and now all the high-rise buildings in the entire city have become dilapidated buildings.

The land is like jelly, and any foundation is a waste of effort.

The buildings in Los Angeles are now collectively referred to as Domino Jelly Houses by outsiders.

It is because they stand on the "jelly" that they may fall down at any time, and in the city, the fall of a building will implicate other surrounding buildings.

In the past few days, a building collapsed in Los Angeles, and the entire block was implicated in the case.

In this case, Los Angeles is obviously uninhabitable.

So those rich people who were worried about the soldiers blowing up their buildings before came here to make up for it...

"God! Isn't there any good news?" The interim commander really didn't want to face these news anymore.

The secretary also looked at his boss pitifully, and then pulled out a report that should be regarded as good news from the documents to be reported.

"Director Benjamin recently conducted the latest research on the monster remains we obtained from the south, and obtained a new result."

"Tell me!" The interim commander was a little impatient.

The secretary read out the conclusion of the document: "After rigorous experiments, we found that the monster's blood contains enormous energy, and the element lanthanum is undoubtedly the key to releasing this energy."

"As long as the monster's blue blood comes into contact with elements related to lanthanum, violent combustion or even an explosive reaction will immediately occur. Based on this principle, we can do many things that were not possible before."

Listening to the secretary's report, the interim commander couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Something we couldn't do before?"


No one else knows what happened in the head office.

The domestic only knew that after a brief pause, the other side quickly responded to the Pacific monster tracking plan proposed by the domestic.

At the same time, proposals were put forward to modify the plan, requiring each Pacific Rim country to be responsible for the monitoring of a piece of sea area.

Everyone only communicates on monster data.

At the same time, it also gives its own scope of responsibility.

After taking a look at their plans in China, they found that what they wanted was their country's offshore waters and the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean.

Although there are still opposing forces and military bases in the Western Pacific waters, the opposing side has at least given the country a name for legal activities in the Western Pacific this time.

It is equivalent to giving up the western half of the Pacific Ocean.

The country is also not polite, silently accepting this sea area.

After the other party agreed to the Pacific Rim monitoring plan, this plan was unimpeded and became the earliest implementation of all the projects in the Pacific Rim talks.

The official implementation began before the overseas mecha bases.

Chen Shen originally planned to apply the latest quantum cell communication technology to these monster detectors after a while, so that the instantaneous return of data can be realized, just like the monster monitoring system in the movie.

In the end, Wang Yinian told him not to bother.

There are a lot of excellent designs in China for a mere deep-sea detector, and now it can be used as long as the communication module is modified.

Hearing this, Chen Shen immediately understood.

However, within three days, the drawings of the detectors had been modified, and then mass production was started by domestic military factories.

Then the domestic laying fleet goes east to the Pacific Ocean, and lays it out while walking.

At the same time, a batch was exported to other Southeast Asian countries.

The Western Pacific region is not exclusive to the country, and these countries have also been allocated a monitoring area.

And these countries are not without thoughts about the Pacific Ocean.

For their small thoughts, the domestic government can satisfy them, as long as their data is shared back.

In addition to this incident, there is another major event that the opposite side evacuated all biological laboratories in Asia this week.

These biological laboratories really can't keep going.

Especially Southeast Asia and East Asia.

After the monsters were put into the sea, people in these two areas hated them to the peak. These biological laboratories that may be related to the monsters were even smashed in three days and a small one in two days.

Although it didn't cause any damage, and only the outer wall was smashed, the impact it caused was very bad.

Make them look like a big villain.

Coupled with the continuous domestic pressure, the opponent still had to make concessions.

After these two incidents, in order to draw people's attention away as soon as possible, the opposite party accelerated the pace of returning to the moon.

The revamped SLS launch process has been significantly accelerated.

And this time the opposite side did not plan to conduct experiments anymore, they decided to let the pilots board the spacecraft directly, and then carry out the moon landing activities.

Everyone understands that this is a desperate move!

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