Movie black technology

Chapter 560 A traitor was found on the opposite side (4K)

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Among the Pacific Rim countries, the two eastern countries that are closest to China and at the same time the closest to the opposite side have not placed orders.

It's not that they don't worry about the monster's face protruding, it's just that they really can't place an order.

No matter how you say it, the Boxer is at least a semi-military facility, and behind it is a mecha base where professionals are stationed. There are so many twists and turns in it that you can't count it.

After all, Southeast Asia and other Pacific Rim countries are still a little far away from China, so they bought a boxer home, the main purpose is indeed to guard against monsters, and there is nothing good to do except to protest verbally.

Only the two countries in the east are different.

Based on the situation in their country, if they dare to invite the boxer number home, two thousand soldiers will appear on their streets the next day.

The opposite side can loosen the reins in Southeast Asia and other Pacific Rim countries, but they cannot let go of these two countries.

Otherwise, their layout in East Asia will completely collapse.

For this situation, the country only expresses regret.

Other countries have already earned enough, so the domestic orders of these two countries do not care at all.

Anyway, when the monster comes ashore, it will be them who will be harmed.

Chen Shen didn't need to deal with the delivery of the mechas. Instead, Director Qin and his staff worked hard for almost a week before sending out all the boxers numbers day and night.

During this time, Chen Shen has been focusing on the research of instant communication.

The first batch of quantum cells that can establish autonomous communication entanglement links have been sent from the underground laboratory.

The most critical problem has been solved, and then as long as the encoding, decoding and reading of cell information are handled well, the preliminary information exchange can be realized.

This is not a difficult task for Chen Shen. In just a few days, he has already built two communication prototypes in the laboratory.

These two prototypes are in the shape of a square tin box, about the size of a large suitcase. On the surface, only some indicator lights, large red and green round buttons, and a small screen can be seen.

In the center of the prototype is a set of cell maintenance system, which can maintain the survival of quantum cells under the condition of external vacuum.

Outside this system is a device for reading and transmitting cell information. By controlling or reading the signal of quantum cells, the two machines can realize instant communication over an infinite distance based on the current theoretical framework.

It is worth mentioning that since the appearance of quantum cells in monsters, the current theoretical framework of physics has collapsed to a certain extent.

For example, the theory of light speed limitation proposed in the theory of relativity——

The speed of light is the fastest speed of information and energy transmission in the universe, and the speed of any object with mass can never reach the speed of light.

The only super-light-speed scene that humans could access before was quantum entanglement. Since no information can be transmitted between quanta, quantum entanglement has not broken through the current physical framework even though it is faster than the speed of light.

But the quantum cells in the monster's brain are different.

To be precise, the communication cells in the monster's brain should be called instantaneous entanglement communication cells.

If you figure out its entanglement principle in the future, you can add a corresponding prefix such as quantum or dark energy in front of it.

It is now called a quantum cell only because it has properties similar to quantum entanglement.

This kind of superluminal transmission of information between cells can be carried out according to the wishes of human beings, which has completely broken through the framework of the theory of relativity.

Existing physical theories simply don't support the existence of such a thing.

But it does exist.

Therefore, domestic theoretical physicists have started research and discussion on new theories.

It's just that this big project is still in the stage of secret implementation, and it will not be made public until the first wormhole experiment.

The two prototypes in front of us will be turned on and tested for the first time after assembly today.

"Our test goal today is to verify the communication connection between the two prototypes. As long as one prototype can receive the information from the other without using other communication methods, it will be considered a success."

"Understood." The researchers in the laboratory nodded.

Everyone was divided into two groups, and the two communication prototypes were separated, one was left in place, and the other was moved to another room.

At the same time, the two groups of assistants stayed beside the communication prototype and did not communicate with each other.

According to the usual practice, God Chen called Wang Yinian over before starting the experiment.

If this experiment is successful, he will be troubled to write a report to the above.

After receiving the news, Wang Yinian hurried over and brought two cameras, which he set up behind the two communication prototypes to shoot.

"My little Mr. Chen, why didn't you tell me about the experiment today? Maybe I can apply for a film crew to help." After setting up the camera, Wang Yinian talked to Chen Shen.

"After installing the machine today, of course it's for the experiment today, how can I have so much time to care about you." Chen Shen replied, he has been so busy recently that the video time with his parents and Xie Yiyi has been reduced by five minutes.

He then asked, "You two cameras are for recording?"

"of course!"

"How can such an important historical moment not be recorded? You don't even think about it. If it succeeds, how will you answer when people ask about the scene in the future?"

Chen Shen listened, stretched out a finger, and pointed to the monitor on the ceiling.

Wang Yinian chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Let's start quickly. If something doesn't work, find out the problem early, then disassemble it and reinstall it."

The researchers next to him were all nervous, but Chen Shen was open-minded.

The deputy team leader came up to explain the design process of the experiment:

"The process of the first experiment is very simple. Next, Mr. Chen, you only need to press a random combination of numbers on the number buttons, and the experiment will be considered a success after the prototype on the other side successfully interprets it."

Limited by the material conditions of the base and the prototype, whether the communication between the two prototypes is instantaneous or not is uncertain in this experiment.

This requires the use of more sophisticated instruments for testing.

Now for the first test, as long as it can prove that entanglement communication can be realized between the two machines, and there is no obvious delay.

Chen Shen stood in front of the experimental prototype.

On the bottom of the machine, there is a row of green number buttons, and he wants to randomly press a combination of numbers.

Different keys will be converted into different signal pulses by the machine inside according to the algorithm he designed, and transmitted to the core quantum cells.

The quantum cells inside will respond after receiving the signal, and this response will be transmitted to all the cells entangled with it along with the entanglement effect.

Then the signal reading device connected to those cells will read the signal, and then convert the signal into corresponding information according to the algorithm.

This is a whole set of information transfer process.

Chen Shen put his finger on the button, without thinking much, just pressed a series of numbers at random.


After pressing more than a dozen keys, he stopped.


Chen Shen nodded and motioned to the assistant next to him, "Go to the other side and ask them about the results they received."

What number he pressed was known only to himself and Wang Yinian, who was behind him with a video camera.

If another prototype can decode this pi, then the first experiment of instantaneous communication will undoubtedly be successful.

After a while, the assistant came back.

He was holding a piece of printing paper in his hand.

He handed over the printing paper, Chen Shen took it over and looked at it, and immediately showed a smile.

Chen Shen raised the paper in his hand, and at the same time moved his body away so that everyone could see the number combination he just pressed.

The researchers in the laboratory swarmed over, stretched their necks and looked at the numbers displayed on the screen.

While still asking: "Did it work?"

"What numbers are on the screen?"

"It's a section of pi, don't squeeze any more!"

Chen Shen turned out alone. After everyone knew the numbers on the screen, he showed the white paper with the printed results to everyone, and said slowly:

"There is no doubt that we have succeeded!"

On that piece of white paper, what was recorded was the section of pi that Shen Shen had set, one number was not too many, the other was not, even the ellipsis he deliberately typed was on it.

"The instant communication was successful!"

"This solves the communication problem of interstellar navigation?"


There was thunderous applause in the small laboratory.

The researchers selected by Chen Shen have always been mostly young people, who are just at the age of youth, and even the applause is much stronger than others, and the soundproof glass in the laboratory is almost unable to stop it.

After a long time, the applause finally stopped.

Chen Shen stood in front of everyone again: "Next, we will send one of these two prototypes to the moon to conduct a space communication experiment."

"By the way, you can also verify the authenticity of the instant communication again."

Although the communication delay between the moon and the earth is only a few seconds, it is enough to test the communication delay.

Chen Shen looked at Wang Yinian, and the other party understood, and made an OK gesture: "I will contact you immediately, and send it to the manned center tonight, and you can take off with the spaceship tomorrow!"

As he said that, he stopped recording and ran out with the camera in a hurry. While communicating, he also wanted to upload the news of the successful experiment just now.

Chen Shen left the instant communication laboratory, and immediately received a call from Director Qin.

The other party said that he wanted to ask him something.

When we came to the meeting room where we agreed to meet, Director Qin was still receiving a white team.

Chen Shen touched his chin, feeling a little strange.

This time, the only white country that was threatened by the little monsters and capable of buying mechas was a certain country of exile.

He remembered that they should have paid the money long ago.

Why are you still in contact with Chief Qin?

Is it North or South America?

With doubts, Chen Shen walked up.

The person who was talking to Director Qin also immediately spotted him and walked over very excitedly.

When Chen Shen walked a certain distance, he signaled them to stop, kept a certain distance, and asked, "What's wrong?"

It is not only to ask Director Qin, but also to this group of white people.

He saw that they were wearing Lingxi earphones on their ears, obviously starting the translation program.

Before Director Qin could speak, a leading blond white man spoke.

"Hello, dear Mr. Chen."

The white man who spoke had a very serious face, as if he was under great pressure. He first introduced himself: "We are from Hawaii."

"You guys are from Hawaii?!"

When Chen Shen heard this, he immediately looked at him with surprised eyes.

Director Qin also nodded at the right time, indicating that their identities were real.

"You are here to buy mechas?"

Chen Shen looked at them. There is no other explanation for the current situation except this explanation.

The blond white man nodded, "That's right, that's why we traveled thousands of miles and broke through many obstacles to get here, and it's also the only reason we came here!"


Chen Shen felt something was wrong at this moment.

"What does it mean to break through barriers?"

He looked at Chief Qin with doubts in his eyes.

Although the relationship between China and the other side is not good, there is still no problem with the basic communication at the official level.

Why does this man speak as if he is a warrior?

Director Qin came over at this time: "Mr. Kimberly and his companions are not the officials on the opposite side."

The explanations are simple and powerful.

Chen Shen immediately understood the identity of the other party: "You are residents of the Hawaiian Islands, and want to rent the mecha as a private person?"

No, maybe it should not be said to be a resident.

At least not ordinary residents.

Chen Shen looked at the clothes of the pedestrians, obviously they were all rich people, and under such circumstances, he and Director Qin didn't seem too cramped.

What Kimberly said next confirmed his guess:

"Your wisdom is astonishing."

"We are residents of the Hawaiian Islands, and we are also members of the Tourism Association and some other civil organizations."

"The purpose of our coming here is indeed to rent mechas as a civilian to solve the upcoming monster problem."

Chen Shen frowned, "Why did you come to discuss this matter? Is it because this matter has not been approved by your official?"

"Yes, we once made a joint proposal, but it was unsuccessful because the governor had left. Then we tried to put the letter into Washington, and there is no response until now. Instead, the main members of our team have been restricted from leaving the country. punishment!"

Kimberly was resentful and helpless, "We still flew over from Europe!"

"We hope you will agree to our request, Hawaii is our home, we don't want it to become the next Los Angeles!"


No wonder Director Qin wanted to call him over!

Does this mean that one more person should take the blame?

Chen Shen glanced at the Qin, who gave a shy smile.

Let's assume Kimberly's request is true for the time being, but it is impossible for someone without political sense to agree to such a thing.

Hawaii is the legal territory of the opposite party.

Even the two dogs on the opposite side can't help but want to buy mechas at home, can they resist them directly stealing the house?


Maybe I can really bear it...

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