Movie Savior

Chapter 103: Tribute to you (3/4)

  Chapter 103 Tribute to you (34)

   Hearing Zhang Tianyuan’s introduction, Instructor Yin also quickly saluted Carl and others.

  Carl and the others approached and asked: "Mr. President, have we now come to Parallel Time?"

   "Yes," Zhang Tianyuan said, pointing to the area with a lot of street lights and fences in the distance, "over there is our stationing point in this city."

   "This looks almost the same as our world." Carl looked at the tall buildings around him, feeling both fresh and nothing good.

  In short, it's quite contradictory.

  Representatives from other countries have similar ideas as Karl.

  "Let’s go back to the camp first." Instructor Yin led Zhang Tianyuan and walked along the road to the camp.

  The imperial capital in the legendary world now has less than 50,000 people stationed, so for the convenience of electricity and water supply, everyone is concentrated in the camp.

  On the road, Zhang Tianyuan explained the current situation in the time and space of "2012" to Instructor Yin in detail, and finally added:

  "Chairman Zhou asked me to tell you that your family members will get the best treatment. He hopes that you will continue to stick to this time and space. After the evacuation plan starts, your family members will come to reunite with you in the first batch."

  Instructor Yin was a little distressed when he heard that, he touched his head and sighed: “I haven’t seen my baby girl for more than a year, and I don’t know if I see her again now. I still recognize that I don’t...”

  Zhang Tianyuan found out at this time, I don’t know when instructor Yin had already put on a hat. Although he used to be slightly sparse, his black hair was completely invisible.

   He also followed with a sigh and patted Instructor Yin on the shoulder: "Thank you."

  Zhang Tianyuan finished recounting the past before Carl asked his interpreter to inquire about the camp.

  I mainly want to understand the experience of building settlements in this time and space, which can be considered as preparation for the future.

  Instructor Yin has been prepared for a long time, and talks all the way, from the restoration of water and electricity to the prevention of night monsters, disease prevention...

  All the lessons learned were spoken out. Instructor Yin was surrounded by secretaries and translators, taking notes continuously.

  Wait in the camp area, Instructor Yin also took Carl and others to visit various equipment to prevent the attack of the night monster.

  One of the most is the ultraviolet street lamps that can be seen everywhere.

  "These lights will not be turned off day or night. At the same time, we require people to wear more clothes when walking outside, cover the skin as much as possible, and avoid excessive direct ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer and other diseases..."

  Karl and others looked at the various materials related to the Night Demon displayed, and felt strongly uncomfortable in their hearts.

   "This monster is really terrifying!"

  "We must strictly control virus experiments in the future..."

   Carl looked at a record of the anatomy of the Night Demon, and it was shocking.

  It’s okay for this zombie-like monster to appear in the movie, but if it appears in reality, the Light Horror Valley effect will be unacceptable to most people.

   Jumped over the night monsters on both sides, and soon talked about the survivors.

  When Carl learned that Zhang Tianyuan was in the South Pole in this time and space, and found Otes and others who had taken refuge there, his face was even more ugly. He shook his head repeatedly and said, "If it were we would not be like this."

  Zhang Tianyuan roughly believed what he said.

  At least in the movie, these people still have the ability. Thomas finally gave up the opportunity to escape and died together with ordinary people.

  And Carl also gave up his Alzheimer's mother.

  It can only be said that the details of each time and space are different.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Tianyuan talked about a piece of news he had recently received: “At least AT&S is still smart and didn’t bring the virus to the Antarctic continent.”

   "Our search team found some people in the Arctic who fled from Europe to take refuge there. To be precise, their bodies were found."

  This is the message returned by the search team that went to the North Pole before.

  They did find many large escape ships around the Arctic, and traces of human life on islands close to the Arctic.

It's a pity that these people have all died because of the virus infection.

  In contrast, Alters and others still seem capable.

  At least people can escape to Antarctica without touching the virus at least one month after the outbreak of the KV virus.

  Carl knew who Zhang Tianyuan was talking about.

  He shrugged and sighed, “Maybe it’s the ‘us’ in this time and space that has a tradition of escape.”

  Carl didn’t want to talk more about this topic.

  The "brothers" in this time and space made him feel very embarrassed, and it seemed that they were lowered by these pig teammates.

  He changed the subject and asked: "I want to know, you have so many people here, what is their mission? Or is it just because this is the capital?"

  "They are all talents in the aerospace field." Instructor Yin replied simply.

  Carl immediately thought: "Then their mission is to control satellites?"

   "Part of it is, but most people are now for another task."

  "What task is it?" Karl continued to ask.

  Instructor Yin pointed to the sky and said: “There are still three astronauts on the International Space Station trapped in the sky. We are now trying to rescue them.”

  "This is one of the locations responsible for satellite monitoring and control."

  "Astronaut?" Karl and the others were taken aback when they heard the news, and looked up at the blue sky.

  Instructor Yin explained the details of the matter.

  When everyone listened, they couldn't help but sigh with the tenacity of human life.

  “It’s been a while since the last launch of cargo ship resupply, and the body of the astronaut has recovered to above level, and our ground preparations are basically complete.”

   "So when the astronauts return recently, this one-year mission will soon be completed."

  After listening to Instructor Yin’s words, Carl took the initiative to hug him, then took a step back and bowed deeply: "Your efforts are worthy of our respect. I pay tribute to you on behalf of my country."

  Others followed suit, and dozens of them bent down at once.

   "You are polite." Instructor Yin watched these big figures in his own time and space bow to himself, and quickly said: "This is all the credit of those space experts. If you want to thank you, then thank them."

  After Carl straightened up, he walked to Zhang Tianyuan and made a somewhat unexpected request:

   "Mr. Chairman, we also hope to participate in this rescue mission and do our best for the friendship between the two time and space."

  "In addition, I think the scene of the astronaut returning to the voyage can be used as a witness of friendship and broadcast to our time and space through the space-time tunnel, which is also conducive to our future evacuation work."

   Needless to say, Zhang Tianyuan understood what Carl meant.

  Country friendship is a two-way propaganda to work.

  Space-time friendship is the same.

  Moreover, publicizing the mutual rescue association to rescue astronauts is also conducive to shaping the impression of the mutual rescue association in the hearts of the people in the time and space of "2012", and enhance their confidence in the mutual rescue association.

  (End of this chapter)

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