Movie Savior

Chapter 106: 2.1 billion members of mutual rescue association (2/4)

  Chapter 106 2.1 Billion Mutual Rescue Association Members (24)

  The way back is not easy, especially for the astronauts who have been living in the space station for two years.

  The long-lost huge overload made all three people feel uncomfortable.

  Although they have been in the space station for a period of rehabilitation, it is impossible for them to recover to the physical fitness they had just lifted off.

  According to the process, it takes at least three hours from leaving the space station to landing.

  The spacecraft will separate the excess compartments, leaving only the return compartment, and then adjust the orbit while decelerating around the earth until it finally reaches the scheduled landing site.

  During this period, Hill, Mike, and Padalka can only grit their teeth.

  Under such a tense situation, the three people didn't have any extra strength to utter even one syllable. Their expressions were ugly to the extreme, and there was only a firm will in their eyes.

  "God, please protect them..."

  Whether it is Robert or the audience of the time and space of "2012", although the two time and space are separated, everyone is unanimously worried for them.

  For the audience of "2012" time and space.

  This rescue operation took place in parallel time and space. The rescued seemed to have something to do with them, but nothing to do.

  The main body of rescue is the Mutual Rescue Association, an organization that also comes from parallel time and space.

  Neither side has an enemy or friend relationship with them.

  So most of the viewers in the time and space of "2012" were able to put aside the limitations of previous thinking and look at this action with the simplest moral concepts.

  In this case, most people only hope that the three astronauts can be rescued smoothly.

  Because death cannot be saved, no matter which mainstream civilization is in, it is not a behavior worth promoting.

  Even most people’s impression of the Mutual Rescue Association has been greatly improved, at least from the previous state of suspicion to the level where you can try to believe it.

  Under the chain effect, the signing of applications for members of the mutual rescue associations of various countries also ushered in a peak during this period.

  Since the announcement of the doomsday, and now, it will take about a month.

  "2012" time and space, all countries have organized the Mutual Rescue Association branch, and accumulated 2.1 billion members.

  Now the energy figure lying on the system panel is as high as 20 billion, and the last number Zhang Tianyuan is too lazy to count.

  Because of the unprecedented abundance of energy, this live broadcast across time and space is available.

  Otherwise, it will take seven or eight hours from the start to the end of the live broadcast, and the energy consumption points are at least 200 million.

  This kind of burden needs to be calculated carefully if it is replaced by Zhang Tianyuan half a month ago.

  Three hours are fleeting.

  Zhang Tianyuan They have been paying attention to the situation of the three astronauts.

  In the vital signs measured from the space suit, the indicators of the three are now on the verge of danger.

  Judging from the camera, the faces of the three people are even more terrifyingly white, and their eyes are protruding outward. If they weren't able to see some small movements, they thought they had fainted just by looking at the screen.

  Everyone was sweating as they watched the time and the trajectory of the return cabin.

  The rescue helicopter and convoy are ready and are maneuvering according to the trajectory of the return module.

  Zhang Tianyuan also followed.

  60 km

  30 km

20 kilometers…

  The return cabin is getting closer and closer to the ground, and the faces of the three Hill people are getting more and more ugly. It is unrealistic to describe them with hideous faces.

  Zhang Tianyuan and they can already observe the return capsule in the sky through the telescope.

  10 kilometers!


  The main parachute opens automatically according to the program.

  The falling speed of the return cabin is greatly reduced.

Before everyone was happy, they heard an uncontrollable exclamation from the command center.

  Someone immediately shouted into the communication: "Hill passed out!"

  "How critical is the situation?" Zhang Tianyuan asked rhetorically.

  The command center waited for a while before continuing to report: “She is still breathing spontaneously, and her cardiopulmonary function is normal. It should be just that she didn’t adapt when the parachute slowed down, so she passed out.”

  Zhang Tianyuan is a little relieved.

  It's a pity that the Hill and the three are not residents of the Mutual Rescue Society, and they cannot pass through the time tunnel.

  Otherwise, he can directly use the system to lock it and bring the three people in the air back to the time and space of "2012" together with the return cabin.

  When traversing the space-time tunnel, the state of motion of the object itself and the potential energy it carries can be eliminated by Zhang Tianyuan.

  In other words, after passing through the space-time tunnel, the return capsule can theoretically stop on the ground and return to a static state.

  Of course, considering that the return cabin is now activated, it will automatically start the reverse thrust engine when it is a certain distance from the ground.

  If he really did this, he might be kindly helpful at the time, and the engine would crash as soon as the return cabin landed...

  Time passed slowly in anxious waiting.

  Finally, the parachute slowly swayed with the return capsule.

  After reaching the preset altitude, the reverse thrust engine was automatically triggered, with a beep, a dust was blown around, the return cabin seemed to hover in the air, and then it slammed on the ground.

  The helicopter in the sky immediately sprayed atomized disinfectant on the return cabin and its surrounding environment.

   Then Zhang Tianyuan and other rescuers approached wearing masks.

  At this time, the latest news from the command center also arrived.

   "All three of them passed out and need to be sent to a doctor right away!"


  Across the porthole of the return module, Zhang Tianyuan saw that the three astronauts inside seemed to be asleep, and they had completely lost the ability to respond to the outside world.

  For this situation, Zhang Tianyuan has a plan.

  A rescuer who had performed body disinfection took three application forms and inkpad, opened the hatch, and got in. In less than a minute, he stretched out his hand and made an "ok" gesture.

  Zhang Tianyuan knows it all.

  The next second, a black flash flashed.

  With the sterilized return cabin and rescue team members, Zhang Tianyuan disappeared into the legendary world, and the next moment everyone appeared in the shelter in the time and space of "2012".

  The doctors here are already in place.

   Seeing Zhang Tianyuan appear, he immediately rushed over with the first aid equipment.

  And the rescue team also began to cooperate to lift out the three astronauts.


  Hill only feels like he is surrounded by a group of angels, who are like birds, chirping and speaking in languages ​​that they don’t understand...

  There are many huge suns in the sky.

   There are many places on the body like being bitten by the devil, the pain is unbearable.

  And then I feel that those angels are pushing themselves on a roller coaster...

  Two minutes later, the emergency room of the isolation hospital inside the shelter lights up.

  Hill all three were pushed in.

  About half an hour later.

  The test report is released.

  Hill’s three injuries were mainly fractures, fingers, arms, thighs and even pelvis...

  The main reason is that I have been in space for too long, and my osteoporosis cannot handle the overload when I return.

  Other than that, there are no other life-threatening injuries.

   Zhang Tianyuan was relieved after listening, and let people pass the news.

The   rescue live broadcast ended shortly after he left with the return cabin.

  Now the time and space of "2012" are waiting for news from the three.

  (End of this chapter)

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