Movie Savior

Chapter 113: Space-time tunnel module upgrade (1/5, ask for monthly ticket subscription

  Chapter 113 Space-time tunnel module upgrade (15, ask monthly ticket subscription)

   "Yes, we need to find him!"

  After being reminded, everyone discovered the mysteriousness of the name, and they were all excited.

  Liu Huo himself continued to calmly analyze other intelligence.

  He looked at the seven words [Parallel Time and Space Mutual Rescue Association] on the system panel, and he had entered a deeper level of thinking.

   "What does this force actually mean?"

   "Parallel time and space? Mutual rescue meeting?"

  In this lord game, the names of your own forces often have special meanings.

  Either one's own ambition, or one's own hobbies, or it is related to one's own national ideals or culture and religion.

  For example, their Yanhuang Alliance, you can tell from the name that this is an alliance tied by national blood.

  And the Holy Rome that he had been on mission before was obviously based on a group of Shenluo as the core, supplemented by a small amount of Jingluo blending, and the cohesive alliance with hobbies as the core is the weakest link.

  So Liu Huo believes that the name of this Parallel Space-Time Mutual Rescue Association must also have a special meaning behind it.

  "Does he think this is a parallel time and space, and he wants to unite with us or others to help each other?"

  Too much missing information.

   Liu Huo thinks this is the most reasonable speculation.

   "No matter what, we must find him."

   Liu Huo made a decision quickly.

  "This person must be the first group of lords, and the place of birth must be a remote area. There are likely to be a large number of savage tribes nearby for him to transform into residents..."

  The “portrait” of the Parallel Space-Time Mutual Rescue Society was quickly spoken out by him.

  No one of the surrounding lords objected, and everyone thought these speculations were very reasonable.

  After writing down these points, everyone also marked the unexplored places on the map, and then immediately sent their soldiers to find these places.

at the same time.

  The reaction of other leagues is similar to that of Yanhuang League.

  No one knows where this organization called "Parallel Space-Time Mutual Rescue Society" emerged from.

  No matter which alliance it is before, there has never been any contact with this force, and no one has even heard of it!

  But now that the system says there is, it must exist.

  For a time, all alliances came up with the same idea as the Yanhuang League—

"find him!"

   "We need to find this force as quickly as possible!"

  In the Holy Rome, in the Academy of Sciences, in many other alliances, words with similar meanings are repeatedly said.

  Everyone thought that this fifth-level force that suddenly appeared would be found by them soon...

  And now.

  Zhang Tianyuan also checked the various news and rewards sent by the system in his own base, which had been enlarged several times.

  【Your overlord reward has been sent, please check】

  Click to open the system mail.

The things inside    suddenly jumped out.

  "Congratulations on getting exclusive rewards from the overlord—[Advanced Physical Strengthening], [Long Life Extension], Billion Energy Points, and Clone Profession Level +1."

  【Advanced Physical Strengthening】

  Your physical attributes will be greatly enhanced, and your recovery ability will be greatly improved.

  As soon as he clicked on the details, Zhang Tianyuan felt that a golden light suddenly rose in his body, and then he felt full of energy. There is a feeling of blood rushing, it seems that a fist can kill a tiger, and maybe even more force can pull out the willow.

  His previous body was also considered strong, and after boarding the fighter, the supersonic speed would have to slow down.

  But now it feels completely different. I am afraid that flying 9 Gs is as easy as drinking water. Even adding two Gs is just a piece of cake.

  Click to open the next one.

  【Prolong life and longevity】is also a powerful BUFF:

  Your life span is greatly increased, and your body will be immune to any abnormal virus attack.

   Very useful effect.

  If you encounter time and space like "I Am Legend" again, then Zhang Tianyuan...

  I still have to get the vaccine before going over.

  Is this system really useless if the virus is useless to him?

  He didn't take his life to gamble.

  As for the remaining clones...

  Even now, Zhang Tianyuan will turn black when he hears this word.

  Junk technology!

  Water is not protected!

   Scroll up again, Zhang Tianyuan quickly passed all the information.

  To put it simply, the base has been upgraded four times. He has increased the number of wishes made by the wishing machine four times, and now it has reached six times.

  Then he needs to choose a location within three days to build a spatio-temporal warehouse.

  After having this warehouse, when other players come to attack him, they can directly plunder materials from this time-space warehouse.

  If he goes to plunder other characters' assets, the same is true, find the other person's time-space warehouse and try A to go up and it's done.

  Just looking at the various ore raw materials and grains calculated in units of billions of tons, which are stored in the time and space of "2012" on the panel.

  Zhang Tianyuan felt that the placement of this space-time warehouse must be prudent.

  It's best to put it in a secret location that is heavily guarded and out of reach of other players.

  So Zhang Tianyuan decided to put this warehouse in a place that no player can touch—

  For example, Legendary World is pretty good.

  If other players have the ability, they will tear the dimension to find them.

  The rest is the opening of alliance and plundering functions, common game functions.

  There is also the opening of the mining level and the upper limit of the building level. He can now build level five buildings and collect level five mineral veins.

  In addition to these, some upgrades and unlocks of the clone research room are expected to be able to cultivate some clones with different professions.


  Zhang Tianyuan sighed, very helpless.

  But a surprise that he did not expect was that after reaching level 5, even the space-time tunnel module has been upgraded, and two new functions have been added:

   Directional opening: The space-time tunnel can be opened according to the individual location of the residents.

  Directed communication: Two-way space-time communication can be carried out with individual residents, and there are currently 10 people remaining.

  After the orientation is turned on, the positioning of the space-time tunnel can be much more accurate in the future.

  Zhang Tianyuan pondered.

  Before, the time-space tunnel can only achieve city-level positioning for some places that have not been visited at all, and the location is random within a city.

  Now he can directly lock the position of a member of the mutual rescue club, and then jump to the side of that member, which is much more convenient than before.

  In addition, there is an additional function of establishing cross-temporal communication with 10 people, which can also effectively reduce the cost of cross-temporal communication.

  Quickly pulled all the messages, and after Zhang Tianyuan made sure that he hadn’t missed it, he disappeared into the game world in the next second.

  Now is the time to deal with wandering time and space.


  Zhang Tianyuan came out of his room, immediately found the guards who were following outside, and asked to send a remote-controlled explorer car over.

  This kind of equipment is often used in the legendary world, and it is not a new equipment.

  In less than an hour, two brand-new remote control cars were delivered to Zhang Tianyuan...

    also said to adjust her work and rest, but last night she was completely insomnia, and she lay down until 8 o’clock in the morning, but she didn’t fall asleep... It was not until 10 o’clock that she had time to lie down for two hours. Now it’s all American work and rest...



  (End of this chapter)

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