Movie Savior

Chapter 118: Meaningless giving? (1/3, ask for a monthly ticket subscription

  Chapter 118 Meaningless giving? (13, ask for a monthly ticket subscription)

   is different from Sun Deyi's excitement.

   Ke Jinjun listened, but his eyes were deeply lost.

   He doesn't doubt the truth of Yin Hongda's words, at least he is 100% sure about the time-space tunnel.

   Ke Jinjun took a deep look at Yin Hongda, who was discussing with Sun Deyi about the Mutual Rescue Association.

   "There are no conditions to join the Mutual Rescue Society, and the Mutual Rescue Society will not affect our internal decision-making, so all countries and regions in our time and space have already joined the Mutual Rescue Society.

  The number of members of the first part of our Mutual Rescue Association has now reached more than two billion, and it is still growing rapidly... Our time and space now have a total of eight time and space tunnels for us to transfer..."

  The more Ke Jinjun listened to these words, the more dazed his expression became.

   There is an organization like the Parallel Time and Space Mutual Rescue Society, and he is actually very happy.


   But compared to Mutual Rescue, what are the efforts they have done before?

   In order to save themselves, they spent all their efforts to design the "Wandering Earth" plan. It took nearly 30 years to build nearly 10,000 planetary engines and 24 steering engines.

  In order to save themselves, they exiled the moon. The moon, which has been with the earth for billions of years, has now reached the final stage of leaving the earth-moon system.

  In order to save themselves, they put all their resources into the construction of planetary engines, and the earth was also devastated by them.

   There was no greenery on the frozen ground, only the shocking mines remained. The huge pickaxe excavator kept working day and night, transporting stones to the minecart, and they dug deep holes one by one.

  In the process of stopping the rotation, there have been abnormal climates, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions on the earth...

   There are countless disasters.

  In each such disaster, I don’t know how many people died because of it, and buried in the snow and the earth are countless people who want to live.

   Up to now, according to the latest statistics, there are only 5.5 billion people left in the world, and at least 2 to 3 billion people died due to various abnormal reasons during the implementation of the Wandering Earth Project.

   Disease, disaster, weather…

   People are dying for these reasons all the time.

   The average life expectancy of humans has been lowered to 55 years.

   In order to save themselves, they have paid so much effort and at such a great price.

   Now there is a mutual rescue meeting, and they directly say that they can transfer to another time and space through the time-space tunnel.

   In fact, as long as they live a normal life, they will be rescued when mutual rescue comes...

   In this way, is the previous effort still meaningful?

   Ke Jinjun has fallen into deep suspicion.

   He looked at his hands.

   suddenly felt blood on it.

   Yin Hongda and Sun Deyi are still talking about the mutual rescue association.

   was suddenly interrupted by Ke Jinjun. He looked at his hand and asked, "It is possible for us in this time and space to be like yours, and the whole people transfer to another time and space?"

  Sun Deyi suddenly tightened his body, as if his breathing was suppressed.

   This is undoubtedly the question he most wants to know.

   This question stopped Instructor Yin at once.

   "This, I want to ask, this is not within my authority."

  Sun Deyi made a gesture of invitation and asked, "Do you need any help from us?"

   Instructor Yin shook his head, "No need, we have our own communication method."

   Instructor Yin opened the floating communication panel as he practiced before, and quickly sent a message to Zhang Tianyuan in another time and space.


   Zhang Tianyuan saw the message on the panel for the first time.

   This is not something that he can tell clearly through the remote control of the communication panel.

   "Invite them to come over to discuss, I will open the time-space tunnel for you after receiving the news." Zhang Tianyuan said this.

  Instructor Yin from wandering time and space received it simultaneously.

   He raised his head and said, "President Zhang of our Mutual Rescue Association hopes that the two of you can follow me to space-time No. 1 to discuss in person."

   Ke Jinjun took the lead: "How do we get there, using your time-space tunnel?"

   "Yes," Instructor Yin nodded, "but before using the time-space tunnel, the two of you need to agree to join the Mutual Rescue Club."

   Instructor Yin said, and took out two personal application forms from his briefcase.

  Sun Deyi and Ke Jinjun looked at each other, and both signed on them silently.

   Then Ke Jinjun temporarily left the office to explain the situation to the subordinates outside, so that they should not panic.

After   , he returned and said to Instructor Yin:

   "Commander Yin, it's time to start."

   "Okay, please leave a distance for the two of you first." Instructor Yin directed the two to clear a space.

   A few seconds later, a time-space tunnel the size of a door was generated beside him.

   Looking at the completely dark space-time portal in front of him, Sun Deyi's sharp eyes melted, and he didn't know what to think.

  Ke Jinjun quickly walked to the time-space tunnel and approached with his hands tentatively: "Can I go directly through it now?"

   Instructor Yin said with a smile: "On the other side is our president, you can go directly to meet him."


   Ke Jinjun nodded and walked over slowly.

   Really slow.

   He is like slow motion, first a hand, then a foot, then half of the body...

   At this point, he even turned his head, and the time-space tunnel was precisely caught between his eyes.

   so that the field of vision of his two eyes was completely divided in two.

   One side is the conference room of his own time and space, and the other is the "2012" time and space...

  Tsk tsk!

  After Ke Jinjun and Sun Deyi both passed the time-space tunnel, he looked at the sun in the sky and the warm spring breeze that he hadn't felt for a long time. He couldn't help but sigh:

   "It's amazing!"

   I don't know if I'm talking about the time-space tunnel or the spring scenery in the backyard.


   Suddenly someone was applauding.

  Sun Deyi turned his head and found that it was a young man.

   He immediately understood that this was the President Zhang that Yin Hongda had told him.

  Zhang Tianyuan took the initiative to come over: "Welcome to Time 1."

   "It's an honor!"

  Sun Deyi opened his pace, walked to Zhang Tianyuan quickly and gracefully, and shook hands with him enthusiastically.

   Ke Jinjun followed.

   After some introductions, the four of them sat down on the seats in the school.

   Zhang Tianyuan said: "I have already understood the specific situation. Do you now want to carry out the great migration of the whole people through the time-space tunnel like No. 1 time-space?"

   "As far as I know, you are different from other time and space. You have a fairly complete evacuation plan."

  Sun Deyi laughed at himself and said disappointedly:

   "I'm not afraid of the president's jokes. If there is an easier way to avoid the apocalypse, we are not willing to implement a plan like Wandering Earth."

   They are not all looking for **** around the world.

   Zhang Tianyuan also sighed and said with some embarrassment: "Your situation is actually quite special..."

   (end of this chapter)

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