Movie Savior

Chapter 123: Time and Space Zero (2/5, please book all monthly passes)

   Chapter 123 Time and Space No. 0 (25, ask for all monthly tickets)

  Although Zhou Lao and the others started to collect grain reserves more than a year ago, the annual grain of 6 billion people still occupies more than one-third of their reserves.

   In addition, after migrating to the 2nd time and space, agriculture will definitely not be able to recover in a short time.

   At that time, the stability of society can only be guaranteed if there is enough food reserves in hand to consume for several years.

   And in the future, we may also provide food aid to other countries that have migrated.

   So for Elder Zhou, this amount of aid is already the limit they can give.

If there are more   , it will greatly affect the life after the migration.

  Sun Deyi didn't feel that the assistance given by the two time and space was too small.

   Although these aids cannot help them solve their problems completely, they can at least help them get through the current difficulties and live a little easier.

  The ten people who wandered in time and space all stood up and expressed their most sincere thanks to Elder Zhou and Tong Wenshi.

   Then Sun Deyi told Zhang Tianyuan and the others about the production of materials on his side.

   "Since the implementation of the wandering plan, officially entering the era of braking, and the speed of the earth's rotation has slowed down, the drastically changed weather has almost completely destroyed our agriculture."

   "Now our food mainly comes from the earthworms, meat, poultry and vegetable cultivation farms in the dungeon. Although there is endless energy, but limited by the limited area of ​​use, we have absolutely no way to take advantage of unlimited energy."

   After listening to the detailed explanation, Zhang Tianyuan, Elder Zhou and the others also sighed, lamenting that fate is tricking people.

  According to the normal situation, the technology of nuclear fusion is pointed out, and agriculture will usher in the complete liberation of productivity.

  The three-dimensional farm can provide light all the time, and quickly cultivate various vegetables and fruits in a soilless way.

   The dungeon looks big, but in fact there is not much space for the three-dimensional farm.

  Various residential areas, material storage areas, industrial production areas, emergency evacuation areas…

  The part reserved for agricultural production is seriously insufficient. Even the daily food of the 350,000 residents in each dungeon cannot be supplied. Vegetables, fruits and real meat can only be distributed as welfare during the festivals.

   Zhang Tianyuan did not speak until Sun Deyi finished speaking.

   "I will supervise the implementation of the assistance given to you by the first and second time and space, so you can rest assured."

   "In addition, the time-space merger you talked about earlier, after deliberation, I think this approach is inappropriate."

  Sun Deyi's heart sank.

   Knowing that Tong Wenshi meant that he didn’t even want to talk to them, he directly asked President Zhang to come forward as a villain.

   But there is nothing he can do in this situation.

   After all, Tong Wenshi is good enough for them, and he is willing to accept their old, weak, sick and disabled, and turn it into their rear base, which can save them a lot of trouble, and everyone can have hope.

   The expressions of the other nine people were also slightly gloomy.

   In fact, they also expected this ending to be the most likely, and now it is not too disappointing.

   Zhang Tianyuan looked at them and continued:

   "However, if you really want to get out of this time and space, the Mutual Rescue Association is not impossible."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   Not only Sun Deyi and others, but Zhou Lao and Tong Wenshi also looked over.

   Now there is still a place in the 2nd time and space, where can these people in the 3rd time and space go?

  Under the gazes of everyone, Zhang Tianyuan said quietly: "Actually, in addition to your three time-spaces, there is another time-space number zero, which can be regarded as the birthplace of the Mutual Rescue Association."

   Unlike other people's confusion, Zhou Lao immediately remembered it.

   He did hear Zhang Tianyuan talk about some "territory"-related content before.

   These words were recorded verbatim.

   Just out of respect and trust in Zhang Tianyuan, after they confirmed the authenticity of the Mutual Rescue Association, they took the initiative to stop speculating on these records.

   Although there are still many questions, since Zhang Tianyuan didn't tell them, Elder Zhou and others tacitly wouldn't take the initiative to ask.

   Now looks like the time has come.

  Sun Deyi and others also rekindled the fire of hope in their hearts, looking at Zhang Tianyuan with anticipation.

"The world on the zeroth time and space is affected by a currently unknown super civilization. Its world rules are somewhat different from reality, and it has been artificially added with many restrictions... In short, it is hard to say the specifics, in short, you will understand when you arrive there. ."

   "But the environment over there should be generally pleasant, with fields, lands, islands and mountains, and there is no particular threat."

  Sun Deyi and others were confused about the first paragraph, but they understood the latter paragraph.

   It's a good world!

   He couldn't wait to ask: "Then can we all migrate over there?"

   Zhang Tianyuan touched his chin and pondered: "If you want to move all over, I have no objection in principle."

   Just when Sun Deyi and others were full of joy, Zhang Tianyuan immediately added a sentence:

   "But... there are some things I have to explain to you."

   "I just said that space-time zero is greatly influenced by a super civilization, and even that space-time may have been created by them."

"That super civilization established a rule-based order in the zeroth time and space. Even the mutual rescue club can only passively obey it and try not to attract their attention. And after you pass, once there is a big move, it is very likely that Breaking this order, attracting the attention of that civilization, may even involve the Mutual Rescue Society..."

   The super civilization that created the lord game is the biggest worry in Zhang Tianyuan's heart now.

   He has been out of action in the game world before, and even deliberately reduced the time he spends in the game world, part of the reason is that he is worried about this.

   It’s just not a way to keep running away.

   "So I suggest you to explore in the zeroth time and space first, and wait until it is safe to act."

  Sun Deyi understood this time.

   A civilization that can create time and space…

   These words were firmly pressed on his heart.

   Even if they can push the planet to run, they cannot be the opponents of this civilization.

   "We need to have a private discussion." Sun Deyi looked at Zhang Tianyuan apologetically, and after seeing him nod, he took the initiative to take the other nine people out of the conference room to hold a meeting elsewhere.

   However, only ten minutes later, Sun Deyi came back with someone.

   He said solemnly:

   "President, after a brief discussion, we decided to continue the Wandering Earth plan, this earth will always be our home.

   In addition, we plan to arrange for those who are not suitable for the work ahead to be transferred to the No. 2 time and space for recuperation. At the same time, we will also actively cooperate with the president to explore in the No. 0 space and time to find new hope. "

   (end of this chapter)

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