Movie Savior

Chapter 137: Monster (1/3, ask for a monthly ticket subscription)

   Chapter 137 Monsters (13, ask for a monthly ticket subscription)

   Hong Kong Government, the city of Bauhinia.

  Beyond tall buildings.

In the slums, dilapidated self-built houses are mixed together, and private lines pass through both sides of the street. The weathered plastic bags have been hung on them for some time, they have faded and become brittle, and they will shatter when the wind blows. , scattered like dandelions.

  On the narrow and greasy streets, people in all kinds of clothes are walking in a hurry, and there are various small shops on both sides, hardware, pharmacies, beauty, snacks, Chinese medicine...

   Zhang Tianyuan took three people and walked out of the narrow gap between the two self-built houses, while vigorously dusting off the dust on his shoulders.

   "It's really bad luck..."

   Behind me, Juan sneezed and turned to look around: "President, is this the new time and space?"

   "We are in the country now?"

   She saw many signboards coexisting in traditional English.

   Next to her is a soldier from a wandering time and space who removed his exoskeleton armor and came to act as a bodyguard.

   There is also a machine gunner who has been to the legendary time and space before. He also looked at the environment around him: "There are many foreigners around, are we in the Hong Kong government now?"

   "You guessed it right, but unfortunately there is no reward. Let's go and see what's going on in this time and space now."

   Zhang Tianyuan said, he chose a random direction and walked ahead.

  This is the world of Pacific Rim.

   He originally wanted to appear in a fighter jet as usual.

  Who knows, as soon as he proposed to mobilize the fighter, he was strongly opposed by Zhou Lao, and even Sun Deyi, who was wandering in time and space, did not agree with him taking such a risk.

   Never let him be in danger, this is the most consensus among the three time and space.

   Therefore, Zhang Tianyuan, who couldn't take the plane, politely declined Elder Zhou's proposal to let him come with a brigade, and chose to "walk" with three people to this time and space.

   Considering that there is no license plate for this time and space, Juanjuan didn't even drive over.

   But that didn't make any difference.

   Because they randomly landed in a good spot.

   Zhang Tianyuan looked up at the street sign in front of him—

   Fang Road is on the left and Yuan Street is on the right.

  If he remembered correctly, there should be that Hannibal Chow's drugstore nearby.

   The other party is the largest businessman in the black market of monsters in Asia. By cooperating with the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force, the PPDC organization responsible for mecha combat, he has the legal right to dispose of monsters throughout Asia.

   In other words, the corpses of the monsters killed throughout Asia must be handed over to this person for disposal.

   Zhang Tianyuan squinted and looked around.

   Undoubtedly, this Hannibal Chow has access to Pantecost, the black general in the movie.


   is quite easy.

   "Let's look around here, there should be an interesting drugstore here."

   is different from Newton's hard work in the movie, holding a highlight light and walking around in circles with the visible imprint.

   Zhang Tianyuan just found a middle-aged woman and asked where the monster parts could be sold, and soon got the specific location of the pharmacy.

   Doing business in this kind of street market, your neighbors sometimes know better than you what you are selling.

  Hannibal Zhou's pharmacy is not large.

   At least it doesn’t look like much from the outside. Like most storefronts in the Hong Kong government, the narrowness is the first impression.

   This feeling reminded Zhang Tianyuan of the dungeons of the wandering earth.

  Only there can there be such an extreme use of space.

   "Are you going to buy bone meal?" Pushing open the wooden door and entering, two bald men immediately approached mysteriously.

   Zhang Tianyuan glanced behind him, the door they pushed open just now was closed by a man with sunglasses.

   He shook his head and said, "We're not here to buy monster bone meal, I want to ask some questions."

  The bald man's face turned cold immediately, he didn't plan to speak, he just gave the man with sunglasses a look, and the other party came over immediately...


   The machine gunner closest to him turned around and kicked him directly in the stomach, and the man in sunglasses knelt down on the spot.

  The bald man saw that something was wrong and immediately returned to the counter, but before they took out their guns, some men wearing strange devices suddenly appeared beside them.

   The devices these people were wearing made mechanical sounds, and their fists were like a big truck, hitting them at a speed they couldn't react to.


  Clear fracture sound.

  The two bald men fell to the ground screaming in pain, and they didn't know how many bones were broken.

   Until this time, they could see clearly that these people were wearing a set of exoskeleton-like devices, and they were also carrying firearms.


  The door of their pharmacy has not been opened since it was closed. Where did these extra people come from?

   Without waiting for their doubts to be answered, a soldier brought the man in sunglasses to Zhang Tianyuan like a chicken.

   He was the least injured person at the scene.

   "Please answer me a few questions."

   Zhang Tianyuan raised a finger: "First, what time is it now? It's accurate to the year, month, and day. As for the more specific, it's unnecessary."

   said, he looked up at the clock on the wall, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

   "August 13, 2024!" The man in sunglasses replied in a panic.

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded.

   There are still about four months until the beginning of the plot.

   "What happened recently? About mechas or monsters."

   "There are monsters... monsters! New monsters!"

   Zhang Tianyuan came to be interested: "Tell me in detail."

   Sunglasses man knows everything, and immediately explains the situation clearly.

   It turned out that just half an hour ago, the wormhole crack was opened again, and a new monster appeared, code-named Thrasher.

  This new monster is estimated to want to dance around the 101 building, or to "cross 101" and witness the legendary ideal landmark, so its direction is very clear.

   And the Hong Kong government's only mecha in the Broken Dome base, Storm Crimson, has now flown to the northeast, ready to fight.


at the same time.

  The storm is red, in the cockpit of the mecha.

   The general headquarters is reporting the situation of the monster to the three Wei brothers:

   "At the current speed, the monster is expected to land twenty-five minutes ahead of you..."

   "Tiantong, can't we be faster?" Wei Chang, the eldest of the three brothers, urged.

   "It's already the fastest deployment speed. Now that the evacuation work in the ground city has started, you should meet monsters near the 101 building..."

   Although the three Wei brothers were anxious, they were all silent at the moment.

  Because they know, no amount of urging will help.

   Even though they can use mechs to deal with monsters, there are times when they are beyond their reach.

   They can only do their best in the next battle.

   The three brothers clenched their fists together.

   Outside, the storm crimson hung by the helicopter array synchronized their movements.

   Suddenly, Tiantong in the headquarters exclaimed:


   "The monster suddenly changed its trajectory!"

   "It, it turned around and headed southwest, which is our direction!"

   According to the official setting, Storm Crimson will kill the monster "Biantal" in Taipei in 2024



   (end of this chapter)

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