Movie Savior

Chapter 140: The monster was blown to the sky (1/3, please book all the monthly passes

   Chapter 140 The monster was blown to the sky (13, please book all monthly tickets)

  Storm Crimson Cockpit.

  The three Wei brothers saw with their own eyes that the monster in front of them disappeared out of thin air, and they couldn't understand it at all.

   "The monster is invisible!"

   "Optical Stealth!"

   This was the first reaction of the elder brother Wei Chang.

  It is impossible to disappear out of thin air, the only possibility is that the monster learns to be invisible!

   Monsters sometimes have some strange little abilities.

  Maybe this time we encountered a monster with stealth ability?

   But Cai Tiantong in the headquarters immediately refuted this statement: "No, there is no stealth!"

   "All our instruments can't detect the monster's track, and if it's just optical stealth, it can't escape our tracking!"

   "And... didn't you see it? Those people on the shoreline weren't hurt!"

   "If the monsters are still there, they must be dead!"

   Cai Tiantong spoke very fast, and he didn't know what was going on now.

  Other people in the base were equally confused, everyone looked at each other, no one knew what was going on.

Pantecost stood behind Cai Tiantong again: "Keep the mecha on alert, immediately notify the United Nations, enter a global state of emergency, and mobilize all the forces we can mobilize to search for monsters! Satellites, sonars, radars...use everything that can be used. superior!"

   A global state of emergency.

   An order that has never been issued since the establishment of the PPDC.

The issuance of this order means that the monster threat may have spread from the Pacific region to the world.

   It might have gone to the Atlantic Ocean, it might have gone to the Indian Ocean…

   This is what other countries have been most worried about before.

   Cai Tiantong didn't have time to answer, so he immediately alerted the United Nations according to the operating procedure.

   But don't wait for them to issue an early warning.

   Many countries already know the situation on the scene.

   Every time a monster strikes, it affects the hearts of countless countries, and everyone pays close attention to the situation.

The information that the    monsters suddenly disappeared came to their desks immediately.

  The telephones of various major countries were connected to Pantecost's communicator on the spot, asking him to give an answer to the disappearance of the monster.

   For the inquiries of these people, Pantecost chose to prevaricate for the time being, because he did not understand what was going on.

   He can only let all countries open up all their intelligence power to search for any abnormal corner of the world.

   All you can do is wait anxiously.

   is like a judgment of fate.

   Some people even wonder if the monster's wormhole technology has been upgraded again, and it can be traversed at will?

  The base began to become depressed and uneasy.

  Even if they had faced monsters before, these well-informed staff had never been so nervous.

  The unknown is always the scariest.

"found it!!"

   Cai Tiantong's high-pitched voice pierced the depressing scene like a needle, and everyone looked over eagerly.

   "Where?!" Pantecost, who was still arguing with other countries, hung up the phone and walked over, put one hand on Cai Tiantong's shoulder, and bent over to look at the holographic screen in front of him.

   Cai Tiantong quickly recalled the information:

   "Twenty seconds ago, a large number of satellite reports found a meteorite accident, and a rather huge unknown object was falling into the earth!"

  The holographic screen simply shows a schematic diagram of a small light spot falling into the earth, and on the big screen is the image transmitted by the satellite in real time—

  A slender gray-black object is falling from outer space to the ground. It is writhing and struggling frantically, trying to find a point of focus, but under the action of gravity, it is falling faster and faster.

   And as it got closer and closer to the ground, the atmospheric friction intensified, the object started to catch fire, and the thick smoke emitted after the material was burned dragged out a long smoke tail, and the hot temperature was particularly conspicuous in the field of vision of the infrared satellite.

   "Is that the thrasher?"

   There is no need for Cai Tiantong to go on, Pantecost already understands what he means.

  Tentong nodded.

   Both know it.

   The monster that disappeared just now is now…

   Traveling to space?

   It is just like a meteor, falling towards the earth in the form of a large fireball…

   "Where will it fall?"

   Pantecost woke up from a dream and thought of this question for the first time.

  Cai Tiantong immediately called up the orbit calculation result:

   "The Thrasher is expected to crash into Earth near... Point Nemo!"

   "This area is located in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, 2,688 kilometers from the nearest land.

  Once we are in this area, the astronauts on the space station may be the closest humans to us... This place has been used as a spacecraft cemetery in the past, and expired space stations and satellites will actively fall into this position. "

   Cai Tiantong shook his head, feeling incredible in his heart:

   "This is definitely a pre-determined and very accurate delivery, it is definitely not an accident!"

  Pantcoster took out a handkerchief to wipe his nosebleed, and said calmly, "The monster fell from space to the sea, is it dead?"

   Cai Tiantong nodded quickly: "There is absolutely no possibility of surviving!"

"However, the re-entry speed of the monster is not very fast, which is far less than that of the spacecraft in orbit, which causes its combustion temperature to be not particularly high. Some toxic substances may enter the atmosphere with evaporation, and some debris will fall. into the sea."

   "It's better than having monsters kill tens of millions of people in a city."

   Pantecost was still wiping his nosebleed.

   "Cancel the emergency support mission of the other two mechas. In addition, you are now in contact with the United Nations and use all the forces we can to salvage the wreckage of the monster."

   After saying that, he turned and left.

  Cai Tiantong was a little stunned, and asked subconsciously, "General, where are you going?"

   "I'm going to meet the person who sent the monster away."


   "Cherno Alpha, the situation has changed, the support mission has been cancelled, and we will return to the same path."

   "Eureka Raiders, mission canceled, return to the original path."

   The mecha pilots who had just lifted off and heard the order couldn't help being stunned.

   "Did Stormwind Crimson kill the monster? I knew that their triplets were a bit evil..."

  Chuck asks for information from the helicopter that lifts them overhead.

   Then the pilot above replied: "No, I don't know what happened. In short, the monster suddenly disappeared. It is said that it was like entering a wormhole, and then our mission was cancelled."

  ? ? ?

  Sasha, who received a similar reply, was also confused.

   Crimson storm.

   "Your mission has been cancelled, you can now return to the base." Cai Tiantong's voice sounded in the bright red cockpit.

   "Where's the monster?" Wei Chang asked subconsciously, "Have you found it?"

   "Found it, that monster is falling from the sky now."


   "Don't ask me, I don't know how it got to the sky, maybe someone blew it into the sky?"

   (end of this chapter)

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