Movie Savior

Chapter 144: Face to face (3K, 1/2 ask for a monthly ticket subscription)

   Chapter 144 Face to Face (3K, 12 Monthly Pass Subscription)

   Zhang Tianyuan walked out of the office.

   General Pantecost stood alone in the corridor outside, with his back to the door looking at the steel landscape in the base, and holding a handkerchief in his hand.

   "I think the conversation between you has a good ending?" He turned around and took the blood-stained handkerchief back into his breast pocket.

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded: "As you wish, your next nuclear wormhole attack plan should be smoother than expected."

   Seeing that he didn't understand Chinese without a translator, Zhang Tianyuan handed him a Wandering Time and Space AI simultaneous interpretation headset, which is still an offline version.

  Pantcost put it on, and raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard the automatic translation from inside: "If this thing was given to me earlier, our conversation just now could be kept a little more secret."

   Without asking more about the content of the conversation, he said: "Since the conversation went well, let's go eat now. The food has been good since we moved here."

   "You know, when I was at the Alaska base, I could only eat fish nuggets and potatoes every day. As for the past, I was born in England..."

   Zhang Tianyuan saw Pantecost shaking his head, as if the past was unbearable to look back on, so he couldn't help but smiled, without asking him if the conversation didn't go well and he had no food to eat.

   found the group of Juanjuan and went into the cafeteria together.

  The first time they came in, they became the focus of the audience.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Juan Juan are not bad, those exoskeleton soldiers in Wandering Time and Space are really out of tune with the painting style of this world.

   watched them pass through the middle of the cafeteria.

   Everyone consciously lowered the volume of their speech, while quietly staring at them curiously.

   Some people are also whispering about how useful exoskeleton armor can be, or whether it will be some kind of mecha operating suit.

  The three Wei brothers also secretly locked their eyes on them.

   The second child, Wei Jin, bumped into the third child, who kept stuffing things in his mouth, and whispered, "Look, the big guy just now."

   Boss Wei Chang glared at him and signaled to speak carefully.

   Cai Tiantong in the cafeteria saw Zhang Tianyuan sitting down, took the initiative to bring a plate of sumptuous food over, and then looked at them with equally curious eyes.

   Although he has just done a translation for Pantecost, he still does not know the identities of Zhang Tianyuan.

   Pantecost didn't mean to introduce it, or he seemed to understand it himself, and just ate his food quietly on the side.

   Zhang Tianyuan was eating while paying attention to the ethnic composition in the cafeteria.

  The other bases have not been merged yet, so apart from Lao Pan, the airborne people in the base are basically locals, and they speak a mixture of Cantonese and Mandarin.

   Pantecost ate and ate, but began to look around strangely.

  Because the interpretation headset Zhang Tianyuan gave him was constantly translating the collected speech into English.

   "Old Pan designated something good to happen today. He was like a black-faced ghost before, but he started laughing this afternoon. Mom, it scared me!"

   "Don't say it, he can be a door **** with that face before..."

When returning the cutlery after dinner, Comrade Lao Pan finally couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at the two Cantonese-speaking locals next to him and asked bluntly, "Is 'Lao Pan' referring to me? ?"


   Facts have proved that the AI ​​technology of Wandering Time and Space is quite powerful.

   The two staff members who were so embarrassed that they pulled their toes out of the villa can attest to this.

   Next, before the time to rest, Zhang Tianyuan followed Lao Pan to the maintenance cabin of the dangerous wanderer.

   "Dangerous Wanderer, one of the three generations of mechas that performed very well. After it was sent to the mecha graveyard, I regretted it, so I dragged it back and decided to modify it."

   "It will be the fourth mech to help us destroy the wormhole..."

   Walking on the movable aerial platform specially built for the maintenance of the mecha, Zhang Tianyuan first came into contact with this huge robot at the shortest distance.

   "It's shocking."

  The maintenance cabin is so big that no single light can fully illuminate it, so the surrounding environment is always light and dark, plus the light waves of on-site welding.

  The majestic mecha is like an armored giant coexisting in light and darkness.

   "This guy is too big..."

  咩juan, or the members of the Mutual Rescue Society at the scene saw this mecha, their eyes lit up.

   During the day, everyone's attention was on the monster, and they hardly noticed the crimson storm behind it. Now it is the first time to come into contact with the mecha.

   "Sir?" A woman came over.

   Zhang Tianyuan turned around, Lao Pan took the document handed over by the woman, and introduced: "Morizinko, my adopted daughter, an excellent mecha technician, is now in charge of the maintenance and upgrade of this mecha."

   The two simply shook hands.

   "Is he a candidate for a pilot?" Mori Mako suddenly asked Lao Pan.

   Bringing strangers to see this unfinished mecha at this time, there seems to be no other explanation except for the driver candidate.

   Before Zhang Tianyuan could deny it himself, Lao Pan said, "It's not this gentleman, you know the person in my heart."

   Mori Mako frowned: "I don't think that person is the best person."

  The two are talking about the protagonist Raleigh, the former driver of the dangerous wanderer.

   "But he is the most familiar with this mech, and he has enough experience that we don't need a strongest pilot, as long as he can complete the cover task..."

   Lao Pan answered quickly, and at the same time sketched on the document and gave it to Mori Mako.

   But she didn't stop there: "I don't think the mission can be accomplished without the strongest driver."

   Seeing that the atmosphere between father and daughter was a little stiff.

   Zhang Tianyuan suddenly asked, "Have you conducted research on drone armor now?"

   "Drone armor?"

   "It's a mecha that can be remotely controlled." Zhang Tianyuan knew that they definitely didn't have any research in this area when he heard the tone of the question. "What about a small single-person mecha?"

   "After the monsters are dealt with, we may need some small mechs."

   He was thinking of those monsters in the game world that could explode blueprints.

   When the time comes, put some small mechas in the past, specifically hunting down the blueprints of monster explosions of level 3 and 4, it is definitely a sure-fire business.

   However, Mori Mako still shook his head: "No, PPDC has never conducted similar research."

   "Then you'd better change the direction of your research, which may save your funding."

   Mori Mako looked puzzled, but it was Lao Pan. Although he didn't know what was going on, he still agreed seriously.

   "Who is that?" Mori Mako asked in a low voice, leaning over to her adoptive father.

   "Very important guest, I will explain to you in detail tomorrow."


   After the tour was over, Zhang Tianyuan politely declined the room arranged by Lao Pan, but took Yaojuan and others back to the "2012" time and space, and the soldiers who were wandering in the time and space were also sent back.

  The people of both time and space have recorded the circumstance of the world.

  Only Tong Wenshi of Legend Time and Space is as Buddhist as ever.

   He knew that as long as he firmly supported Zhang Tianyuan, there was no need to get involved in these matters for the time being.

   and the other side.

   Soon after Lao Pan returned to his office, he received a call from Ning Jihua.

   "Are you coming to visit tomorrow?"

"Okay, I know."

   "Can I ask Mr. Zhang their specific identities?"

   Lao Pan asked Ning Jihua on the other end of the phone tentatively.

When    asked this sentence, his mind would always think of the space-time tunnel that Zhang Tianyuan opened when they left.

   He almost wanted to walk in with him to see what the other side looked like.

  Ning Jihua did not hide it, but passed on the identity Zhang Tianyuan told him to Lao Pan.

   "It's still not completely certain whether the other party is said to be true or false, but there is a certain possibility..."

  Suddenly, Lao Pan interrupted Ning Jihua in a rare way: "I just saw them leave our time and space through the wormhole with my own eyes."

   "The wormhole is dark and doesn't seem to be thick enough to be seen from the side, there's no movement when it's opened, and they disappear right after they go through. I can send you the surveillance..."

   witnessed all this with his own eyes, but it made Lao Pan a little uneasy.

   Because Zhang Tianyuan's wormhole technology is obviously more than one grade higher than that of monsters.

   He had been following Zhang Tianyuan and the others closely before, which was actually a kind of "surveillance".

   Hearing these descriptions, Ning Jihua immediately fell into silence.

   It's just that he wasn't surprised, his eyes seemed to be shining.

   "This is good news, it shows that our world will usher in better development in the future!"

  Ning Jihua is always confident in his attitude towards the unknown.

   Lao Pan, who had a cold face all day long and wrote his worries all over his face, was far from him.

   Lao Pan spent a sleepless night in tossing and turning. In the dark room, his white eyes were kept open.

the next day.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Ning Jihua both arrived at the dome base at the appointed time.

  Ning Jihua's hair looks a little gray, but his face doesn't look old at all.

   And Ning Jihua was also looking at Zhang Tianyuan.

   In his eyes, this young man's ordinary appearance makes it hard to imagine what wormhole he opened through.

   Lao Pan called the backbone of the dome base and gathered them together in the conference room.

   Storm Crimson's driver, Mori Mako, Herman and Newton, and Cai Tiantong were all present.

   As soon as a few people came in, they felt the atmosphere was different.

   With a simple reminder in advance, even Newton, the most eccentric person, dared not jump.

   The pressure is a bit high.

   can't jump.

   Mori Mako still didn't understand who Zhang Tianyuan and the others were.

   Because his adoptive father didn't have time to explain to her.

   "Everyone has worked hard." Ning Jihua spoke first, "Today we are here to discuss the issue of nuclear attack on wormholes."

   "It is undeniable that our previous nuclear attack on wormholes was a bit rough, and the possibility of failure is relatively high."

   "Just right, President Zhang knows a lot about wormholes, so I specially invited him to add some details to the plan..."

  ? ? ?

   The first question mark appeared on his forehead was Herman, who knew the most about the structure of wormholes at the scene.

   It is still in the jade state, let’s update it tomorrow morning



   (end of this chapter)

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