Movie Savior

Chapter 155: The gods are coming (1/3, please subscribe to the monthly pass)

  Chapter 155 The Arrival of the Gods (13, please subscribe to the monthly pass)

   Time back to fifteen minutes ago.

   Broken Dome.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Lao Pan stood on the aerial platform, in front of several thick steel cables taut vertically, holding wireless communicators in their hands:

   "Remember, after going through the time tunnel, don't stop. Keep going through the second time tunnel as planned, and you'll reach your destination."


  In the cockpit of the crimson storm, the three pilots responded in unison.

   "The storm is red, the dispatch is approved."

   Lao Pan officially issued an order.

   In the next second, a gust of wind blew up.

  From below the platform, the Eagle Jump helicopter array slowly lifted the storm crimson in the stand.

  The engineers in the base are staring at every data of the mecha to ensure smooth delivery.

   The Broken Dome Base is just as its name suggests, and a huge opening has been opened at the top, which is used as a delivery channel for the mecha.

   Raleigh, who was recovering from training, also came to the scene.

  The crimson storm slowly lifted off and dispatched under the witness of everyone.

   the same moment.

  Two bases in Vladivostok and Sydney.

  The other two mechas are also preparing.

   "All pilots, please board the plane immediately, Storm Crimson will pass through the wormhole first, followed by our Cherno Alpha."

   "Our target is the monster that is heading towards Los Angeles at a high speed - Rage, the basic parameters of the monster have been issued..."

   In the warning bell, the pilots of the two mechs put on their respective operating suits and quickly entered the cockpit to stand by.

  The Eagle Jumping helicopter in the sky also started whirring, ready to increase the lift and hoist the mech.

   Both teams are in a ready-to-play state.

the other side.

   Across the ocean.

  Los Angeles is in chaos at this point.

   "The monster is currently 800 kilometers away from our city, all citizens please prepare for evacuation..."

   City sirens rang in the sky, and flocks of birds, stung by the screeching sound, wanted to fly away.

   If it was in the past, their actions would be smooth.

   But it's different now.

   Because the skies of Los Angeles are now full of private jets…

   "Birds! Birds! Birds! Lots of birds! We're going to hit birds!"

   A small private airliner that had just taken off from the airport collided head-on with the flock of birds, and the engines on both sides sucked in dozens of large birds in the blink of an eye.

   Excessive intake will instantly break the bird's anti-collision limit of the engine, and the fire flashes inside the engine.

   Then, like a wildfire, it burned violently in the air against the air, dragging out two long smoke tails.

   "Prepare for impact!"

   The pilot shouted loudly, the owner in the cabin was in a suit and leather shoes, his face was full of horror, and the red wine on the table slammed into the window as the plane lost control.

   In less than half a minute, the private plane that had just taken off fell on the spot, smashed into the backyard of a villa, and then exploded violently.

   In the sky, there were also many private helicopters who witnessed everything, but they could only express sympathy for this encounter, and then speed up to leave.

   These people are the lucky ones in this city.

   thought that the monsters would not be so coincidental, and came directly to Los Angeles.

   As it turns out, they lost the bet and the flukes in other cities won.

   So they have to run now.

   while on the ground.

  The degree of crowding is far more exaggerated than in the air.

   All roads are already jammed with vehicles leaving, and some people give up everything and leave on bicycles or motorcycles.

   But there are also some unlucky ones, who didn’t get into any cars, and could only give a thumbs up on the side of the road, hoping that someone with a good heart would take them for a ride.

  Below the city sirens, it was the chirping of helicopters in the sky, the non-stop honking of horns on the ground, and the sobbing of people leaving their homes.

  Everyone thought the city was over.

  The mother holds the baby, the father brings the family, the elderly support each other...

  Many people gasped and looked back from the escape, hoping to remember the last appearance of the city.

   However, it was at such a desperate time.

   A huge circular dark curtain suddenly appeared in the sky. It was parallel to the sky and the earth. It seemed to be only a thin layer, but it felt extremely deep.




   This is the first thought in most people’s minds.

"What it is?!!"

  The pilots of the helicopters watched this huge black screen suddenly appear, and hurriedly controlled the plane to avoid the upper and lower sides of the black hole.

   Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the radar systems of each helicopter called the police—

   An unknown reaction occurs in the direction of the black hole.

   A pilot looked over in horror.

  I saw a scene that he will never forget.

   A dazzling red is slowly descending from that dark curtain.

  Like a wormhole, over time, that smear of red turned into a pair of giant robotic ankles…

   "Yes—is it a mecha?!"

  The pilots stood there in amazement, and the helicopter kept hovering.

  The people fleeing on the ground also opened their mouths wide, watching the scene of the mecha descending like a god.

   Everyone was excited, like a desert traveler encountering an oasis.

   "Is this a PPDC mecha?"

   "Mecha is here to fight monsters, are we saved?"

   "Red livery, this is Storm Crimson!?"

   "What's going on? Why did this mecha come to us in this way? How did it do it, is that black thing a wormhole?"

   "God, am I dreaming?"

   Whether people are happy or confused, the speed of the sky mecha's descent has not changed.

   At the time of the broken dome, everyone was staring blankly at the sky.

   The storm crimson, which had just been lifted up, was slowly falling.

   Below it is not the previous maintenance bay.

   is the wormhole opened by Zhang Tianyuan.

   The reason why I chose this position to descend is mainly considering that the current situation in Los Angeles is complicated. If the Eagle Jump helicopter takes the lead, it is easy to collide with other helicopters flying at low altitudes.

   But sending the mecha's feet first is different.

   No matter which helicopter it is, the foot that hits the mech is like an egg hitting a stone...

   "Is Los Angeles on the other side of the wormhole? We're halfway across the world?"

   "No, the other side seems to be another time and space. We seem to have taken a long detour before returning to Los Angeles in our time and space..."

  The three Wei brothers who are the closest to the wormhole feel amazing.

   Obviously, from an external perspective, my mecha has been "cut in half".

   But on their console, the mecha's readings are normal.

  Through the neural circuit, they can even feel the nerve impulse fed back by the sensor——

  The limbs of the mecha on the other side of the time-space tunnel are all normal.

  Time passed minute by minute.

  In Los Angeles, more and more people watched the arrival of the mechs, and this anomaly also attracted the attention of the fighters.

   They all obeyed Taylor's arrangement and came here to prepare to fight the monsters.

  I didn't expect to see such a bizarre scene.

   "Unknown mecha, please identify yourself immediately!"

  The fighter jets circling around have reported the situation and kept asking questions.

   Just never heard back.

   Because the communication parts of the mecha haven't passed through the wormhole...

  The time-space tunnel cannot transmit radio waves through space.

   And these fighters have no other way, although they recognize that this may be Storm Crimson, and they must officially confirm the identity of the other party.

  After the mecha completely passed through the wormhole and the whole picture was revealed, the question from the fighter pilot got the reply from the three Wei brothers:

   "We are a mecha attached to the PPDC headquarters and responsible for defending the Hong Kong government - Storm Crimson.

  I came here to perform the monster interception mission according to the PPDC order, please cooperate with us to clear the low-altitude airspace of Los Angeles! "

   (end of this chapter)

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