Movie Savior

Chapter 204: Great mobilization to go to parallel time and space (4K)

  Chapter 204 Mobilization and Departure to Parallel Time and Space (4K)

   The people queuing up in the building are all full of spring breeze.

  No one thought that getting up today would be such a good thing, not only having to go to work, but also getting a lot of supplies.

   This kind of thing makes everyone laugh.

   After receiving the supplies, many families could not help but go to the open space next to them to look carefully, and occasionally poked the meat inside with their fingers, and took a deep breath to smell the stench of blood and water emanating from the bag.

   In addition to two kinds of meat, the materials each family receives are only dozens or even hundreds of kilograms of dried earthworms.

  This thing is vacuum-packed one by one. Although it is quite heavy, the volume is not too large.

  Many people were very curious about this thing, and many people unpacked it on the spot, took out a small amount from it, and handed it to the surrounding family members to taste.

   As a result, everyone found that this thing was unexpectedly delicious.

   "This is delicious too!"

   "I don't know how long I haven't eaten something so delicious!"

   For a time, many people couldn't help but be excited, and the earthworms were stuffed into their mouths one by one, chewing in their mouths, while still admiring.

   Although these dried earthworms are all industrial products, and in order to cover up the earthy smell of the earthworms themselves, they are specially adjusted to have a heavy taste, which is even worse than the spicy strips.

   Except for wandering time and space, people in other time and space are basically not used to it.

   But this obviously does not include the Finch time and space.

  Dried earthworms have a special crisp taste and a variety of specially prepared rich flavors, which suddenly awakened the taste buds of many residents. .

   Before this time and space was still struggling with food and clothing, the taste was naturally monotonous and boring, and the residents had not eaten something with such a special taste for a long time.

   This feeling is no less than that of an authentic Sichuanese. After 15 years of boiled cabbage and a little salt, I suddenly tasted authentic Sichuan cuisine.

  Many people just can't stop eating it.

The residents stopped one after another until their stomachs were full and the hiccups sounded like one big frog after another. Then everyone looked around. Everyone's hands were covered with seasoning powder of dried earthworms, and they couldn't help but feel laughed.

   "I haven't eaten so full in a long time."

   "Satisfied, satisfied..."

  Patting their stomachs, many people chose to reseal the bags they just opened, and then went home with their own supplies.

   As for the raw meat that is easy to stink and deteriorate, after being sealed and labelled, it is sent to the large freezer in the cafeteria, which is also a rare electrical appliance in the building.

   But these people have left.

   But the other people just finished receiving the supplies, and their actions were exactly the same as the previous group, they opened the bag, looked, smelled, poked, smiled, took out the earthworms to dry...


   "Comrades in government affairs, where do these dried earthworms and other supplies come from?"

   Zhou Tao was distributing the supplies, while curiously looking at the dried earthworms he sent out. The vacuum bag on it had no signs except for the date of production and the date of prohibition.

  Especially the rice marked with the support and local labels, the quality seems to be significantly different.

The    support rice is much better than the local rice produced in their agricultural building.

   And support support?

   At this time, where does the support come from?

And listening to Zhou Tao talking about this, the administrative officer also shook his head: "The materials should be in the storage warehouse, I don't know if the earthworms are dry, and I'm not from the agricultural sector. But I didn't hear when we started. Get this earthworm dry..."

   He also felt strange.

   He has more information than Zhou Tao and others, and knows that these earthworms are not only distributed in their city, but all over the country.

   But just like what he said, no one had heard of the earthworm industry in China before.

   Now I have taken out so many dried earthworms at once, it seems like they just popped out of nowhere.

   But there is no need to tell these ordinary residents this news...

   It’s just the government officials who don’t know it.

   After hearing his words, Zhou Tao and Xue Liangping next to him looked at each other seemingly unintentionally.

   Both sides can understand the meaning in each other's eyes.

  These dried earthworms are definitely the handwriting of the Mutual Rescue Association!

   Mutual Rescue Club is simply their lucky star.

   The first time we met, we only got an apple, and then we got an apple for each person.

   Looking at the white rice behind him and the bags of dried earthworms in front of him, Zhou Tao's Xue Liangping's enthusiasm for work suddenly increased.

   The speed of material distribution was already fast, but now it has been raised to a new level, and the distribution task of the entire building was completed in less than an hour.

  The administrative officer looked at the two people who had been beaten with blood, and happily entered the next stage.

   The residents who just brought their supplies home gathered again.

   The administrative clerk took out a document from his pocket.

   "This is a mobilization order and the latest assignment. The reason why everyone stopped work today is related to this mobilization order."

   Upon hearing this, everyone on the scene perked up their ears and dared not let go of a single word.

  The administrative officer saw this, put his eyes back on the document, and began to read and explain:

   "... Since the latest weather detection results are generally not satisfactory, the whole country must prepare for the possible ice age, and now we will enter the first stage of mobilization."

   "The goal of this round of mobilization is to collect materials through freight. We will leave the country and go to other places to transport a large amount of available materials back to the country."

   "In addition to retaining the necessary domestic material deployment capabilities, all other members of the freight brigade must obey the mobilization to participate in this mobilization. In addition, those who are capable of driving trucks can also actively respond to this mobilization."

   As soon as the administrative staff finished speaking, the residents immediately exploded.

   "In other words, in order to cope with the crisis, are we going abroad to collect supplies and move back?"

   "Can people who don't know how to drive also go?" Some young people are eager to try, but they can't help but feel uneasy. They have grown up in the building since they were children, and most of them have never even been in a car, let alone driving.

   But just as they spoke, a middle-aged man patted his chest and said, "Follow me when you can't drive, the old driver will teach you little chickens to drive, and you will be taught!"

   After hearing this, the balance in many people's hearts changed, and they looked at the people around them.

"are you going?"

   "Fuck you, don't go!"

   "Then I'll go too!"

"And I!"

   "Count me in too!"

The lights were dim, and among the crowd sitting on the ground, one hand after another raised their hands in different directions. At first, it was only a few pairs or a dozen, but it quickly spread to dozens of hundreds, and almost all the people in the building were Hands up.

   At this moment, both men and women, regardless of age, their eyes are the same firm.

   One after another, the pale and sickly hands that have been living in the room for a long time, like sharp swords, more like standing mountain peaks, working together to pierce the darkness and hold up the crumbling sky.

  The administrative officer was very moved by the scene in front of him, so he said softly, "Everyone listen to my command."

   "Students put their hands down."

Many of   's raised arms shook slightly.

   But not one arm fell.

   All held high.

   The administrative officer sighed and emphasized again: "The students put down their hands, this is only the first mobilization, and there are more important tasks to be given to you next."

   "So let it go, even if you hold it, you won't be able to fool around."

  It wasn't until after saying this that someone slowly recognized the reality and let it go.

  The government official said again: "Families with children can only send one person at a time."

   Having said this, many families below began to negotiate.

   Zhou Tao also looked at his wife and children and motioned her to put her hands down.

   Soon, another group of people put down their hands.

  The administrative staff put forward several conditions and continued to screen.

   In the end, only fifty people were selected in the building.

   The middle-aged and the young are equally divided, and most of them can drive a truck. Middle-aged like Zhou Tao basically participated in the building relocation task fifteen years ago.

   For these people, the government officials gave them half an hour to go home and pack their luggage, and specially reminded them that they did not need to bring food.

   Watching Zhou Tao and the others go upstairs, the others who were not selected could not help but feel lost and confused. Many people surrounded the government officials and asked when the second round of mobilization would start.

  The administrative officer even said that he didn't know, and then talked about the next thing.

   "By the way, the above is a special reminder that everyone can pick up the technology from fifteen years ago."

   "Technology from fifteen years ago?"

"What does it mean?"

  Everyone couldn't understand for a while.

  The administrative officer explained: "It's your work skills before the solar storm, whether it's programming or scientific research, you can review it during this time."

   "I also brought a computer and equipment this time. If you need any help, you can search for electronic files and print them through the wireless network..."


   Isn't that the programmer?

   There are really a lot of programmers in the building.

   But the ice age is approaching, what is the use of programming?

  Is it worth using the wireless network to find information for everyone?

  Be aware that since the end of the world, things like the Internet are basically only used when working.

   Everyone doesn't understand, just keep an eye on it, and plan to take a look later when I have time.

   Since it was specially reminded above, it should be really useful...

   After half an hour, Zhou Tao and the others who participated in the mobilization left with the government officials.

   Following the street lights, everyone quickly arrived at the meeting point.

   In the process, they already know that this is an urgent task, they may not have much time to rest, and they have to start the task when they arrive at the location.

   Zhou Tao and others have no objection to this, they have long been psychologically prepared for this.

   After another hour, the crowd walked to the suburbs.

   A large shed made of steel pipes and iron sheets appeared in the eyes of everyone, and below them were large trucks that had been polished to a high degree of polish, and they looked like they had entered a forest of trucks.

   Above the shed, a simple sign told everyone what this place is—

  【Imperial Capital Fifth Temporary Parking Lot】

   "Most of the trucks in the city should have been collected." Zhou Tao looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but guess.

   Next to him is Xue Liangping, who was specially brought along. Although this young man can't drive, he worked very hard during this time, so he was taken as a training object by Zhou Tao.

  Xue Liangping was the first time he saw such a scene, and he couldn't help but let out a voice of amazement.

   The administrative staff did not give everyone too much time to be amazed. He clapped his hands and signaled everyone to group them, and then got on the bus and went to a specific place.

   Since Xue Liangping can't drive, Zhou Tao's group consisted of three people, two drivers and one apprentice.

   And the other driver is also an old friend of the scrap transportation team, and everyone is familiar with each other.

  After receiving the key smoothly, Zhou Tao started the car and got familiar with it for a while, then he officially set off on the road, blowing the cool night wind, and ran towards the designated spot.

   The road at this time was much more lively than before. There were vehicles participating in the mobilization all the way, and there was even a blockage. It was not until midnight that Zhou Tao and the others arrived at the assembly site as required—

   A construction site.

  Thousands of trucks lined up and parked on a newly paved concrete floor. Not far away, there were construction teams working at night, continuing to lay a lot of cement on the ground.

   And there is no other way to leave except the avenue when they came.

   Zhou Tao couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this situation.

   "Which country are we going to collect supplies next?"

   "There's not even a road around here. When we set off later, do we have to go back the same way?"

  Zhou Tao stopped the car and turned off the engine, looking around, and then found that the drivers of other cars were looking around like him.

   The two sides simply communicated and found that they didn’t know more about the situation, so everyone could only wait.

   The wait was nearly two hours, until two o'clock in the middle of the night, when the horn sounded from the front of the line:

   "Everyone listens now and drives forward!"

   Everyone was awakened by this sentence.

  bang bang bang!

  I don't know when the teams that have gathered more than 10,000 started one after another, and 20,000 headlights illuminated the entire venue.

   But Rao is like this, and it can't illuminate the black wall in front...


   "What the **** is that?"

   Zhou Tao and the others didn't know it yet, the driver in the front was already extremely surprised at this time.

   Because these people saw a supernatural scene.

  The light from the headlights of the truck reached a fixed distance, and then disappeared inexplicably. They could only see a pure black, like a huge wall.

   "Don't be afraid, keep driving forward, it's ok, keep driving forward, remember not to stop after driving past, keep driving along the road and signs..."

   Soldiers in military uniforms stood on the traffic booths and signaled the drivers to keep going forward with the gas pedal.

  Although they didn't know what happened, out of their trust in the soldiers, the drivers added the accelerator and moved forward slowly, making zero-distance contact with the black wall.


  They saw the light…

   From all directions, the dazzling light stimulates the retinas of all people.


  The world turned into day in an instant!

"what happened…"

   It's still two o'clock in the middle of the night just now!

  How did it become daylight after crossing the black wall?

  The drivers do not understand this kind of thing at all.

   But before they could think, they heard a familiar voice again.

  I saw here, there are also soldiers in military uniforms standing on the guard post, sweating profusely standing in the sun, commanding them with trumpets in their hands:

   "Keep going, don't slow down!"

   "Hurry up, keep driving, don't worry about the surroundings, I will explain it to you later, keep driving forward, follow the directions, don't block the lane..."

  The drivers subconsciously stepped on the accelerator, and while paying attention to the directions along the road, they couldn't help but look in the rear-view mirror to confirm that they were not mistaken.

  Those warriors, they actually stand in the sun?

  How could they stand in the sun?

   (end of this chapter)

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