Movie Savior

Chapter 207: Neural computing power (please ask for monthly ticket subscription)

   Chapter 207 Neural Computing Power

   Communicate and help…

  Taylor heard this, and the flesh on his face trembled unconsciously.

The words    seemed familiar. I remember when the monster first appeared, he heard what Ning Jihua said, but the saying at that time was to maintain communication and help each other.

   It's just that they "helped" them into a quagmire and couldn't extricate themselves.

  Taylor's heart was beating with certainty. The old fox on the opposite side must not have a good idea. He still looked at Zhang Tianyuan expectantly, hoping that the young president could give him some hints.

   However, he was soon disappointed again.

   Zhang Tianyuan was like a wooden man, he didn't show any concern about the difficulties he mentioned, and he didn't mean to interfere at all.

   He knew why.

   He remembered that Mutual Rescue would have a stipulation prohibiting interference in the internal affairs of member states, but according to his understanding, such stipulations are generally waste paper that can be torn off at any time.

   And the current situation is that he has taken the initiative to open the door and sent an invitation to the Mutual Rescue Association.

   None of this?

  Taylor said he couldn't understand.

   At this time, Ning Jihua laughed beside him again, his eyes seemed to be looking at a little rabbit that fell into the pit and couldn't get out.

   "Let's talk."

  Taylor looked at Ning Jihua and wanted to say you don't want to come over, but in the end, he lowered his head helplessly...

   Zhang Tianyuan had no intention of participating in the private meeting between the two men, and it was almost time for the completion of the mecha construction. .

He shook his head and walked away. He went to the operating room in the air through the elevator. This place is behind the mecha's head. You can directly see the stars falling on the giant axe behind the mecha, from virtual reality to black. Special alloys.

  If you go outside from the operating room, it is a movable and retractable covered bridge.

   Under normal circumstances, this bridge will be directly connected to the cockpit of the mecha, which is convenient for the pilot and technical team to board the cabin.

  Moriko Mori and the technical team have quickly installed synaesthesia testing equipment here.

   Lao Pan covered his nose beside him and introduced Zhang Tianyuan about the plan for the meeting:

"Later we only need to let the driver enter the mecha, and then start the equipment on the mecha in batches to form nerve compression, and then observe the driver's brain wave value, we can clearly calculate the nerves required to control the various systems of the mecha. Computing power..."

   Zhang Tianyuan seemed to understand, but he only understood a little.

   That is, neural computing power is generally related to will and physical fitness. The stronger the will, the better the physical fitness, and the greater the value of neural computing power.

   This should be a setting that evolved by itself in the movie world.

   He touched his chin and asked Lao Pan, "How much is your neural computing power?"

   Lao Pan blinked: "11 or 131."

   The span of this number is a bit large.

   From the chat just now, Zhang Tianyuan has learned that the average person's neural computing power is only 3 to 5, while the driver is generally 8 to 10.

   For example, the nine mecha pilots in active duty all have a first-class neural computing power of 10 points.

   Even Raleigh, who used to drive a mecha by himself, usually only has 10 points of neural computing power. In other words, other pilots currently in service actually have the potential of single-pilot mechs.

  Here, Zhang Tianyuan had a guess in his heart: "131 refers to the period when you were fighting with your single-handed mecha?"

   "Yes," Lao Pan wiped his nose with a smile, and there were faint traces of blood on it. "After that time, when my neural computing power value came out, it set a new record, and no one has been able to break it until now."

   Zhang Tianyuan pointed to Raleigh who was preparing, "He couldn't break it?"

   Lao Pan shook his head and showed a haggard smile: "It's far from the difference. He is driving a third-generation mecha, and I am driving a first-generation mecha. The nerve pressure is not the same level."

   Before the words were finished, the starlight in the operation room suddenly disappeared, and the whole base seemed to sound like a sound of steel falling to the ground.

   Needless to say, everyone subconsciously looked at Pangu in the middle.

   "Mr. President, has it... been completed?" Mori Mako came up and asked.

   Zhang Tianyuan opened the system panel again and nodded.

   "It's finished, you can start preparing for testing."

   "Yes!" Mori Mako nodded, and immediately arranged for the driver to enter the arena.

   After a short period of liveliness, the scene quickly returned to its previous orderly appearance, and everyone focused on their work.

   With the air bridge extending forward and connecting with the mecha cockpit, the technical team quickly stepped forward, opened the hatch and walked in.

  Others entered in an orderly manner.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Lao Pan walked in the back, and they heard the exclamations of everyone before they entered.

  The technicians knocked here, stomped there, and occasionally opened the circuit board of the mecha to check the wiring inside.

   But no matter how much they checked, they couldn't find a single mistake.

   "This is nothing short of a miracle!"

   Even Mori Mako felt unbelievable in the face of such a thing.

   As soon as Zhang Tianyuan heard the word "miracle", he immediately remembered some bad memories, and immediately said to Mori Zhenzi next to him, asking her to start the test work as soon as possible.

   Otherwise, let these people go on the road of "miracles", he is really afraid that they will become Jack's kind of people.

   Being worshipped as a **** is strangely uncomfortable, and there is always a feeling that you may ascend to heaven at any time.

   "Yes!" Mori Mako was full of energy. Immediately after the salute, he started arranging the work, so that the wiring of the equipment was connected, and the mecha pilot was also ready to get on the plane.

   Zhang Tianyuan and others also returned to the operating room, leaving only the emergency team and the test driver in the cockpit.

   At this time, Ning Jihua and Taylor also ended their whispers and came to the operating room to watch the test of the mecha.

   The atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense.

   Everyone felt a lot of pressure.

  Moriko Mori took a deep breath, buried all the anxiety in her heart, and immediately began to command: "The first round of testing begins, start the fusion reaction."



   There was a crisp startup sound at the scene.

  The lights in the cockpit of the Pangu were the first to light up. From the outside, it looked like a giant opened his eyes, and then the indicator lights on the mecha began to flash in sequence.

   "The fusion reactor is operating normally, and the power supply of the mecha is normal..."

  The staff stared at the data of the mecha and reported a series of normal.

   Hearing that the reactor was normal, Mori Mako's heart was mostly relieved.

   The most important thing about this mech is the reactor.

   "Start man-machine connection, and prepare to calculate the upper limit of neural computing power."

  Under the command of Mori Mako, as the first pilot to participate in the test, Raleigh boarded the driving seat in the middle of the Pangu with the help of the staff.

   In this position, you can get part of the external vision through the transparent eyes of the mech.

   "Prepare man-machine connection and upload reactor operation data."




   Zhang Tianyuan's eyes were fixed on the screen. The meter reading on it showed that Raleigh's hashrate was currently floating between 9 and 10, while the occupancy rate was green and the reading was 0.

   This means that Raleigh has not suffered any nerve compression from the mecha system.

   But this scene will not last long.

   When Mori Mako counted down to zero and the data from the reactor operation began to rise, the reading on the screen jumped from a relaxed green to a full-loaded red in an instant.

   Zhang Tianyuan glanced at the value next to him:


   This value is close to the limit.

   And this is only part of the data for the reactor.

   Mori Mako frowned when she saw the result, but didn't say anything, just let the others continue to test.

   The next process is very mechanized, it is nothing more than turning on all the systems of the mecha, and then uploading the generated data to the driver's brain separately.

   When Raleigh couldn't hold it any longer, he replaced the next one. In this way, the nine pilots were all defeated in less than two hours. At this time, the system test progress of the Pangu was less than half.

   Lao Pan frowned beside him.

   He is also half an expert on mechas.

   But he had never seen a mech that knocked all nine pilots down in two hours.

   "The driving pressure of this mecha is probably two levels higher than Storm Crimson, at least two..."

   Mori Mako nodded in agreement with his adoptive father.

   She glanced at the values ​​she had written down and simply converted them in her heart, then said, "According to the current data, even with the latest synaesthesia technology, we still need at least six talents to be able to fully drive the Pangu."

   This number exceeded her previous expectations.

The more    the number of people with synaesthesia, the more complicated the situation will be. The synaesthesia of six people may create six lunatics.

   "Looks like we have to completely revamp Pangu's synaesthesia system, and have to develop newer technologies..."

   Zhang Tianyuan looked at the readings on the screen, and then looked at the cockpit that had been vacated, and suddenly said: "Can I experience the feeling of neurological synaesthesia?"

   (end of this chapter)

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