Movie Savior

Chapter 216: Justice descends from the sky (2/2, 3K, ask for a monthly pass)

   Chapter 216 Justice descends from the sky (22, 3K, ask for a monthly ticket)

   Broken Dome.

   Cai Tiantong has not recovered yet.

   "You mean that the chairman can control the Pangu number alone?"

   "Didn't Mori Mako say that Pangu needs at least three pilots? How did she design it?"

   He missed a lot of information by not following him to the Mo Yulan base.

  Old Pan Chu was behind Cai Tiantong, and the struggle in the conference room just now could no longer be seen.

   He casually clasped his hands and corrected his subordinate's words: "To be precise, it takes at least six people to be able to control the current Pangu."

   "Uh..." Cai Tiantong pinched the back of his hand, making sure he wasn't dreaming, "A mecha that only six people can control?"

   "How did she design it?"

   "How did the president open that mecha?"

  Old Pan glanced at him, "You shouldn't ask me this question, you can wait for the president to ask him face-to-face when he comes next time, how he made his mental power surpass that of ordinary people thousands of times.

   In addition, what you should do now is to tell other mechas this news, so that those pilots will no longer worry about the Hong Kong government, so as to make up for the mistake you just said without thinking..."

   "garbled" Cai Tiantong silently picked up the microphone and sent a message to the four mechas on the bottom of the sea and the storm crimson over San Francisco, telling them that they no longer need to worry about the Hong Kong government.

   Storm Chihong, with the lowest communication delay, was the first to receive news from Cai Tiantong.

After listening to   , the boss Wei Chang was stunned.

   "Pangu was kicked out by the president???"

   It's not just him, his two younger brothers also have question marks on their faces.

   "How did you start that thing alone?"

   They had just tested Pangu not long ago, and nine drivers took turns taking turns, and they only lasted for just over two hours.

   And after the test, all of them were so tired that they went to sleep in the lounge.

   Such a mecha can be driven by one person?

   I'm afraid I'm not kidding?


  The three mechas moved forward in the dark and icy sea water in formation.

   Cai Tiantong's words finally penetrated the sea water and passed from the broken dome.

The moment    heard it, the three mechas fell silent.

   Zhang Qing, who was the most anxious just now, didn't know what to say.

  Only Chuck of the Eureka Raider shrugged and said with a wow: "It seems that some people's heroic dream of saving the city is broken."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Dad Heck's eyes swept over again.

  If he wasn't driving the mecha, he would definitely cover his son's stinky mouth with his hands.

   "Let's continue the mission!" Zhang Qing came back to his senses and concentrated on the mission again.

   The pilots of the other two mechas were equally surprised that someone could actually control Pangu, but they didn't think much about it.


   Wormhole is just ahead!

   The seabed that was supposed to be dark in front of you was now illuminated by the flickering light of plasma, and the wormhole was like a headlight installed on the seabed.

   They could feel that a pair of faint giant eyes were hidden in this seabed, quietly staring at them.

   "Everyone, prepare to fight!"


   "Everyone, get ready to strike!"

   Finally sent a reminder to the Mo Yulan base to confirm that the personnel and materials in front had been emptied, and Zhang Tianyuan gently stepped down from the mecha platform.


   It was said to be light, but at this step, the scene still exploded with a loud rumbling sound, the base that had not yet been built was crumbling, and the walls were shaking.

   "Attention!" Mori Mako, who was beside him, couldn't help reminding.

   Zhang Tianyuan gave her a reassuring look, and then took the second step of the mecha.

   But at the same moment, a time-space tunnel had opened in front of Pangu.

   "Prepare for the impact!" Zhang Tianyuan in turn gave Mori Mako a reminder, and then took a step forward.

  Hoo! !

  In an instant, the mecha continued to fall as if stepping on the air, and Mori Mako felt an obvious sense of weightlessness.

   She looked outside the mecha. Although it was a blue sky and white clouds, she could see that they were constantly changing.

   "Where are we?" Mori Mako couldn't help asking.

"In the sky! The monster is still in the deep sea area, so we fell directly on its head from the sky and stunned it..." Zhang Tianyuan replied to her, and then tried to adjust the posture of the mecha so that the mecha's face was facing Down.

  The scenery outside the mecha has also changed from the blue sky and white clouds just now to an ever-enlarged dark blue, and you can also see a rather huge object swimming fast on the sea.

   That is the monster - the horn.

   Mori Mako quickly glanced at the height.

  1000 meters.

   And that number is rapidly decreasing.

   A beeping alarm has already sounded on the console.

   But this height has not exceeded the drop limit when it was originally designed...

   Mori Mako had a thousand thoughts in an instant.

   While Zhang Tianyuan was in the driver's seat, looking at the monster that was rapidly magnifying in his field of vision, he shouted again, "Prepare for impact!"

   Mori Mako heard this, and immediately took a deep breath and tightened her body.

  Next second—

  Boom! !

  The sea surface, which was stirred irregularly by the sonic vibration of the monster, exploded into huge waves.

   radiated from the mecha landing point to the surroundings, and the sea surface briefly dented nearly ten meters with this as the center.

   And Zhang Tianyuan and Mori Zhenzi didn't recover from the shock until everything was calm.

   Leg push, open!

   Push back and open!

   Zhang Tianyuan issued two orders in succession.

   The jets on the mecha's thighs and back were opened at the same time, and with a puff, the plasma generated by nuclear fusion began to be sprayed, maintaining the lift of the mecha on the sea surface, so as not to sink to the bottom quickly.

   Now the mecha is located in the deep sea, and the feet cannot reach the bottom of the sea. Once it sinks, it will not be able to catch up with the monsters.

   "Where's the monster?"

   Zhang Tianyuan manipulated the mecha to look left and right, while feeling the feedback from the various cameras on the mecha, but he couldn't find it.

   Just when he thought he was smashed, Mori Mako suddenly said: "The monster's sound waves have disappeared!"

   "It should be nearby!"

   Hearing this, Zhang Tianyuan controlled the mecha to turn around, continued to look around, and turned on all the reconnaissance equipment of the mecha.

   Cai Tiantong in the Broken Dome was also paying attention to the battle situation.

Suddenly, his eyelids jumped, and when he saw a slight change in the parameters on the screen, he reacted immediately, grabbed the microphone and said, "President, the monster is in your direction at six o'clock, about thirty meters below the sea. Location!"

   Zhang Tianyuan reacted immediately and turned the direction of the mecha.

   Turn off the thrusters on the thighs, let the mecha sink faster, and look for monsters in the sea by visual inspection.

   Soon, he found his purpose.

  The lizard-shaped flying squirrel is not far ahead. The vocal cords that were vibrating on the sea before have now stopped weakly, like long kelp swaying in the water with the sea...

   "It seems to have lost consciousness." Mori Mako glanced at the detection parameters displayed on the mecha, and added: "The life parameters are weak, but not dead yet, be careful."

   "Understood." Zhang Tianyuan nodded and drove the mecha to swim towards the monster.

   "I plan to determine the state of the monster first, and if it is in a coma, it will be solved directly, and then the body will be sent to land, so that the pollution can be less.

   If it is still awake, then banish it into space. "

   "Wise choice." Mori Mako has no objection to this decision.


  The mecha sinks deeper and deeper, and it is difficult for a big guy of more than 4,000 tons to float on the sea with only the propellers on the back.

   By the time Zhang Tianyuan approached the monster, the sea water was almost over the top of the mecha, and the waves continued to beat outside the operating cabin.

   Mori Mako stared nervously ahead, ready for the monster to counterattack.

   Zhang Tianyuan also stopped the thruster on his back, and put the right hand of the mecha on his shoulder, ready to draw out the giant axe at any time...


   Violent Vibration!

  The sea water is like boiling, stirred up by an inexplicable force, and even has the effect of shaking.

  The powerful force spreads to the mecha along the sea water with almost no loss.

   Even in the cockpit, Zhang Tianyuan and Mori Mako could feel a burst of violent shaking of many parts of the mecha.


   "It's playing dead!"

   Mori Mako cried out in excitement.

   She seems to have returned to the day when she was almost killed by a monster in her childhood...

   However, Zhang Tianyuan in the cockpit remained calm, he just frowned, in a closed environment with vibrations all around, most people would feel uneasy.

   Not to mention the deep sea outside...


   He is on a mech now!

   Unlock the Great Axe!

  The giant axe behind the mecha fell from the broad back with a click, and was immediately grasped by the right hand of the equally huge mecha.

   "What do you call this little monster!" Through the eyes of the mecha, Zhang Tianyuan looked at the monster coldly, and he could see the madness and wildness in the other's eyes.

   They cannot communicate at all.

   These monsters are just manufactured weapons!

   And now, all he has to do is smash all these weapons!

With a    bang, the output of the fusion reactor increased to the maximum in an instant, and the majestic force held the giant axe of hundreds of tons and drew a perfect line in the air.


The    giant axe slammed into the sea, as if it had dropped a nuclear bomb, and the surrounding seawater was blasted open.

   Immediately after, the axe split the sea water and hit the monster's head firmly. The monster screamed in pain in the sea, and the vocal cords that were shaking under the pressure of the sea water soon stopped vibrating.

  The carapace that was hit by the giant axe also showed obvious signs of fragmentation.

The reason why the    was only shattered was because Zhang Tianyuan did not choose to eject the blade of the giant axe, otherwise the force of this slash might be enough to cut the fifth-level monster in half.

   After all, this monster has a lot of vibrating vocal cords on its body, and its defense is not that strong.

   But it's not bad now.

   After being hit by this big axe, the monster obviously got less gas in and out more gas.

   But Zhang Tianyuan didn't let his guard down, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the vocal cords on the monster's back, pulled the opponent over, and then stuck it tightly under the armpit of his left hand.

   Just when Mori Mako was confused by this action.

   She saw Zhang Tianyuan return the giant axe, and then stretched the right hand of the mecha to the back of the monster—

   Start plucking the "hair"!

  ? ? ?

   (end of this chapter)

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