Movie Savior

Chapter 226: Prepare (1/2, 4K, ask for a monthly pass duck)

   Chapter 226 Preparation (12, 4K, ask for a monthly ticket duck)

  In the past few days, all kinds of personnel and materials have been in and out of the dome base.

  Old Pan and Mori Mako stood on the top-level aerial bridge and looked down quietly.

   Below is the red storm that was sent back from San Francisco and is being pushed back to its own cabin by the mobile guidance station.

   It was the only one of the four mechas that "survived" except the Pangu, and could continue to fight.

   In addition to it, although Cherno Alpha was also sent back by Zhang Tianyuan, after the high pressure of the deep sea and the attack of monsters, its body has been severely damaged.

   In addition, this mecha belongs to the first generation of mecha, the technology is old, and there is no value for repair.

  So after the decision of Lao Pan and the others, Cherno Alpha will be sent to the museum and become the only complete mecha there.

  Other artifacts to accompany it will be various mecha parts dug up from the Forgotten Graveyard.

   Use these "remains" that survived the **** battle to commemorate the past.

   "Zhenzi," Lao Pan said suddenly, but his eyes were still fascinated by the crimson storm moving below, "My era is over..."

   Mori Mako looked at his adoptive father in surprise, but saw that he seemed to have suddenly aged a lot, and his originally straight back finally curved a little. The man slowly took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his nose.

   Suddenly she understood everything and lowered her head: "Thank you for your hard work, father."

   Hearing this father, Lao Pan gave a slight sigh, and immediately laughed: "Don't be sad, although the era of Curcuma is over, your era has just begun, and your stage is even wider."

   "The PPDC became the No. 0 support team, not death, but a new life."

   After sighing, Lao Pan did not forget to ask: "How much is the design progress of the small mecha?"

   "89%, it will be completed soon, as long as we optimize the single person's synaesthesia connection."

   "Has the industry chain caught up? It's impossible for a small mecha to be built in the same magical way as the Pangu."

   "North American workers and machines are moving over..."

   "The improvement of the Pangu?"

   "It has already started. We have found the previous design team, and they will concentrate on working at the Mo Yulan base."

   Lao Pan nodded and began to ask about other things, all of which were related to the base without exception.

   It wasn't until half an hour later, when everything was over, that he felt relieved, patted Mori Mako on the shoulder, nodded, gave a smile, and turned away silently.

   "Father, where are you going next?" Mori Mako looked at Lao Pan's back from behind.

  Old Panton took a step, turned around and spread his hands, smiling and showing a playful look: "I don't know, maybe an old bone like me will go with Alpha for company."

   "Anyway, don't worry about me, I have lived for decades, but I know more about life than you..."

   As he spoke, the nosebleed flowed out again. Lao Pan hurriedly turned around and covered it, no longer looking at his adopted daughter, but just waved goodbye with his back to him, and quickly disappeared from Mori Mako's sight.

   Mori Mako turned around in a daze, stared at the base for a moment before leaving the top floor and returning to the ground.

   As soon as she came, she saw Cai Tiantong was busy coaxing a crying baby, and a blonde woman was cooperating and teasing the baby.

   Mori Mako just remembered that today is an open day event, which should be Cai Tiantong's son and wife.

   She smiled and said hello to Cai Tiantong. This man who was usually busy at work was so busy with his children that he didn't have any time. He nodded hastily, and then lowered his head to coax the child in his arms.

   Continued to walk through the base. The three Wei brothers who were the least injured were already playing basketball as usual. Sasha and his wife, who had just been discharged from the hospital, were in wheelchairs, still holding a stereo in their arms, playing a strange hi song...

   Heck and his son were also sent back. They couldn't stand the feeling of being in the hospital and would rather go back to the base to lie down. The bed of the two was pushed into the hall, and they were next to each other with their heads facing each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

   A lot has changed in the base, and it seems that nothing has changed.

   Mori Mako found Zhang Tianyuan with emotion, and handed over the document in his arms.

   "President, this is the newly completed recruitment plan."

   Zhang Tianyuan took it.

   Mori Mako also walked to the side and started to explain:

   "We plan to rebuild the Mecha Academy at the Mo Yulan base. The first batch of students are mainly selected from this time and space, and the number of students is expected to be 30..."

After listening to the whole plan quietly, Zhang Tianyuan gave his own suggestion: "Let's change it to 300, the number of people is too small. The standard of neural computing power can be relaxed appropriately, and it is not necessary for everyone to be able to drive a large mecha. standard."

  Small mechs are just like the Boxer in the second movie. They do not require high neural computing power, which a teenage girl can handle.

   Mori Mako nodded, indicating that the next revision will be made.

   Then Zhang Tianyuan continued: "I will notify several other branches about the selection of students, so that they can also participate, and all admissions will be based on merit."

   "You only need to be responsible for the recruitment of this time and space."

   Mori Mako continued to nod and recorded these comments.

After    detailing his comments, Zhang Tianyuan glanced at the time, remembered that he had other things to do, and stretched out to open the time-space tunnel.


On the other side of the    tunnel is a desert.

  The wild wind blew sand and dust straight to the face of the person.

   But on such a desert, a group of people and vehicles gathered.

   Zhang Tianyuan was noticed as soon as he appeared here, and immediately someone sent masks and scarves over.

   "Is this the nuclear weapons base?" Zhang Tianyuan looked around and confirmed that he had come to the wrong place.

  This is the legendary time and space, and he came here according to the coordinates of Tong Wenshi.

   As for the purpose, of course, it is for those nuclear bombs that are going to be given to the Pioneers.

   According to the previous communication, Tong Wenshi will wait for him outside the base where the nuclear bomb is stored in the second dimension.

   But the surrounding area was flat, and there was no building at all, which made him wonder if he was here by mistake.


   is underground?

   Zhang Tianyuan's eyes turned to the ground, trying to find out a little clue.

   At this time, Tong Wenshi, who was beside him, spoke.

   "Yes, this is our base." He pointed to the underground: "Nuclear bombs are now kept underground."

   said, Tong Wenshi asked people to open the ground, and a dark hole appeared soon.

  The people at the scene walked down the stairs at the entrance of the cave for more than three minutes before they actually entered the nuclear weapons base. Then they put on protective clothing, and passed through various levels to gradually enter the nuclear bomb storage warehouse.


  The staff turned on the headlights, and the wide space was full of light, then pointed to the front, and said solemnly:

   "President, these are the nuclear bombs we gathered."

   It's really "eggs" in front of you.

   These nuclear warheads removed from the missile warhead are all wrapped in a thick lead shell at this time, and the real appearance is completely invisible.

   The person in charge of the nuclear weapons elimination plan next to him said that there are currently ten nuclear arsenals like this in the world. They have concentrated all recorded nuclear warheads before the end of the world, and are jointly guarded by the No. 1 and No. 2 time and space.

   "Can these nuclear bombs be detonated now?" Zhang Tianyuan asked.

   The person in charge nodded without hesitation: "The detonating parts have been removed, just put them back together."

   "Well, then take a more powerful one..." Zhang Tianyuan glanced at the warehouse, and at a glance saw the biggest one, which was taller than him.

   "Which one is the most powerful?"

   "Yes, according to calculations, its power is about 10 million tons equivalent. It is an abandoned test bomb before, and it has no projection ability."

   Zhang Tianyuan's eyes lit up, "That's it!"

   The pioneers will surely like it.

  10 million tons is already considered powerful in the era of increasingly miniaturized nuclear forces.

   The 50 million equivalents like the Tsar Bomb have to be specially manufactured, so that they can appear as soon as they are made.

   Seeing that Zhang Tianyuan had placed the order, the staff in the warehouse did not let everyone stay here for a long time, but invited them out.

   "We need about a week to restart the nuclear bomb, and we will report it after the work is completed..." said the person in charge.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Tong Wenshi asked two sentences to be safe, then left the base again and jumped back to the southern base through the time-space tunnel.

   Now the legendary time and space time is October, there is still a big sun hanging in the sky in the south, and the climate is hot.

  Zhang Tianyuan was drinking ice water while learning about the latest Legendary Space-Time with Tong Wenshi, and suddenly asked a group of people:

   "Where is the expedition team we rescued from Antarctica now?"

  Tong Wenshi said: "President Liu Chunshi said they?"

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded. He still remembers the stationmaster of Station 1 who was so excited that he could not help crying after seeing them in Antarctica.

  Tong Wenshi didn't even need to read the information, he just pondered for a few seconds, and soon said the whereabouts of the scientific expedition team.

   "Because our time and space have not recovered climate and polar-related research up to now, so after Station Master Liu and the others came back, we provided two directions—

   One is to transform and stay in China, and take charge of some projects as much as possible while studying, and the other is to continue to engage in academic research, but to go to the 3rd time for further studies. "

"I know."

   Zhang Tianyuan sighed in thought.

  Wandering time and space is now recognized as the world with the most abundant meteorological experience and research in all time and space.

   So there are quite a few meteorologists from all time and space gathered there.

   "So it seems that the stationmaster Liu went to the wandering time and space to study?"

"Yes, in addition to him, there are many scientific examiners who have chosen the same choice..." Tong Wenshi quickly stated the whereabouts of the entire scientific research team, and then asked: "The president mentioned them, is there any What's the matter?"

   He glanced at the date.

   "If you need to, it's October, and I remember that Station Master Liu reported a few days ago that he came back for vacation."

came back?

   Zhang Tianyuan did not remember that he had opened a tunnel connecting the 2nd and 3rd time-space a few days ago.

   But he reacted immediately.

   "He came back from the communication tunnel?"

   "Yes, we have submitted documents before..." Tong Wenshi found a document and handed it over, "Part of that communication tunnel has now been temporarily transformed into a time-space border to facilitate the communication of some special personnel."

   Zhang Tianyuan took a look at the document and immediately understood what was going on.

   When promoting space-time communication before, he said that space-time No. 2 would become the connection center of communication and transportation in all space-time.

   So soon after that, he fixed a tunnel connected to the No. 2 time and space in all time and space, and then let each time and space toss by itself.

   And Tong Wenshi obviously didn't want to wait too long, so they simply paved a road next to the communication line to meet the temporary traffic needs, and even started a trial import and export trade of goods to prepare for the future.

   This kind of thing is related to the use of the time-space tunnel, so there must be an explanation document handed over to him before.

   It's just that Zhang Tianyuan is usually too lazy to watch...

   Because the news that can be delivered to him in the form of a document cannot be urgent news.

  The kind of really urgent news, such as the massive invasion of Dimension 2 by Time 3, Tong Wenshi would call him to death in the system communication as soon as possible.

   Speaking of this matter, Zhang Tianyuan rubbed his brows, thinking of the documents that he had accumulated in various time and space, in several offices...

   Time to get a team to handle them.

The administrative organization directly under the    Mutual Rescue Society has to expand, and at least a few people have to be found to read the documents and drink tea.

   But this is not the priority right now.

   After learning about the movements of Liu Chunshi and other former Antarctic expedition members, Zhang Tianyuan answered Tong Wenshi's doubts just now:

   "Recently, we have detected a new time and space. At that time, we may need to go to the South Pole of that time and space for scientific research. After thinking about it for a while, I remembered Mr. Liu and the others."

  The disaster in the future time and space began with the melting of the polar regions, and after they passed by, if they wanted to persuade the locals to cooperate, they still had to go to the polar regions for field scientific research to get enough evidence.

   Among them, for the Antarctic scientific expedition, Liu Chunshi from Legendary Time and Space is the best choice.

Although the meteorological research of    wandering time and space is the strongest, but their time and space may not even exist in the South Pole, and even if there is, the climate must have become disordered in a few decades.

   And "2012" time and space is about to enter the big migration of all staff, and it is not convenient to disturb at this time.

   As for the space-time circumspace, the polar scientific expedition has long been stopped due to the continued economic downturn.

  Finch Time and Space Not to mention, the scientific expedition team has been withdrawing from the Antarctic for more than ten years.

   In this case, only Liu Chunshi and the others are the most suitable.

These people have lived in Antarctica for more than a year, and the legendary time and space are very close to the acquired time and space, only about ten years apart. The conditions of the two polar regions can also be compared with each other, and you can more intuitively see what may have gone wrong. question…

   Of course, this quest doesn’t mean that Guang can send Liu Chunshi and the others over.

  Other time and space will definitely have to contribute to varying degrees.

   To save other time and space and to lend a helping hand to other time and space is the obligation of the Mutual Rescue Association.

  Tong Wenshi, who was sitting across from him, heard that he had discovered a new time and space, and immediately became refreshed. The Liaison Council informed Liu Chunshi of the news.

   (end of this chapter)

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