Movie Savior

Chapter 235: supernatural events? (4K, ask for a monthly pass duck)

   Chapter 235 Supernatural events? (4K, ask for a monthly pass duck)

   Everyone else on the scene watched this scene in horror.

  Especially Jensen, who had just been hanging by a thread and almost fell into the abyss. Until now, his whole body is still shaking, and he has to support someone to stand up.

   "Thank you, thank you very much for your help." Jack was relatively calm and walked to Zhang Tianyuan and Liu Chunshi to thank him personally.

   "You're welcome, it's just a little effort." Zhang Tianyuan said lightly.

   Liu Chunshi also nodded, "It's supposed to help each other in Antarctica."

   Neither of them took it to heart.

   But Jack still said thank you several times, and then promised to call Zhang Tianyuan and others at Station 1 to thank them again when they returned to the research station.

   Hearing this, Liu Chunshi looked at Zhang Tianyuan.

   And Zhang Tianyuan also knew that Jack was thinking wrong.

   You can't reach them by calling the No. 1 scientific research station in this world.

   But this is not a big deal, he shrugged and signaled Liu Chunshi to leave it alone.

  When the two made eye contact, Jack on one side muttered to himself: "This is really an unprecedented event."

   Zhang Tianyuan looked at the broken ice shelf that was gradually receding, remembered what was going to happen later, and couldn't help but say, "This will be the beginning of everything."

  Frank also came over, holding a map in his hand, and he drew a circle on the map with his gloved fingers:

   "Guys, from the map, the area of ​​the ice shelf rupture this time is at least 2,000 square kilometers."

   "It's definitely caused by a warming climate, things are getting worse in Antarctica right now..."

   "Do you have any research on climate warming now?" Liu Chunshi said, and he planned to take this opportunity to feel the foundation of this time and space.

   Just like Jason just now, Jack didn't have any doubts. He took up Liu Chunshi's question and continued to talk, slowly telling what he had learned.

   "The reason why we came here to collect ice cores at this time in August, instead of waiting until November, the most suitable time for Antarctic expeditions."

   "One of the important reasons is that I found out that the melting rate of the ice layer is too fast, and I was worried about what would happen."

   Having said this, his expression was helpless: "Who knows that there is still an accident, and it almost killed us."

   "According to the current situation, the situation after the Antarctic will get worse and worse. The chain reaction caused by this may be unpredictable. Maybe we will encounter a big trouble in the future..."

   "You guys came here because of the abnormality of this ice shelf, right?"

  Jack turned his head suddenly.

   Zhang Tianyuan did not reveal any flaws, and replied calmly: "Yes, we are the same as you."

   Liu Chunshi said next to him: "I think the trouble you just said may not be too long."

   This sentence immediately grabbed all Jack's attention.

"What's the meaning?"

   "Literally, I think we'll see the consequences of a warming climate soon, no need to wait."

   Liu Chunshi glanced at Jack.

   Zhang Tianyuan just told them that the disaster in this time and space is not far away.

  With this "prophecy", they made bold assumptions on the existing meteorological data, and soon got consistent results.

"No, no, I don't think it's so fast," listening to Liu Chunshi's point of view, even Jack, who has always been considered a radical, thought it was too radical, "Climate change is a long process, and it is difficult to What's causing it to suddenly accelerate..."

  Liu Chunshi listened to his point of view, and shook his head: " are too conservative. The violent changes in the climate are only rare, but it does not mean that they do not exist."

   "If you saw a little more examples, you would know..."

   Liu Chunshi's words quickly attracted other meteorologists who were wandering in time and space, and they soon crowded over to participate in the discussion.

   Then Jack was surprised to see—

   He is a conservative!

   Because after in-depth communication, he found that the views of these people are more radical than the other.


  It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to imagine what a huge and orderly system like a planetary climate will suddenly encounter before it undergoes a drastic change.

   But Liu Chunshi and other meteorologists are not ordinary people.

  Wandering time and space or Finch time and space, they have seen too many extreme climate cases.

   Now, they have reached a consensus that the climate system is as fragile as a piece of paper when it experiences planetary or solar changes.

  During the debate, both sides held their own opinions. Although there were many people on Liu Chunshi's side, Jack was also a tough mouth, and neither could persuade each other.

   And while Jack argues, even colleagues like Frank and Jensen can only stand aside.

  Frank even took out a small bottle of wine and drank it, and said to Jensen: "He's always been like this, I'm used to it, he never changes what he insists on to anyone."

   This debate continued for half an hour, and in the end there was no conclusion.

   Frank also remembered at this time that after the ice shelf collapsed, they hadn't reported to the scientific research station, so he hurriedly took out the communication equipment and sent a message back to the scientific research station to report safety.

   Soon, the three received a reply.

  Frank took a look and came over to say goodbye to Zhang Tianyuan:

   "We're going back right away. The people in the station almost thought we were sacrificed, so let's hurry back and let them check if our hands and feet are still intact."

   "I will report your help truthfully when I go back. Thank you again."

   Then Frank shouted at Jack, who was still discussing with Liu Chunshi, and told him to return to the team quickly.

  Jack raised his hand in response. Before leaving, he did not forget to ask Liu Chunshi whether they would participate in the climate change conference in a month's time.

   He is looking forward to meeting and communicating with each other again at the climate conference.

  Although he thinks Liu Chunshi and their views are radical, he can't deny that Liu Chunshi and others have a high level and rich experience, and they always have some novel angles and views.

   For Jack's invitation, Liu Chunshi did not hesitate, and immediately declined.

   The climate conference a month and a half later, he didn't know where he was at that time.

  Jack had to leave disappointed when he heard this answer, and set off to return to the research station where he was.


at the same time.


  Lu Deshou had already brought the information he had just recorded with Wang Lei to an office and fully reported the incident.

   The old man sitting opposite Lu Deshou was named Zhong Ruijin. He looked in his sixties. Although he was getting old, he was still tall. He sat quietly in the seat, his face was as calm as water, and he could not see any waves.

   After listening to Lu Deshou's remarks, it took a while before he said, "Those cars, are you sure they have such high technology?"

  Lu Deshou said: "I coordinated several expert groups to enter the research. Without exception, they were all amazed at the technology inside, and they all said that what they have unearthed now is only the tip of the iceberg."

   "And the technology that's just shown now is decades ahead of the world, especially the specially treated fuel they put in their cars..."

   "I see. According to what you said, those people are also very cooperative?"

   "Yes, from the day until now, they have always been very cooperative, that is to say, what they said is really... unbelievable..."

  Lu Deshou was a little helpless.

   Zhong Ruijin chuckled, "Do you think what they said is credible?"

  Lu Deshou hesitated for a moment, "There is a certain degree of credibility, but it is too out of the ordinary, and it is not credible."

   That's why he's pushing this up.

   He didn't quite believe it, but he didn't think it was unbelievable.

   Don't make a decision at all.

   Anyway, this kind of thing is not something he can decide in the end.

   No matter who it is, this is the first time I have encountered such a bizarre thing. Zhong Ruijin also thought about it for a long time, and finally said:


   "Tomorrow I will go to the scene to see, to see those people, and by the way, to see the car technology that has been leading the world for decades."

   "Okay, then I'll make arrangements now."

   Lu Deshou got up and said goodbye immediately.

  Although the immediate boss in front of him did not express his views directly, he decided to go there in person.

   His attitude can already be seen from this matter.

After    came out, he quickly returned to the office of the task force and went to Wang Lei's rest room to find him in person.

   But he didn't come to tell Wang Lei how to arrange tomorrow. On the contrary, he wanted to know more about Wang Lei and the possible organization behind him while there was still one night.

  If you can find some doubts, then tomorrow's trip can be cancelled.

   And Wang Lei didn't show any special emotions about this person who hindered his rest. He still talked to Lu Deshou calmly and answered every question that could be answered...

   is on the south side of the earth.

  Jack and two other colleagues returned to the scientific research station in their own country against the fading sky.

   They were greeted by a warm welcome from all the members.

  Everyone is relieved that Jack and the others can return smoothly.

   "Did you know, we learned from the satellite that the Larson b ice shelf had an unprecedented collapse, and we immediately thought that you were still on it, and everyone was anxious."

   "And when we couldn't contact you afterwards, we thought you had an accident..."

   "We almost got the news to your family."

   Colleagues at the station hugged Jack and the three of them one by one. After confirming that they were still alive, they let go of their frightened mood and listened to them talking about the situation at the scene.

   But it didn't take long for the surrounding colleagues to suddenly become horrified, and even their faces turned pale, as if they had hit a ghost:

   " said, you met a Chinese-speaking scientific research team there? And they also have vehicles and clothing that they have never seen before?"

   "Yeah, what's the matter? It's a coincidence, if it wasn't for them, Jack might have fallen into the sea with those icebergs." Jensen was eating, surprised by the reactions of his colleagues.

   And the colleagues around, you look at me, I look at you, and finally someone said:

   "After the collapse of the ice shelf, all scientific research stations immediately counted people and communicated the results to each other..."

   Hearing this, Jack suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he said thoughtfully: "As a result, everyone will be together, right?"

  Jensen also felt goosebumps, he didn't eat the bread in his hand, raised his head and stared straight at the talking colleague.

   The colleague shook his head: "No, there is a lack of people at a scientific research station."


  Jensen breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't haunted.

   He was about to continue eating the bread, but as soon as he took a bite, before he swallowed it, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and he raised his head sharply:

   "This...this this..."

   "That scientific research station with an insufficient number of people, wouldn't it be us?"

   The colleagues around him nodded quietly.

  The chill suddenly spread in the warm room, and the invisible ice front seemed to grab everyone's necks, and everyone clasped their arms in unison.

   "No, no, no? How could such a thing happen?"

   "Could that expedition team be just your delusions, or maybe their statistics were wrong?"

   "I see, let's make a phone call to their research station and ask?"

  Everyone agreed with this proposal.

  If this matter is not clarified, everyone will not dare to go back to the room to rest.

  The extreme and closed environment of Antarctica is the background that is often mentioned in various strange stories. Although everyone doesn’t believe it, but I usually hear it a lot. Now that I really encounter similar things, I still can’t help it.

   Soon someone took out a satellite phone and started contacting.

   After talking about the matter on the phone, the other end of the phone quickly replied: "A mission to the Larson b ice shelf?"

   "We didn't have this arrangement recently. How can we have people over there? Are you mistaken? And we don't have a black team, and we don't have any new equipment... Hello? Is anyone listening?"

  No one is listening.

  Jansen was shaking like a chicken. He couldn't hold the half-eaten bread in his hand and fell directly to the ground.

   The others were not much better, and they were all hugging each other to keep warm.

   "Do you really admit your mistake? Could it be from another Asian country?"

   Holding the last glimmer of hope, the surrounding colleagues confirmed it again.

   Both Jason and Frank looked at Jack, who looked the coolest now.

   After thinking about it, Jack shook his head and said, "It's impossible to admit mistakes."

   He also added humorously: "However, let's think for the best, at least the ghosts we meet are kind."


  Some timid colleagues called out directly, and the entire hall was instantly enveloped in terror.

   Then, Jack soon learned that humor comes with a price.

  After these remarks, many colleagues isolated him from Frank and Jensen just in case, and no one dared to approach them for the whole night...

I can't write... The problem now is not that I can't write, but I can't write. The condition of my left hand is getting more and more serious, and the muscles of my five fingers are very tired. It takes a lot of effort to put it on the keyboard. Only then can I lift my finger, and then typing dozens of words will cause soreness. I have to stretch my palm up, or tap the back of my forearm directly to relieve it... A few years ago, it was useless to see traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and I didn't know what the problem was. where, (╯﹏╰)



   (end of this chapter)

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