Movie Savior

Chapter 239: Global Alert (4K, please subscribe)

   Chapter 239 Global Alert (4K, please subscribe)

   "Uh..." Baker stayed for a while, "Parallel time and space?"

   "Sorry, I don't understand you very well, can you say it again in another way?"

  Baker frowned unconsciously, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

   But Carl, who was sitting across from him, smiled, "Mr. Baker, you heard right, I'm from a different time and space than you. In our time and space, my position is the same as yours."

  Baker looked directly at Chai Ping, and pointed at his temple with his index finger, as if to indicate, "Do you want me to recommend a hospital to this person?"

   And with a smile on his face, Chai Ping said directly: "Baker, what he said is true, I can vouch for you."

   "They do come from parallel time and space."

  Chai Ping's face gradually became serious.

   But Baker shook his head, still staring at Chai Ping suspiciously: "Are you sure it's not me, or are you dreaming?"

  Carl said at this time: "Mr. Baker, we don't need to worry about our identity for the time being, you just need to know that we are harmless."

Baker looked at Carl, the fat man was indeed very kind, he spread his hands, and his tone became a lot more irritable: "Okay, no matter what you want to say, you can say it now, but every sentence has a meaning. Their price..."

  Chai Ping was still very calm, but he silently gave up the stage to Carl and did not speak any more.

  Baker looked at everything in his eyes, and his doubtful eyes never stopped.

   Until Carl speaks again…

   "Mr Baker, your domestic meteorological department should have received a paper yesterday."

   "Thesis?" Baker pushed his glasses and immediately remembered what Tom had just reported to him.

   "Is that paper really made up in your country?"

   "No, it's not made up. It's a research result with scientific evidence. It combines the top wisdom and technology of several time and space. Although it is a bit radical, everything in it is about to happen."

   "Your time and space will soon encounter an unprecedented storm, and countless people will die in this disaster..."

   "Sorry, Mr. Carr?"

   "I didn't read that paper, but I know that this kind of thing doesn't happen. If you came here today to sell me this idea, then I can only say that you failed."

   "I admit that you got some classified data, but that's not your reason for making it up."

  Although he hasn't finished listening to Tom's report, he has already guessed what the paper is about based on Carl's words.

   is nothing more than throwing out a terrifying point of view to scare people.

   He has been in politics for so many years, what scary words have you never heard?

   was not afraid at all.

   "I'm very busy. I have three more meetings today. Just in my office, there is another person waiting to report to me. I have to leave first."

   "The biscuits and coffee here are good. You can eat more. Good afternoon."

   Baker got up and finished this sentence, and left directly, leaving Carl no chance at all.

  Karl sat in a chair for a while in a daze.

   He didn't respond until the waiter next to him asked him if he wanted some cookies.

   "In addition to coffee, two cookies."

   He also looked at Chai Ping with questioning eyes.

  Chai Ping shook his head, indicating that he didn't need it.

  "Then only two copies are enough, thank you"

  Karl nodded to the waiter, indicating that she could go and prepare.

   Then he put his eyes back on Chapin.

   "Is this person's character always like this?" While waiting for the cookies, Carl took out a contract from himself.

   is the agreement of the Mutual Rescue Association.

   It’s just that this is a brand-new agreement specially made by Zhang Tianyuan for this time and space. The purpose stated on it is that the signatory can only temporarily use the special facilities of the Mutual Rescue Association. Signing this agreement does not count as joining the Mutual Rescue Association.

  Although the system doesn’t care that much, as long as you sign up, you will be considered a resident…

Carl's original plan was to let Baker sign the agreement after he heard what he said, and then ask Zhang Tianyuan to open the time-space tunnel and take him to his own time-space for a circle, so that Baker would most likely believe them. words.

  Who knows, Baker didn't even let him finish.

   "If it were me, I would definitely listen to the guest to finish... Chai, he is even more rude than what you said."

  Carl was feeling a bit of a headache with his coffee.

   In this wave, he saved others by himself.

   I never thought that Baker in this time and space didn't even have basic diplomatic etiquette, and he didn't listen carefully.

   And Chai Ping smiled lightly, reassuring him that it was normal.

"Baker is such an impatient person. You are only dealing with him for the first time. We will hand over this agreement to the waiters and let them pass it on to Baker. When he calms down, he will take this agreement for details. watch."

  Chai Ping confidently put the agreement in Carl's hand into the envelope he had prepared earlier, and then handed it over to the waiter who helped them brew coffee, asking him to submit the agreement through other channels.

  Karl looked at Chapin, who looked like a prophet, and couldn't help but pouted and said, "Okay, this is your territory, you are more familiar than me, this is normal..."

the other side.

  Baker had returned to his office, and Tom was still waiting here. He patiently continued to listen to Tom's report, only to find that just as he thought, the paper had indeed thrown out a terrifying point of view.

   "After a month and a half, the ice age will come back to the earth?"

   "This is the most ridiculous conclusion I've ever heard!"

  Baker just threw Tom's printed paper into the trash.

  Tom looked a little embarrassed at this scene and said: "We are still organizing manpower to mobilize resources to demonstrate the arguments in the paper, which is expected to take at least a year."

   It is not easy to verify the data in Liu Chunshi's paper. A large number of calculations are essential, followed by professional and mature theoretical models and formulas.

   As for why it took so long for a year...

Is the    computer wandering in time and space comparable to the computer in 2002?

   Hearing Tom say this, Baker's caustic nature immediately flared: "What is the need for verification of such absurd thesis?"

   "Don't waste the budget I gave you on this kind of thing, I didn't tell you to throw your money into the sea!"

  Tom shrank his neck and hurriedly said that he would cancel the plan.

   Just finished speaking, the phone on Baker's desk rang again, and when he saw this, he waved his hand and let Tom leave, and answered the phone by himself.

   This time someone was looking for him again.

   It's just that it's not Chai Ping who is looking for him, but people from other countries.

   "You mean, they came to you with that paper too?"

   Hearing what was said on the other end of the phone, Baker immediately thought of Chai Ping: "Their people came to me today, did they also tell you that the world is about to face a catastrophe?"

"My opinion? My opinion is, they're just talking nonsense, their opinions don't have any value. Maybe they're crazy to do this, but it's not surprising, you know, they have a very The backward customs make them very easy to be deceived..."

  Baker's mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept talking, and the person who asked his opinion on the other end of the phone couldn't insert a word.

   Finally took advantage of Baker's breath to find an opportunity: "They signed a strange Chinese agreement for me, saying that they were inviting us to visit their country, and then we could personally go to a parallel time and space..."

   "My opinion is don't go, if you don't worry about being murdered, there must be a big conspiracy..."

  Baker banged, and started outputting again, directly drowning the opponent.

   After a long time, Baker hung up the phone, let out a long breath, and fell into deep thought.

   He tried his best to slander him on the phone just now, it was just his instinctive reaction.

   The opposite side actually not only found him, but also found people from other countries to talk about it.

   There is undoubtedly a big plan behind this.

  Although he doesn't know what the real purpose is, he knows that if this plan cannot be successful, it will naturally destroy the foundation of mutual trust between the other side and other countries.

   And slander is the best way.

After hanging up the phone, Baker thought for a moment and took the initiative to call several other major countries. As a result, without exception, all countries saw people from "parallel time and space" and learned that the storm was about to come. .

   But most countries are still in a state of confusion.

   Baker's response to this was the same as before - to denigrate as much as he could.

   Just as he was talking, he wanted to continue to call the next person when he suddenly received another call. It was an internal call, and there was only one person who usually made this call.

   That is his immediate boss.

   He picked it up quickly, and within half a minute he knew why he got the call.

   "Mr. Zhong on the opposite side just had a phone call with you? And he also said something about the disaster?" Baker really couldn't understand when he heard this. What was the plan? He actually asked people at this level to come forward and cooperate?

   "It's not just me. As far as I know, he has had ad hoc calls with many people, saying the same thing."

   "Baker, I heard that Chai approached you before and had a conversation with you, is that the same thing?"

   "…Yes, they approached me and went into more detail, but I thought they were crazy, so I ignored it."

Speaking of this, Baker suddenly became irritated and straightened his back: "Such a thing can't happen at all, I have already asked experts, and they said... Say what is said in the paper, even in the most extreme circumstances. , it will take a year before such a catastrophe can happen..."

  Baker scratched his hair when he said this. He couldn't remember exactly what Tom said at that time, but he remembered this time of year.

   And the other end of the phone was silent for a while, thinking that such a thing was too unbelievable: "Baker, keep in touch with Chai and see what's going on. I'll listen to your report next week."

After   , the phone was hung up.

  Baker had just put down the microphone when the secretary knocked on the door again and came in with an envelope:

   "Mr. Baker, this is what Mr. Chai asked to pass on to you."

  Baker took it and opened it, then looked at the paper full of Chinese and fell into contemplation.


  Washington International Airport.

  Jack came out with the crowd with his luggage and his two colleagues.

  Frank and Jensen followed him.

  Jensen kept saying:

   "I can't believe that we were driven back from Antarctica early by them!"

   "Are they really educated people? Why are they afraid of evil spirits? That doesn't exist, okay?"

   "I think the people we met at the time were more likely to be underground civilizations living in the Antarctic underground, and definitely not evil spirits..."

   Frank sighed as he listened to Jensen's complaint.

   "You'd better shut up early, if you hadn't been discussing the day with them all the time, reminding them of the existence of 'evil spirits', we wouldn't have just rolled back like this..."

  Jack is open-minded: "Don't think so much, at least we have time to rest now, don't we?"

   "I'll go back to the warehouse next time, you guys go home first."

   Having said this, Jack quickly got into a taxi and drove directly to the weather building.

  Frank and Jensen, who were left behind by him, watched the taxi go away and could only stare at each other.

   After a while, Frank said a word: "It doesn't look like he's coming back to rest."

   Soon, Jack returned to the building of the Meteorological Department, where he had his laboratory and his warehouse, which stored various ice core samples for his research.

   And when he heard the news of his return, Tom, who had just returned from Baker's office, didn't even return to his own office, and quickly rushed over.

   He came here to show his concern, after all, Jack was his subordinate, and he was almost in danger while in the South Pole.

   But as he talked, the topic got skewed.

  Tom put the document in his hand on the table next to him and asked gossip: "I heard that before the ice shelf collapsed, you encountered a group of black ghost riders? Did they save you?"

  Jack: ? ? ?

   What the **** does this all look like?

   The corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice, and he lost interest in speaking: "You are right."

  Jack lowered his head to get his cup, and suddenly saw some familiar Chinese characters on the document Tom put on the table.

   Liu Chunshi.

The shape of the three characters    evoked his memory all of a sudden. Among the meteorologists with extremely radical views, there was a brand name on his chest with these three characters.

   He subconsciously picked up the document, only to find that it was in Chinese.

"what is this?"

   "It's a classified document, but it doesn't matter if you look at it, it's very similar to your current research field."

  Tom said, and handed Jack the English version of the paper.

After getting the   , Jack immediately started to read.

   After only reading the beginning, he knew that he had read it right, this paper was written by the people he met in Antarctica!

   After reading the paper at a glance, he grabbed Tom's shoulder excitedly: "Where are the authors of this paper now? They are the people I met in Antarctica!"

   " do I know where this author is?"

  Tom didn't understand at all, "We only received this paper yesterday. As for where the author is, how do I know this kind of thing..."

   "However, you said you met the author of the paper?"

   "Yes, before the ice shelf collapsed, the mysterious people we met were them. They were not evil spirits. They were real people and had many strange equipment."

   "That means the person on the other side is really investigating in Antarctica?"

  Tom rubbed his chin in thought.

   He's not exactly like Baker.

  Although he also felt that the viewpoints in the paper were absurd, he felt that the paper was valuable, and it mentioned many theories that he felt unclear.

   It was because of this feeling that he wanted to study this paper.

   Now that the author of the paper is in Antarctica, Tom is suddenly more curious about this paper...

   was about to continue his questioning when the door of the laboratory was suddenly opened, and a young man burst in breathlessly:

   "Sir, something big just happened!"


   "Opposite...the Ministry of Meteorology on the opposite side, officially issued a climate disaster warning to all countries in the world!"

   The new keyboard is useless, and now you have to break the left hand when you press the keyboard at full speed for five seconds... I will try the voice code tomorrow, and I will have a CT scan after Qingming.



   (end of this chapter)

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