Movie Savior

Chapter 245: Ahead, Rim space-time (1/2, 3K)

   Chapter 245 Ahead, Rim Space Time (12, 3K)

   "Sam, it's a pity, but I have something to tell you..."

After hanging up the phone, the worried Lucy walked over to her son, brewed her emotions, and said in Sam's strange eyes: "You can't participate in the academic competition in New York, I know that may be important to you, but now we have more important things."

  Sam asked curiously, "What's wrong, Mom?"

   "Something's happening now, so we're leaving Washington by October and going to Miami, where we can have a great vacation."

  Sam frowned, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said tentatively, "Is it because of that videotape?"

"you know?"

   "Uh um... I went to see with my classmates, it was Sol and Ike."

"Okay, I don't have time to pursue your trip to the underground cinema right now. Your dad just called me back, you know he's on the scene in New Delhi, and he said everything that happened there was true, let's make it in ten Leaving Washington a month ago…”

   Hearing that his father called back, Sam's face suddenly became a lot colder: "Only the two of us?"

   Lucy just wanted to tell the truth, your dad doesn't know what's going on right now, he's going to shoot himself in the back at some point.

   But on second thought, I felt it was inconvenient to explain such a thing to my child.

  Lucy had to sigh, and then said, "Your dad he...well, he's in a bit of trouble in New Delhi, maybe can't go with us, but he promises to be back soon."

  Sam pursed his lips, and was a little troublesome again. He was used to his father who was always a little troublesome.

   "Understood, I will leave Washington before October." After that, Sam lowered his head and continued to read the competition materials.

   Lucy was also relieved, and turned to look for the phone numbers of the Jensen and Frank families.

  She also has to help her husband deal with the trouble caused by his snoring.


   Soon, the last days of August were spent in apprehension and unease around the world.

   In the last few days, the situation has hardly changed.

  Baker still controls the information related to the climate catastrophe. He angrily denounced the New Delhi Climate Change Conference as a magic show. The video is still repeatedly broadcast by major TV stations.

   In contrast, the business of underground cinemas is still booming, and sensitive people have begun to evacuate, and vehicles with large and small bags can often be seen on the street.

  Although the situation is not the best, the economy that Baker has been guarding has maintained well, and it has not collapsed along with the economies of other countries.

   However, other countries are also busy at this time, and they can’t even take care of the economy.

  According to the time set by the Mutual Rescue Society before, September 1st is their visit day. If they want to have a deeper understanding of the Mutual Rescue Society and parallel time and space, they must arrive in the country before this time.

  After the climate conference, almost all participating countries have decided to send representatives to visit, but after watching Baker's "rumor-refuting" speech, these countries suddenly dropped by half.

  Because Baker's words are too heavy.

   This is almost a threat of war. The world's largest rogue is at its most powerful at this time, and almost no one wants to conflict with it.

   Even Old Zhong, who was mentally prepared, felt the same pressure. It was not until Zhang Tianyuan gave him the bottom line that he felt at ease and made a generous call to other countries.

Although the    Mutual Rescue Association is not a military organization, it is impossible for others to make trouble with the threat of war in the process of disaster relief.

  Thomas in "2012" has already suffered a loss. If Baker and others really have any substantive actions, then you are welcome.

   Light is Taylor in the space-time ring, and the technological difference can beat them all over the place to find their teeth.

  Unfortunately, although Baker's mouth was very excited, he never made any further moves.

   Zhang Tianyuan could only temporarily put aside his mind and concentrate on dealing with those visiting groups from afar.

   "Liu, as long as we sign this document, can we really reach a parallel time and space later?"

   "Of course, I'll lie to you?"

   "It's not that we don't believe you, it's just that it's amazing, as long as you sign a name, you are qualified to pass the time-space tunnel..."

   It was Jack who was questioning, and he and Jason Frank were holding an invitation to visit the Mutual Rescue Society, similar to the one Baker had.

   And it was Liu Chunshi who brought them back.

   A few days ago, when Liu Chunshi was still in New Delhi, Jack, who was depressed, often went to him to discuss, and after going back and forth, he let him know the dilemma of the three Jacks.

   Liu Chunshi admires Jack, not only because his academic level is already at the top in this time and space, but also because these three people ended up here because they stood up and supported themselves.

Since    is related to himself, he is embarrassed to leave his family in New Delhi.

   simply sent an invitation to the three of them, and asked Jack and the others to come to China for an academic visit, and by the way, they could also ride a ride and experience the first parallel time and space journey in their lives.

   Now the three of them are making the final preparations—

   Sign the invitation on the spot.

  Not only them, but also the delegations of other countries should re-sign on the spot, so as not to be careless.

  Otherwise, a person who did not sign the agreement would forcibly pass through the time-space tunnel...

   Zhang Tianyuan has not done this kind of experiment, but he estimates that the picture is too beautiful, and many people can't bear to watch it.

  Liu Chunshi urged the three of them to put the invitation bookmarks down by the way, and then they were collected by the supervising staff next to them.

  Invitation letters from representatives of various countries were also received, and everyone gathered.

   In addition to delegations from various countries, there are also a group of domestic experts and scholars, who also visited parallel time and space.

   "Everyone, please follow the guide's footsteps and move forward."

   "Please turn left ahead..."

  Jack had simultaneous interpretation headphones on his ears. He followed the voice and walked forward with the crowd. He quickly passed through the corridor and came to a flat hall.

   He paid attention to the people in the hall at a glance, and one of them was particularly familiar.

   "It's that president..."

   "He's been waiting here."

   There is no need for him to reveal his identity. The representatives of various countries have a much better memory than him. They recognized Zhang Tianyuan at a glance, and even Zhong Ruijin next to him gave Jack Science his identity.

   Just now, they were active like the representatives of a picnic group. After entering the hall, they were quiet for a moment, and then they lined up to greet them.

   Zhang Tianyuan also shook hands with a few people to say hello, but he looked at the long queue behind him and suddenly felt a headache.

   There are probably thousands of people in this venue. Even if there is only one representative from a country, it would be a waste of time.

   So he clapped his hands, interrupting everyone's movements.

   "It's a little rude, but I'm sorry, we'd better not waste too much time on these irrelevant etiquettes right now."

   After hearing this, the delegates were stunned for a while, and then without Zhang Tianyuan saying another word, everyone bowed slightly and returned to their team with a smile.

   The long queue that was originally lined up dissipated in a few seconds.

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded and continued: "Some things have happened in the past few days, which may make everyone sway a little bit. We understand this and won't care too much."

   "But I'm here to tell you clearly that the fears and worries in your heart are unnecessary, and after today, you will fully realize this."

   "Let's go."


   Zhang Tianyuan turned around, and the black time-space tunnel in the empty hall appeared out of thin air again, silent but eye-catching.

   Zhang Tianyuan and Zhong Lao were the first to enter.

   Then the staff of the Mutual Rescue Society next to him stepped forward to maintain order, and at the same time guided everyone to line up.

   Numerous representatives and scholars lined up in a long line and moved forward slowly. The first person first stretched out his hand, then showed a surprised expression, and the whole person walked over slowly.

   The others behind him are basically the same, with the same expressions and actions on their faces.

Jack was at the back of the line, surrounded by a group of scholars. Every time he took a step closer to the time-space tunnel, he could feel his heartbeat speeding up further, especially when he saw other people disappearing out of thin air after passing through the tunnel, he felt even more. His blood was burning with excitement.

   The scholars around him, and even the other representatives were all excited, their faces flushed red, and they couldn't help shaking with excitement, as if they had just drank fake wine.

   Liu Chunshi was still comforting the scholars of this time and space, telling them that there is nothing to fear in crossing the time and space tunnel, and they passed by with a bang, and there is almost no special feeling...

  However, Jack and the others are still nervous, after all, this is the first time in their lives.

   "By the way, Jack... What do you think the parallel space-time opposite will look like?" Jensen on the side suddenly pulled Jack's sleeve.

   "Well..." Jack thought for a while and said, "It should be similar to our time and space, right? After all, it is a parallel time and space... But I don't know much about this."

   He also deliberately went to learn the concepts of parallel space-time these days, but found many details that he could not understand at all.

   He is very smart, yes, but after all, he is a meteorologist.

Liu Chunshi on the side of    heard their conversation, turned around and said cheerfully: "The time and space we are going to next can be said to be the most successful time and space for the Mutual Rescue Association so far."


   "Is it the 3rd dimension?"

   Jason and Jack asked at the same time.

  Jack remembered that the meteorologists around Liu Chunshi had said that they were from the 3rd time and space, so he asked by the way.

   But Liu Chunshi shook his head.

   "No, what we're going to now is the 4th dimension."

   "A time and space that has truly lifted the doomsday crisis."

   (end of this chapter)

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