Movie Savior

Chapter 253: Have we been abandoned by the world? (4K)

   Chapter 253 Have we been abandoned by the world? (4K)


   In the past two days, neither Zhong Ruijin nor the Mutual Rescue Association have been idle.

   "2012" Time and Space and Wandering Time and Space have sent a large number of people, and with the authorization and internal cooperation of various countries, the bases and soldiers arranged by Baker are under control.

   During the whole process, all the troops were released through the time-space tunnel. Those big-headed soldiers who often went out at night to have fun were already shot to the forehead by the muzzle before they could react.

  This global operation took less than two hours from start to finish, and most of the bases did not last more than 20 minutes.

   It was precisely because of the success of this operation that there were subsequent declarations and announcements from countries across three continents.

   Not to mention the turmoil caused by these announcements among the people, but it also caused panic at the official level.

   Many countries that did not send representatives to participate in the visit are beginning to worry.

   Especially after these countries received the call from Zhong Ruijin, they were even more worried.

The    Mutual Rescue Association and the climate disaster are really not true, they are not sure, but they can be sure that Zhong Ruijin seems to be uniting these countries to make a big move.

   And the target of this big move seems to be the original leader.

   After all, the theories on both sides are obviously contradicting.

   Saying that a climate cataclysm is about to happen, while saying it’s a lie…

   In this case, it doesn’t matter which side they believe in, what matters is which side they want to stand on?

   Can the big brother take the lead?

  With this kind of hesitation, these countries waited quietly for a day, and then they found that the big brother who took the lead seemed to really be unable to bear it!

  Because they got the wind—

   Baker is negotiating with countries.

   The content of the negotiations was to demand that the countries release their imprisoned soldiers and restore the situation to the original state.


  The officials of various countries were all stunned when they got this gossip that was deliberately leaked.

   Until this time, they didn't know that the overseas base of the leader was mostly gone! !

   Need to say how to choose this?

   So in the next two days, Baker saw several vacillating countries release their own asylum plans and announcements to join the Mutual Rescue Association...

   This almost put him in the hospital with anger.

   He really doesn't know what to do now...

  Although they still have a lot of troops in their homeland, facing this situation, the local people are only a drop in the bucket.

   And many of their aircraft carrier fleets are overseas, and they all disappeared along with those bases.

   Of course, there are a lot of big treasures like big mushrooms and **** fish in their hands.

   But the current situation doesn't seem to be the time to really use these equipments. After all, no force has officially declared war on them, and their main soldiers have not lost much.

   If they took the initiative to declare war on those countries...

   That's too much riding!

   Who was the last person who dared to do this?

   In short, it is really difficult to ride a tiger now.

   They never made plans for such a situation.

   After all, who would have imagined that so many of their overseas bases could all fall within a few hours?

   Is this something that people on earth can do?

   This is an alien encounter, right? !

   In short, Baker is completely numb now, and it's not a fight, and it's not a fight.

   Even if he removes the nuclear arsenal, I don't know why no one is afraid at all, but everyone looks at him like a joke...

   "The advantage is now back in our hands, let's continue to ask the other side and try our best to persuade them."

  Domestic, Zhang Tianyuan was talking to Carl.

  Karl looked reluctant, the headache was so extreme, and he even began to regret that he had taken on this tricky task in time and space.

   This should come from Taylor from Dimension 4 or Robert from Dimension 2...

  Zhong Ruijin and Mr. Zhong was also beside him. He put down the document report in his hand, yawned and said, "I think Comrade Carl's task is difficult to complete."

   He distributed a copy of the information in his hand to Carl.

   "The interests behind the people of Baker are too deep. They are not like other countries who can only drink some soup. They are the last beneficiaries of harvesting the world."

   "If you want them to change their minds and move the whole people to the south, they must first give up their position at the top of the global interest chain..."

  Zhong Lao leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest, and the words in his mouth were also very slow.

  Karl took it and knew the above without looking at it.

   After all, he was sitting in the position of Baker in the time and space of "2012". How many twists and turns are there, he still can't know?

  The reason why Baker has always resisted the climate catastrophe, the Mutual Rescue Association, and the southward migration is because once he admits these things, it will deeply damage the interests of various groups in their country.

   Baker they are different from other countries.

   They are now at the top of the global chain of interests, eating the dividends of the entire planet.

   In other countries, most people just work on these chains of interests.

   For the "workers", when faced with a desperate situation, they don't care which country is above their heads, or some peace-loving organization with two ball-level nuclear arsenals.

   But they can't stand it if this is replaced by Baker.

  How could they give up their golden mountains?

  Even if there is an earthquake, they have to move Jinshan out and run for their lives. Even if they deceive themselves, they must protect their own interests.


  Karl sighed, deeply realizing the difference between time and space.

  Zhang Tianyuan shook his head beside him and said, "If the disaster in this time and space didn't come so quickly, maybe they would be easier to accept it."

   If the cataclysm of the acquired time and space does not happen in a month, but in a year or two, then Baker may be a little bit more obedient.

   Now the time is too fast, and Baker and the interest groups behind them are unlikely to transfer most of their interests in such a short period of time.

   In contrast, the reason why Thomas and Karl in the original "2012" time and space were so easy to accept the doomsday, in addition to the relatively sufficient scientific evidence, there is another important reason is that there is relatively sufficient time.

   is at least much more abundant than the acquired space-time.

   They even had time to develop and manufacture the ark.

   And according to the original plan, the news of the apocalypse is not accessible to civilians, and the global order will remain stable until the apocalypse.

   In this way, various interest groups don’t even need to move, as long as they pay an extra shipbuilding fee.

   It's just that he didn't plan to take this road from the beginning, so Thomas and the others had a conflict with the Mutual Rescue Association...

   Seeing Carl's depressed mood, Zhang Tianyuan patted him:

"Don't be too frustrated, the current situation is no longer under the control of Baker and the others. No matter how he blocks the news, he can't stand the rumors that are spreading in the country. In addition, before the disaster strikes, there will be abnormal weather all over the world. A large number of people moved south spontaneously.”

   "I'm afraid it can only be like this now..."

  Carl took the document and was about to fly across the ocean again to meet Baker.

   And Zhang Tianyuan turned around and started to care about the domestic migration situation with Mr. Zhong.

  The current time is September 5th, and the date of the climate catastrophe is early October, which means that there is still a month left at most.

   Now is the last time to act.

   Moreover, in the past few days, the news of the decision to move abroad has also entered the country. It can be said that the entire northern hemisphere is full of voices to move south.

   Taking advantage of this shareholder wind, Mr. Zhong also officially launched a domestic evacuation plan.

The    Mutual Rescue Association has also deployed a lot of resources to China in the past few days.

The cold-proof car and special driver of the wandering time and space, as well as the equipment to communicate with the navigator space station, the administrative staff of the "2012" time and space, the disaster relief and evacuation guidance group, and the circle of space and time also assisted a large amount of equipment and materials, ranging from oil generators. , to food and mineral water.

   Simultaneously entered the country, as well as the KV vaccine and the application for membership of the sixth branch of the Mutual Rescue Association.

   These are all preparations for the people who are placed in the shelter.

  Although the evacuation center is fully prepared, no one can say what will happen when disaster strikes.

   Turn these people into members of the Mutual Rescue Association in advance, and arrange at least two official members of other time and space in each shelter to take care of them.

  When disaster strikes, once the shelter has an accident and can no longer support it, you can quickly report it and request to open the time-space tunnel and move to the No. 2 time-space.

   In the 2nd time and space, a large virus net zone is now also delineated to prevent someone from being infected with the virus due to insufficient time for vaccination.

  In addition to these, a large number of medical resources have been allocated in other time and space, and medical teams have been formed to enter various shelters to ensure that the people living in the shelters can receive proper medical assistance.

   Especially the critically ill patients who cannot be transferred due to illness. Even a blessing in disguise, enjoying medical technology far beyond this era...

   Zhang Tianyuan is now looking at the overall assessment report of the migration plan.

   His main concern is time.

   Time from execution to completion of the entire plan.

   "It is expected that before September 24, people across the country can be transferred or resettled to appropriate locations..."

   This time is ok, leaving plenty of margin.

The reason why    can be so fast is mainly because this plan is mainly based on local resettlement, supplemented by southward migration.

   Except for the cities and regions that are expected to be swept by the storm, or stay for a long time, the people of other cities are housed in local shelters.

   In addition to the previous civil air defense fortifications, these shelters also have a large number of newly dug underground spaces, installed equipment for heating and ventilation, and then transported materials inside, which can last for a period of time.

  The time is urgent, this is the best that can be done.

   After confirming the domestic plan, Zhang Tianyuan turned his attention to the plan submitted abroad.

   Their plan can be said to be a domestic copy, after all, they have all absorbed the experience of No. 1 time and space.

   There are also a lot of resource injections from the 4th time and space, there are also a lot of equipment for wandering time and space, there are also guidance groups, and there are also medical teams sent by their brother countries...

   In these countries, some plans are completed earlier than in China, and some are later than in China, but all have reserved a certain buffer time, and the latest said that it will be completed before September 28.

   Zhang Tianyuan didn't take the time to ask them one by one.

  The management of these countries was contracted by him to their brother countries in other time and space, and Zhong Lao also sent people to help.

   He has done his best, how many people can survive in these countries can only see their own.

   But not all countries enjoy the same treatment. For example, some countries that are too small are arranged to go to the legendary time and space to see the African hippos there.

   After all, there are only so many tens of thousands of people, a small country with hundreds of thousands of people, and they have to be equipped with shelters, food, equipment, medical teams...

   That was a dream!

   Northern Hemisphere migration is in full swing.

   North America was also in chaos at this time.

   As previously speculated by Zhang Tianyuan et al.

   Under the great tide of the Great Migration in the Northern Hemisphere, no matter how well Baker's work is done, no matter how underdeveloped the times are, it is impossible for the people in their country to receive no news at all.

   On the contrary, following the east wind that swept the entire northern hemisphere, the news of the climate catastrophe and the Mutual Rescue Association spread all over North America at once.

  Many people broke through the information blockade for the first time, really heard the sound of climate disaster, and also learned that other northern hemisphere countries are already preparing to run away.

   Only they are still indifferent at home...

  Although Baker is still doing his best to block news about climate catastrophe, many local newspapers have begun to quietly publish Liu Chunshi's climate catastrophe paper, along with what happened at the previous climate conference and recent foreign developments—

  【Have we been abandoned by the world? 】

  【Is the ulterior conspiracy happening abroad or in our country? 】

  【The anxiety is spreading, the possibility of global catastrophe】

  【The ice age is coming, the world is preparing for it】

  【The number of tourists in Miami and Australia has soared, what is the reason? 】

  [South American style tourism, a primitive paradise, a place unaffected by the ice age]

In college and middle school classrooms, professors and teachers inadvertently talk about this topic, and even if they quickly realize their gaffes, these disturbing news are still planted in the hearts of many students. .

   These students have affected families and welfare institutions one after another. Under the chain reaction, the whole society felt panic.

  In this uneasy atmosphere, more and more people choose to flee the northern hemisphere.

  Especially in mid-September.

  Ten days after the official launch of the relocation plan in China and other countries, the transportation economy was completely shut down, and a large number of people were organized to move south.

   These are all iron proofs.

   This is not a cheating scheme against them at all!

  Other countries really think that climate catastrophe will become a reality!

   Seeing these news appearing in front of her one by one, Lucy, who has never been in contact with her husband, felt that she couldn't wait any longer...

I wanted to write another chapter yesterday, but I wanted to sleep for an hour or two at 12 o'clock, and then I woke up to write. Who would have slept until 6 o'clock this afternoon, and slept for a full 18 hours, and the phone alarm clock couldn't wake me up , I woke up several times and looked at the time, and then fell asleep again in a daze... Fight tomorrow and fight again tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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